Status: finished :D

All I Want for Christmas is You


He was beautiful, so incrediably beautiful.

But I knew I would never be able to have him like I so desired. He was only a mere mortal, and I could never give him this curse that I have to live with for all of eternity.

I was in love with him, I couldn't deny that. His brown eyes captivated me down to my soul--if I even had one. He looked so innocent, but the many tattoos that covered his arms, his lip and nose piercings, and the whole punk style he adapted himself to told me different.

My brother, Mikey, and his wife were the only others like me that I knew of, besides the man who had turned the both of us, but he was now dead. Serves the bastard right. But, Mikey had found someone to love, someone to share his eternity with. He had no problem turning a human over to 'the dark side'.

I, on the other hand, was all alone, for I would never give our dreadful curse to another human being. I believe that just because we pray on the living for our food, why bother turning them? It would just make things worse, of course. But a lot of it probably has to do with me not having a choice in my fate, and taking Mikey down with me.

The least I could do is protect them from having to make the choice.

"Vampires are beings of the night, and they have no remorse," he said, bringing his wrist to his mouth and slicing through his pale skin his razor sharp white teeth that glistened in the moonlight. Maroon coloured liquid drizzled down from the holes in his skin, staining the dark gray gravel of the alley way. He smirked devilishly and came closer to my weak body. "Only the ones that find who they once were find love from those who love and accept their nature."

And then he brought his bleeding wrist to my lips, forcing them to open and small drops of the red liquid to reach my dry tounge that begged for something to quench the thirst I was dying for. But I would never bring myself to drink this man's blood, though I was a little insane to want to drink blood.

"Drink, you'll need your strength if you want to survive," he seductively purrred in my ear as I felt myself begin to drift off.

I looked over at my little brother in pity as he laid on the ground, unconscious from our battle against the thugs of the night. Our hero was the man with the blood dripping small dots of red upon my chapped lips. I looked back and fourth from the two, using my eyes because I was too weak to move my head.

"No," I said weakly. "Not unless you save my brother."

He sighed and ran his free hand through his short hair. "I'll save him, once you drink, I promise."

I was to weak to argue any longer, so I just drank, drank the metallic liquid from it's sourcer until he pulled his arm away. I already felt stronger than what I would have been if I was rushed to the hospital and fixed up there. I watched in confusement as he didn't move away from me. I opened my mouth slightly to speak, but was cut short by his hands placing themselves at either side of my face and quickly jolted to the right, darkness taking over immeidately.

I looked out the window at the snow covered grass as more fell from the sky. I sighed, running a hand through my short, snow-coloured hair. I felt a hand plave itself upon my shouler and it's owner's gaze plaved upon the winter day outside before us.

"You're thinking of him, aren't you?" my brother asked, filling the silence.

I just merely nodded my head and kept my eyes on the white crystals falling to the ground. He knew how I felt about our dear friend, but I told him he couldn't say a word, for the safety of him. I knew he pitied my, but I could care less about who pitied me and who didn't.

The silence was soon interupted by the shrill ring of the telephone.

"I'll get it," Mikey said, walking to the phone before I could even voice a reply. With my supernatural hearing, I couldn't hear a word they were saying, which was quite odd for vampires. Being clouded by my thoughts of him, I didn't notice when my brother returned to the room. "It's Frank, he would like to speak with you."

I nod and take the device in my hand, placing it where it needed to be.

"H-Hello?" I say, hesitating a little.

"Hey, I just finished some of my Christmas shopping done, and I was wondering if you and Mikey wanted to hang for a while," he stated with his beautiful, velvet voice.

"Um, just a second," I say, covering the reciever with my hand as I turned to face my brother. "Frank wants to hang out for a while, you in?"

"Can't. Going shopping with Alicia," Mikey replied, leaning against the pale white walls of the house.

"Mikey can't make it," I say, getting back to the conversation I was having with him. "But I can, when and where?"

"Shame, uh, how about we meet up at the food court in the mall in about twenty minutes?" he states in question.

"Alright, meet you there," I say, the both of us hanging up. I look over at the smirking Mikey, who still leaned his scrawny frame against the wall as I stood from the leather chair. "Shut up, Micheal."

"You know you're happy I--"

"I said shut up, Micheal."

I then strutted to my bedroom and grabbed a stick of black eyeliner, begining to perfect the make-up I already wore around my eyes. As I finished perfecting myself for him the best I could, I walked back into the livingroom and grabbed my leather jacket.

"Good luck," Mikey smirked, winking at me as I just glared at him.

"Fuck off, it's not like this is a date," I say venomously as I laced my chucks.

"Taking your car?" he asked as I grabbed my leather, fingerless gloves and left my keys untouched.

