‹ Prequel: Forbidden Love
Status: It's a coming along

The Right Love

Sleep Talking

Sammy, Zack and Abby came over to mine and Brian's house to have 'Sibling Bonding Day' which pretty much meant that we were spending time with our husbands while spending time with our brothers. Yeah it's confusing but hey we at least understand it. Bentley and Abby were put to bed a couple of minutes ago by Zack and Brian and now we were all curled up on the couch watching a movie. Sammy helped plan mine and Brian's wedding even though we dug out the ones from before and just fixed them up a bit before this part and now we had a flower girl and a ring bearer that were going to be cute. We were watching Letters To Juliet since we didn't have time on tour to watch it. Sammy ended up falling asleep and she started to talk in her sleep.

"Oh god, how come I'm picturing the first time Sammy spent a week here since Papa Gates and Suzy were going on a trip and mom wouldn't let Bri stay here too because of how Sammy begged for freedom from him and Brent so Brent went to a friends house and then Bri went to Matt's" Zack said.
"Yeah and you had to wake me up because of" I was stopped as soon as Sammy spoke out Zack's name in her sleep, "that."
"Oh that was a good time, we need to wake her up and let her know" Zack said.
"You didn't have to hear the other things she said in her sleep at home" Brian said shuddering. I laughed and Brian put his arms around my big belly. That's the thing about twins your stomach is twice the size of when you have one kid. Zack lightly shook Sammy and she opened her eyes and looked up.
"Yes" Sammy asked.
"You were talking in your sleep again" all three of us said. Sammy blushed and looked down.

"And you said my brothers name just like high school" I said making her blush even more.
"Oh god, tell me you didn't hear it" Sammy asked.
"I can't lie to you" Zack said. Sammy just gave him a perplexed look.
"Yeah you did and I heard it" Zack said. Sammy's eyes went wide and her mouth.
"Yo..you what" Sammy stuttered.
"Heard you" Zack said as he went into the story.
Zack's Point Of View

It was very cute seeing Sammy blush and that was the first time I knew I had to some how make my move.


Papa Haner and Suzy were going on a vacation together so all of the kids had to be with someone. Of course Stacie offered Sammy to stay at our house and as soon as I went to say Brian's name.
"But Mrs. Baker, I really want a break from my brother, you know how hard it is being a girl with two older brothers" Sammy said. I rolled my eyes and looked at my mom.
"But mom" I said.
"Zachary, you are going to have to deal with this. If you already told Brian he could stay over tell him to find some place else" mom said. I rolled my green eyes and glared at Sammy who just smiled. I went to the house phone and grabbed it from Stacie.
"Hey, I was ordering pizza" Stacie said.
"From the place that Chad worked at" I asked her as I dialed the Haner house.
"No, the place where Izaak from you baseball team works at" Stacie said rolling her eyes at me.
"Why so you can do him too" I asked.
"Maybe I want him to be my boyfriend" Stacie said as Brian answered.

"Your sister has a boyfriend" he asked me sounding a little jealous.
"No, any way your lovely sister some how weaseled her way into not letting you stay here as well" I said.
"What, that is so not fair" Brian said.
"I know, it fucking" I said as mom glared at me, "it just makes me so mad."
"Mom caught you swearing again" Brian asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"We'll I guess I'll call Matt's" Brian said.
"Okay, I'm sorry man" I said.
"It's fine, have fun with my sister" Brian said. Oh how I wished I could have fun with her.
"Oh yeah tons" I said sarcastically. Brian laughed and we said goodbye and then as soon as we hung up Stacie grabbed the phone.

"Any way, what kind of pizza do you want" Stacie asked me.
"Peperoni" I said.
"Okay" Stacie said dialing the pizza place I knew Izaak worked at. Why is that since after I've heard Sammy did all of the guys on the team, expect for Izaak since he is new and he just started as I gave the speech of leave Sammy alone they go after my sister. I never understood it, well Izaak has told me that she is hot but I ignored it. An hour later Izaak was here delivering the pizza and Stacie was all flirty.

"Hey man" Izaak said.
"Hey Millz" I said calling him by his last name.
"What's up" he said as he stared at Stacie.
"Nothing just watching my sister make an ass out of herself" I said as Stacie snapped back into reality.
"Was not, I was thinking about all the gossip Sammy and I were going to talk about" Stacie said smiling at Izaak who smiled back. I handed Stacie the pizzas and pushed her out of the way and paid Izaak.
"Stop going gaga over my sister" I said handing him the money.
"Sorry if she is hot" Izaak said walking off the porch and down to a little car that looked like a space ship. I laughed and walked into the kitchen where mom, dad, Stacie and Sammy were already eating a slice of pizza and Stacie was telling mom about Izaak's muscles. I rolled my eyes and tried not to gag on my food as she described it.

"Isn't he hot Sammy" Stacie asked her.
"Yeah he is, but not as hot as you know" Sammy said. Who was you know and why did I feel like I wanted to kick his ass.
"Of course, no one is as hot as him" Stacie said laughing. They finished a box of cheese and then went upstairs to watch some movies in Stacie's room. I was downstairs playing a video game and then I went upstairs for bed. I went to go lay down and then I remembered I left my Rolling Stone Magazine in Stacie's room. So I walked across the hall and opened the door and noticed them both sleeping. I went to walk by Sammy who was sleeping on the pull out bed Stacie had in her room when I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Mhmm Zack" Sammy said as her eyes were closed. My eyes went wide and I quickly went over to Stacie and shook her awake.
"Stacie" I said.
"What Zack" she mumbled and opened her eyes slightly.
"Listen" I said softly pointing to Sammy.
"Zack, come here" Sammy mumbled. Stacie sat up and her eyes went wide.
"Okay, I did not know it came down to her talking in her sleep" Stacie said softly and I looked at her.
"Sammy has a thing for you" Stacie said.
"Really" I asked.
"Yeah, so you have to act and I have an idea. Right love notes" Stacie said.
"That's lame" I said.
"Just do it and put it from your secret admirer" Stacie said and yawned, "now get what you came for and get out." I nodded and thought about what Stacie said. I grabbed my magazine and walked back to my room after hearing Sammy moan my name once more. I shut the door and went to my desk and pulled out a piece of paper. I started to write my first love note. Hopefully she'll know it's me

End Flashback

"So you wrote the love notes, no wonder when Stacie read them she laughed" Sammy said.
"Yeah" I said.
"Well you didn't really disguise your hand writing" Stacie said.
"Only you, Matt, Jimmy and Brian knew how I write" I said.
"Now Johnny" Stacie said making me roll my eyes.
"Gosh, I hated seeing you and Izaak together even if it was for a short while" Brian said.
"I only wanted to fuck him to get you jealous" Stacie said.
"What" Brian said and Stacie just laughed and we went back to finish the movie while Sammy still couldn't believe I heard her say my name in her sleep. Before we went back to it Stacie made sure to tell Sammy, that I moaned her name out a few times too.
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Voila another high school memory Chapter....next up you will see

22 days until Sammy and I see a7x :{D