‹ Prequel: Forbidden Love
Status: It's a coming along

The Right Love

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

Today was Christmas Eve and Brian and I were putting some more of Bentley's presents under the tree.

"We spoil him to much" I said.
"So, don't Sammy, Jimmy, Matt S, Mattie, Matt B, Jason, Zack, Johnny, Your parents, My parents, McKenna, Brent, Val, Lacey, Leana and fans" Brian said, "don't forget we also spoil Abby so don't you go saying we spoil our son."
"Sir yes sir" I said laughing as Bentley came running over and looked at the presents.
"Are those all for me" he asked.
"And your Uncles and Aunts and mommy and daddy" I said.
"But mostly me" Bentley said.
"There are some for Abby too" I said picking him up.
"Yay, I love Christmas" Bentley said.
"Why's that' Brian asked.
"Because I get presents. Is Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Leana coming over here tomorrow" Bentley asked.
"All your uncles and aunts expect Uncle Brent and Aunt McKenna and Uncle Mattie we are going to see them today along with Nana and Papa" I said.
"Yay Grandpa Gates and Grandma Suzy" Bentley said dancing in my arms.

"Yep" Brian said stealing him and putting him upside down.
"Ahh mommy help me" Bentley cried out.
"I don't know it looks to me that little Bentley is in the perfect position for tickles" I said and started to tickle his side. Bentley started to laugh and there was a knock on the door.
"Ello ello ello" Zack said. He was still upset with me but he isn't as mad since Sammy talked to him.
"Uncle Zack help me" Bentley screeched.
"Hmm I think your mommy is doing a good job" Zack said laughing. Bentley was still in his PJs and I looked over and saw Abby in a little VU dress.
"Really Zack" I said.
"Yes really, now I'm going to get my nephew dressed" Zack said taking Bentley off Brian's shoulders.
"VU stuff is in the first drawer" I yelled.
"Okay" Zack yelled from the stairs.

"I'm guessing our children are going to be matching" Sammy said.
"Bentley loves wearing House Of Syn stuff and Zack's stuff" I said.
"Gotta support his daddy and favorite Uncle" Sammy said.
"Actually don't tell Zack but Jimmy is his favorite uncle" I said.
"That's because Jimmy is like a big kid" Sammy said as Zack came downstairs with Bentley wearing a VU shirt, shoes and hat.
"Ready to go to Grandpa Gates" Zack asked.
"Yeah" Bentley said as we all walked out to our cars. Brian made sure Pinkly and Mickey was fed before we left and then we drove to Papa Gates house. When we got there McKenna was outside waiting and the house look awesome with all the decorations.

"Bentley, Abby" McKenna said taking the carrier from Sammy and walking into the house.
"You be careful with her" Sammy said.
"Of course I will sis" McKenna said rolling her eyes. We laughed and walked in and saw presents wrapped in spider man and My Little pony.
"Dad, you didn't have to go all out" Sammy said.
"Of course I did, I have to spoil my grandchildren plus Brian and Zack sent me a list of toys and clothes they already got them" Papa Gates said. Sammy and I rolled our eyes and then Suzy came over and took Abby from McKenna.

"Mom, I was playing with her" McKenna said.
"I hope you also sent a list to my parents too of what you bought" Zack said.
"Yes of course" Papa Gates said. There was a knock on the door and Brent walked in.
"Uncle Brent" Bentley said running over to him.
"Hey Benny" Brent said picking him up. He put the presents under the tree and then we all sat around. McKenna handed out the gifts to Sammy, Brian, Zack, Bentley, Abby, Brent and I.
"Little kids open first" McKenna said.
"Hear that bro, you open it first" Sammy and Brent said at the same time. Brian stuck his tongue out and Bentley looked at him.
"Yeah daddy, open yours first" Bentley said which made us all laugh.
"Fine just for you buddy" Brian said opening it up and it was a pair of Sunglasses.
"Whoot, just what I wanted" Brian said putting them on. Bentley stole them and put them on his face.

"Turning into your dad already" I said as Bentley opened up his gift. He got Bumble Bee as a transformer.
"Uncle Zack, it's your car" Bentley said.
"That it is" Zack said. Sammy opened up all kinds of cute outfits for Abby and some toys and then we loaded those into the car and then went over to my parents. We were greeted by Mattie.

"Hello brother, sister, sister-in-law and Brother-in-law" Mattie said.
"Hey dweeb" Zack said.
"So how does it feel to be 29" Mattie asked. Zack stuck his tongue out at Mattie and walked in the house where our parents hugged us and brought the kids to the tree. My parents only got us Adults something my mom got me something for mine and Brian's wedding and the future baby and same with Brian. Bentley got a helmet and he was wondering why he did but Brian just shrugged his shoulders.
"Am I gonna go on daddy's motor bike" Bentley asked.
"You are still little buddy" Brian said. When really when he looked under the tree tomorrow Santa will bring him a bike and he'll be like why did Nana know and she'll probably say Santa told me before.
"Aww but I wanna ride on your motorbike, mommy gets to" Bentley said.
"Why don't you get a side car" I asked Brian.
"When you turn 7, I'll let you ride with me" Brian said.
"Okay" Bentley said. We opened some more and then we saw how late it was and the baby started to kick.

"You okay" Brian asked.
"The baby is just kicking" I said rubbing my belly. He nodded and then we all said goodbye and headed home. We put Bentley to bed and got to work with putting the rest of the presents under the tree.
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Image Does Frankie look like Zack or What

Merry Christmas everybody