‹ Prequel: Forbidden Love
Status: It's a coming along

The Right Love

High School Reunion

So a few weeks after Jimmy's birthday everyone but Johnny got an invitation to our high school reunion. So right now I was going through Sammy's old room looking for the box of notes Zack wrote to her. I found them and smiled. What a good way to start off the high school memories tonight by reading some embarrassing things that Zack wrote.

"Stacie, are you ready" Brian asked walking past the room. Bentley was going to my parents house tonight.
"Yeah, we have to wait until everyone gets here, how about we go downstairs and read some things" I said as I tried to get off of Sammy's bed. Two more months and these twins will be born. I grabbed the box and went out to the hallway. Brian looked at the box and raised his eyebrow.
"What's that" Brian asked.
"Love notes Zack wrote Sammy" I said.
"Do I want to know" Brian asked me.
"Yes, you do" I said as I pulled out the first one.
"My dearest Samantha, I love the way you laugh and the way your smile lights up your whole face and how you get a twinkle in your eye. One day you will know who I am and you will love me like I love you. Love you Secret admirer" I read the first one. Brian covered his mouth but his shoulders were shaking.
"Wow, way to be corny" Brian said.
"It gets worse and I find it even more funnier that Sammy had no idea that it was him because she doesn't know his hand writing" I said and then cleared my throat to begin reading the next one, "Sammy, I love what you wore yesterday. It really showed off your wonderful beautiful body, even though you flirted with someone else I couldn't help my thoughts about what it would be like hearing my name slip past your lips as you are quivering under me, I can't wait for that day. Love your Secret Admirer. Oh god no wonder she didn't let me read this one." I heard someone clear their throat and I turned around to face an angry Sammy.

"I did not need to know you wanted my sister quivering underneath you" Brian said shuddering.
"Stacie" Sammy glared.
"Sorry, I wanted this to be the best high school reunion ever" I said as Sammy took the box from me.
"By reading my notes to her" Zack said.
"Exactly" I said smiling as Jimmy, Leana, Val and Matt walked in.
"What did we miss" Jimmy asked.
"Just some pervy love notes Zack sent to Sammy" I said.
"Sweet, I wanna see" Jimmy said and Sammy just glared at him. We all laughed and walked out to the two cars we were taking

"Be prepared to see how fat and ugly everyone we did in High School is" Sammy said to me.
"Ha, I wonder what Chad looks like" I said laughing.
"Fat and ugly" Sammy said getting in the back of Brian's car with Zack. I laughed and Brian and Zack rolled their eyes. We drove to Huntington High and noticed all the cars parked in the parking lot. We got out and walked into the school. Our old Student body president was sitting up front checking people in.

"Well if it isn't Brian Haner, Matt Sanders, Jimmy Sullivan, Zack Baker, Valary Dibenedetto, Stacie Baker, Sammy Haner and Leana Silver" McKenzie said handing us our name tags.
"It's actually now Stacie Haner, Valary Sanders and Sammy Baker" I said as us three showed her our rings.
"Oh wow" McKenzie said. We walked in and looked at the gym and saw how tacky it looked.
"Why are we here again" Matt asked.
"So we can hear Brian complain about the awards he doesn't win" Sammy said.
"Hey" Brian said and Sammy just laughed. Zack found some of his old baseball buddies and I saw Izaak and he still looked really good.

"There is one person I can check off the list that isn't fat and ugly" I said pointing to Izaak who was now talking to Zack.
"You are right" Sammy said. We looked around and we were the only ones left. I saw a fat, bald guy heading toward me.
"Hi Stacie" he said.
"Hi" I said then looked at his name tag, "Chad?" Sammy looked at him and chuckled.
"How are you" Chad asked and then saw my stomach, "pregnant I see."
"Yep, with twins" I said elbowing Sammy in the stomach and she just glared.
"Are they your first" he asked.
"Nope, I have a four year old" I said.
"Wow that's great" Chad said, "and you still look good." I rolled my eyes and thought 'I wish I could say the same thing.' I felt someones arm go around me and I looked and saw Brian.

"So what have you been up to" Chad asked as Brian glared at him.
"Be nice big brother" Sammy said to him.
"Oh just helping Avenged Sevenfold and Zack with his own clothing line" I said.
"Yeah, I've heard of them. Aren't you in it Haner" Chad asked.
"Yeah, I'm the lead guitarist" Brian said rolling his eyes.
"Cool, so are you with anyone" Chad asked me. Brian and I laughed and I held out my left hand.
"Married actually, I see you aren't married" I said.
"I haven't really dated since I broke your heart in high school. Yeah I mean I dated Michelle but that was only because she was a good fuck" Chad said, "so who did you marry."
"Me" Brian said. Chad looked shocked and I just smiled. Zack came over after that.
"Whoa Stacie, good thing you stepped up from him" Zack said which made Sammy and I bust out laughing.

