‹ Prequel: Forbidden Love
Status: It's a coming along

The Right Love

Telling everyone else

We got to Jimmy's and Bentley ran to the door and started beating on it.

"I gotta stop letting Zack show him how to knock on the door" I said as Brian grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. We walked up the steps and we pulled our hands apart before Jimmy or Leana could see it.

"Little man" Jimmy said picking him up.
"Uncle Jimmy" Bentley said hugging him. Jimmy looked at Brian and I and raised his eye brow.
"What are you two doing together and where is Frank" Jimmy asked.
"With the guys" I lied.
"Ah" he said and we walked in the house.
"I'm stealing your son, come on let's go play some video games" Jimmy said.
"Hey I wanna play" Brian said.
"Yeah Uncle Jimmy, let daddy play" Bentley said as he dragged Jimmy to the game room with Brian following. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and then I went to find Leana.

"Lover" I yelled.
"Lover" she yelled back from the kitchen. I walked in and jumped on her.
"Get off me I'm short" she said.
"Yes you are but I still love you" I said kissing her cheek.
"So what brings you here" Leana asked.
"Zack and Sammy kicked us out" I said.
"Ew" Leana said.
"Exactly" I said. Then remember Abby was still in the car.
"Shit" I said running out of the house and to the car where Abby was sitting in the back.

"Oh Abby, thank god you can't do full sentences yet" I said picking her up and carrying her in the house.
"Only you would forget your niece" Leana said laughing from the door. Then sun hit off my two rings and she looked at my left hand.
"What is on your finger missy" she asked as I switched Abby to my right side as Leana lifted up my left hand.
"Who did you marry and why do you" Leana started to say but stopped, "you married Brian didn't you?"
"Yeah, but you can't tell any one not yet, not until we tell them at the cook out" I said as we walked to the living room and I set Abby on the ground pulling out toys from her diaper bag.

"When" she asked.
"Last night, I just realized I loved Brian more since both him and Frank told me I had to chose and they would support me no matter what" I said to her.
"Well I'm glad you made up" Leana said, "so how does it feel to be Mrs. Brian Haner Junior?"
"It feels the same" I said laughing.
"Have you had sex" she asked.
"The night we got married and let me tell you, I surely missed it" I said to her. We laughed and then we heard something going on in the game room. We both got up Leana picking up Abby and we walked in.
"You married my lover without my permission" Jimmy said as he hit Brian with a pillow.
"Okay who told him" I asked. Brian pointed to Bentley and Bentley just smiled.
"Hey least Jimmy didn't tackle you and smack you across the face with his hand like Sammy did" I said.
"No way, Sammy did that" Leana said.
"Yeah and she made me eat carpet" I said. Leana laughed and I went over and got Jimmy off of Brian.

"Stop attacking my husband with a pillow" I said.
"That's why you dropped Bentley off with us last night" Jimmy said.
"I figured you two would ask the least amount of questions" I said smiling.
"You tricky girl, that's why I love you" Jimmy said hugging me, "but remember I said I was going to marry both of you so there better be another one."
"Of course, I promised my mom and I get to wear my wedding dress" I said smiling.
"Who are you going to have as maid of Honor Val or Sammy" Leana asked.
"Most likey both" I said.
"Good Idea don't want to see them getting in a cat fight" Lean said.
"Hey can we bum a ride with you to your brothers" Jimmy asked.
"Sure but we have Abby and Bentley so someone will have to sit on someone's lap" Brian said.

"Bentley my little man" Jimmy said.
"Yay Uncle Jimmy" Bentley said. Leana and I went to the living room and picked up Abby's toys and then went out to the car. Bentley sat on Jimmy's lap and we drove back to the house. We went around back and chilled out. Mickey, Icky, Minnie and Majesty were all outside begging to go in. I opened up the door and walked in.

"Get dressed fuckers" I said.
"Go away" Zack mumbled.
"Nope, Jimmy and Leana are here" I said.
"Fuck" Zack said as I threw him his boxers and Sammy her clothes.
"Thanks" Sammy said with a yawn.
"I'm glad I'm moving out" I said as I walked back outside.
"Are they finally done" Brian asked.
"Yep" I said sitting down on his lap.
"You guys are so cute" Leana said pulling out her cell and snapping a picture. Brian kissed my cheek and I smiled.
"Psht our lover is so much cuter with us" Jimmy said making me laugh. Soon we heard more cars pull up.