"No, I'm gonna walk. Get some needed exercise," I reply, slipping the gloves on and walking towards the front door.

"Sure, that's why," Mikey smirked with a sarcastic tone as I flipped him off and walked out into the cold.

Once outside, I began to walk towards the mall, where he awaited my arival. Making my way inside and towards the food court, I kept to myself and became observant of my surroundings. Parents and couples held hands as they drank hot chocolate and shopped for their family and friends. Children ran around from store to store, looking for the gifts they would purchase for the upcoming holiday. As I approached closer my destination. a couple stores and items caught my eye, made me think of him for a moment or two.

"Gerard!" I heard someone shout.

I looked away from the store that held my attention and found him running towards me, his small figure looking real excited.

"Sorry if I was hard to find, but I got a little hungry and stopped for a snack," he said, his grin faltering a bit.

"It's okay," I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "You wanna go catch a movie or something?"

"Uh, I was thinking more of lazor tag," he smirked devilishly.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Oh yes," he grinned, jumping a bit. "Now let's go!"

Taking my hand in his, he began to pull me along with him as he ran through the building and out the entrance. I could feel a blush begin to come upon my cheeks, whether from the cold or from our linked hands.

"You don't mind leaving your car here for now, do you?" he asked, disconnecting our hands.

"I walked," I simply reply as we approach closer to his vehicle.

"Oh, that makes it even better," he muttered to himself as I climbed into the passenger's seat.

When we arrived at the gaming place, we played two games, decided to split a pizza, then played two more games before we left. As we were heading out to the car, we were met with pure white snow falling to the ground, meeting its brethren in the pitch black night. Covered with snow on our shoulders, we finally made it back to the car, so Frank stated he'd drive me home now. To keep the silence away, we remincised of the day's events.

"Dude, we had the most retarded names evet!" he laughed as I smirked.

"Sure, if G and F are the easiest too come by," I chuckled. "But we sure had them frightened by our mad skills."

"Hell yeah!" he cheered, laughing taking over for a minute or two before awkward silence took over. "So...what do you want for Christmas?"

"Gee, you can't keep this from him forever," Mikey said as I continued to stare out into the night, away from everyone downstairs that were celebrating Halloween and his birthday. "It's going to kill you until you're just a shell of who you were."

Taking a sip from the vile liquid known as a mixture of the strongest liqour I owned and blood, I looked down at the floor in front of me.

"I don't care," I said with a pained tone. "He doesn't need to know."

That two years ago, I had shoulder length jet black hair that everyone seemed to love. Flipping the bangs that blocked my eyesight, I brought my attention back to the pitch black Halloween night, watching as the children ran around in costumes as they went from house to house for their desired candy.

"Well, I guess it's your decision," Mikey shruged, his voice sounding a casual defeat. "But just know that it's going to hurt even more in time if you decide never to tell him. It's going to eat at your soul until you do decide to tell him."

I believe that if I had listened to him that night, I probably wouldn't hurt so much right now.

"Frankie.. I need to confess," I say, avoiding eye contact as I swallowed the saliva that was forming in my mouth. "I...I'm.."

I told him everything. I told him about the night I was turned, how painful it was to have to think about living alone with no one to share how felt about my new nature, how I had the man turn my brother as well so I wouldn't have to think like that. I told him why I wouldn't tell people I was a vampire, and why I wouldn't turn them. He understood and actually accepted me for who I was.

In the middle of me telling him all of this, we somehow ended up parking at the side of an abandoned road, snow falling down over us. And somehow while I was telling him about my vampiric nature, I told him I was in love with him. And to my surprise, he professed his love to me as well. He told me how long he had loved me, and it was the same as me; when we first met.

"So, I guess what I'm saying is that.....all I want for Christmas this year is you," I say, noticing our lips were just about a inch or two apart.

"That's exactly what I was hoping for since I first laid eyes on you," he said, smiling as we closed the distance.

As the moonlight shined over us that night, we climbed into the back seat and made love for the first time. After the first time we finished, he looked me in the eye and told me he wanted to be changed. He wanted to be like me, so we could be together forever. I hesitated at first, and he knew why.

"Gerard, I want this."

I nodded and bit into my wrist, and told him to drink. Once he had enough, I pecked his lips.

"Please don't hate me, don't be scared."

He gave me a look of confusion as I sucked some of his blood, spitting it into a random cup before 'killing' him. And after a few moments of waiting for him to wake up, he did and he looked just as beautiful, and to my surprise, he still held all of his human traits. I handed him the cup that was full of his human blood and told him to drink, that it would hold him over until we arrived at my house.

"Now we can be together forever, sugar," I say, bringing him into a kiss.

And then, we made love again, the actual first time for our eternity we will spend together.
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hope you all liked it :)
comments are lovely ^.^