"Yeah, thank god Brian is fit and sexy" I said kissing Brian on the lips.
"I'm gonna go" Chad said.
"Good you better before I kick your ass again" Zack said as Chad walked away. We all found some old high school friends and then Laura went up to Zack. She looked sluttier and Sammy growled. Before she could say anything to Zack, McKenzie walked up the stage and cleared her throat.

"Attention everyone may I have your attention" McKenzie said. Everyone stopped talking and she smiled.
"Now it's time for the awards" she said. Brian smirked and we all just rolled their eyes.
"For most successful. Can I have Brian Haner, Zack Baker, Matt Sanders and Jimmy Sullivan up here since you guys have a pretty kick ass band so you guys win Most Successful" McKenzie said and they all went up and got an individual one. They smiled and said thank you and then went back downstairs.
"Class clown goes to Jimmy Sullivan" McKenzie said.
"Fuck yeah" Jimmy yelled.
"Twins goes to Val and Michelle and Stacie and Zack" she said. Zack and I rolled our eyes and went up to the stage.
"You know we aren't twins" I said.
"Just take the damn award" Val said laughing. We took the award and went down the stage.

"Most egotistical" McKenzie said.
"Oh that is so going to me" Brian said as Sammy and I rolled our eyes.
"Goes to Matt Sanders" McKenzie said and Brian's mouth dropped.
"What, just because he is the lead singer doesn't mean he has a bigger ego then me, that should so be me" Brian said and Zack just started cracking up.
"Sorry Bri, they love the front men" Matt said and then winked. Matt walked over and smirked.
"Oh look at my shiny award" Matt said.
"That should be mine" Brian said. I rolled my eyes and sat down in a chair.
"Most prettiest goes to" McKenzie said.
"Me" Zack said smiling.
"Brian Haner" McKenzie said. Brian smiled and ran up to the stage.

"I would like to thank myself, my mirror, my lovely wife Stacie, my dad for making me pretty, myself, my guitar, my son Bentley who is going to be as pretty as me, my sister who is less prettier then me, my mom umm did I say myself" Brian asked. I glared at the stage.
"Brian, stop saying thank you to people" I said.
"Also I would like to thank myself again and Zack for being ugly. Thank you" Brian said walking off the stage smiling and going around the room saying 'I'm prettier then you and you and you' and then when he got to Chad it made everyone laugh.
"And I'm definitely prettier then you. Ha if you were still with Stacie she would be the only pretty one in the relationship" Brian said as everyone laughed and he walked back over to us and I just glared at him.
"I am not ugly" Zack said.
"Compared to me you are" Brian said and I hit him lightly.

"Best friends goes to Stacie Ba-Haner and Sammy Baker" McKenzie said. We smiled and walked up to the stage.
"Let's thank all of the bitches who we got suspended for kicking their asses" I said smiling.
"Sounds good to me and by the way. Hear that Sammy Baker, he is my man not yours" Sammy said and we walked off the stage. Then I noticed most of us had more awards then Brian but didn't point it out.

"Prettiest eyes goes to" McKenzie said and Zack and I just looked at each other, "if you are thinking it's one of the Baker siblings you are right but which one. How about Stacie Baker well now Haner." I smirked and went up to the stage.
"My eyes are prettier then yours" I said.
"Oh shut up, it's only because you fucked have the guys in here" Zack said.
"They are still prettier" I said laughing. Zack rolled his eyes.
"We have two more awards to give out and that is Biggest Dick and Biggest cry baby" McKenzie said. Brian looked at the table.
"Hey, I only have two" Brian said.
"It's okay honey, you have more then everyone else in my head" I said patting his shoulder making everyone laugh.
"Biggest asshole goes to Zack Baker for kicking almost every guys ass here" McKenzie said.
"Zack does have a big dick though" Laura said.
"That dick is mine" Sammy yelled when Zack went to get his award.

"Well it's not like he hasn't showed it to only you" Laura said. Sammy glared and Val sat on her.
"No killing exs" Val said.
"I should have most of these awards" Brian said.
"Brian get your cry baby ass up here mister" McKenzie said.
"What, I am not a cry baby" Brian said.
"You are right now" I said to Brian.
"Fine, I still wanna thank my mirror because it believes in me like Stacie does" Brian said.
"I'll break the god damn mirror if he thanks it one more time" I said. Sammy and Zack laughed and Matt just shook his head.
"Brian talks to a mirror" Jimmy asked. Leana won the award for shortest and Jimmy won for tallest and then Chad won the one about going down hill. Laura and Michelle tied for biggest whore and we laughed. It was pretty fun but Val and I were exhausted so Matt and Brian took everyone home and I went upstairs and crashed. All Brian complained about was how he didn't win Most Egotistical and I just rolled my eyes. Thank god there isn't going to be another one right off.
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Whoot Chad and Laura and brian complaining....I hope you guys like it

Happy New Year