"Whats up bitches" Val said walking in.
"Val" I said jumping off of Brian's lap and running to her.
"Stacie" she said hugging me as I jumped in her arms.
"Leana, our lover is a whore" Jimmy said causing us to laugh.
"You know it" I said with a wink.
"I bring food" Matt said with bags on his arms going over to the grill. Zack and Sammy came outside finally as Johnny and Lacey came in with the Berry brothers.

"Dizzy" Sammy and I said hugging him.
"Where is Michael" we asked.
"Hanging with Frank, Gerard, and Ray" Dizzy said.
"You guys are so cute" I said pinching his cheeks. Diz pulled me aside from everyone.

"So you chose Brian" Jason said.
"Yeah, I realized I loved him more then Frank and every time Frank did something that wasn't like Brian I flashed back to my going away party when Brian sang a song called Like We Used to and all that" I said.
"You didn't go and get married to him did you" Jason asked. I held up my hand and his eyes went wide.
"Whoa, okay so you did. Frank is a little hurt but he is glad you are happy" Jason said.
"I'll call him later" I said as we went back over to everyone who was munching away on food and chatting. Brian came over and whispered in my ear.

"When are we going to tell them" Brian asked.
"How about now" I said.
"Okay and your little bro is coming to get the kids" Brian said.
"Good, Bentley has been asking when he can hang with Uncle Mattie" I said.
"Ready" Brian asked. I nodded.
"Yo my homies" I said as everyone stopped what they were doing. Johnny happened to be eating some chips as I said that.
"We have an announcement to make and please no tackling or hitting Sammy did enough of that" Brian said. Matt, Johnny, Val, Matt Berry and Lacey all raised their eyebrows.
"Does Diz know" Brian asked. I nodded.

"Okay as you know I loved both Frank and Brian and in Los Angeles they both told me to make a choice, so I did and I chose Brian and last night if you were trying to get ahold of us, we went to Vegas and got married and Papa Gates and Suzy were our witnesses" I said.
"You got married, about damn time, I knew you two were going to one day" Val said.
"As long as your happy Congratulations" Matt said.
"Ditto" Matt Berry said.
"As long as you guys have a proper one too" Lacey said.
"We are Lace" I said.
"Then good, congrats Mrs. Haner" Lacey said. Johnny mumbled something since his mouth was full.
"What" we all asked.
"I said congrats" Johnny said swallowing.
"This calls for a toast" Matt said. We heard the sliding door open.

"I'm taking my niece and nephew know" Mattie said. Then Matt finished cooking the food and Zack ran over to the food first.
"Down fatty it's going to be there still" I said.
"Shut up" Zack said as he took four burgers.
"Dude, save some for Jimmy he needs some more meat on his thin bones" Matt said as he handed Jimmy three burgers.
"Damn, is there going to be any left for us" Val asked.
"Don't worry chickie poos I'll make more after I feed the men" Matt said.
"Matthew, how many times do I have to tell you Johnny is not a man yet" I said.
"Fuck you Stacie" Johnny said.
"Love you too Johnny" I said. Matt put three on Johnny's plate and three on Brian's and put three for him.

"Hey what about us" Val said.
"Let me eat" Matt said.
"Fine, guess Matt is not getting any tonight" Val said.
"Ohh burn" Lacey, Leana, Sammy and I said. Matt put his burger down and went over to the grill to cook our burgers.
"Want hot dogs too" Matt asked.
"Only Za" Sammy started to say but Val, Lacey, Leana and I covered her mouth. Jimmy came over and sat by us.
"Leana and Stacie want my hot dog" Jimmy said.
"Oh yeah Jim, I think about it all the time" I said sarcastically.
"Hear that Bri, your wife wants my hot dog. Wow that's weird to say, Wife" Jimmy said making us all laugh. Matt came over with five plates and handed us them.

"Thank you Matthew" we all said as we bit into our burgers. I was glad my family was getting along again and then it will happen more once the booze is brought out. I looked over at Brian and smiled and he smiled back. I was a happy camper.
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Hey can any one guess what Brian forgot at the hotel??????

Read my twinny's story..its a My Chemical Romance and Avenged Sevenfold story with lost of twist, turns and DRAMA! My Chemically Avenged Romance see the title says it ALL!