‹ Prequel: Forbidden Love
Status: It's a coming along

The Right Love

Another baby

I went upstairs a while after so it wouldn't be suspicious and looked to see what the test said. I looked down at the sticks and they all said pregnant. I sighed and hoped to god the guys would go on tour after I have this baby.

Brian's Point Of View

"Daddy, mommy bought things for a big test she has to take" Bentley said.
"She did" I said.
"Yeah, I couldn't tell what they were but they were for a test. I hope mommy passes it" Bentley said. Everyone else was eating and chatting trying to get Abby to say another sentence so I snuck upstairs and went into our room lightly shutting the door to see Stacie sitting on the toilet.

"So" I said. She looked up and held up one stick. I looked and it said pregnant.
"Are we ready for another" I asked her.
"Yeah, if you can some how convince the guys to wait until after he or she is born" Stacie said.
"I'm sure I can, so are we going to tell any one" I asked her.
"You all kept Abby from me, I think we can surprise them with this one" Stacie said. I went over and helped her stand up and wrapped my arms around her.
"We are going to be parents again" I said.
"Yep" Stacie said smiling. I leaned down and kissed her and she threw all but one test away. I looked at her.
"I kept one of the test when I found out I was pregnant with Bentley" Stacie said and I laughed remembering her bitching about trying to get it in the baby book.
"True, come on let's go downstairs before Bentley tells everyone of the big test you have to take" I said as we walked downstairs to see Sammy talking to Abby.

"Say Uncle Bri is a big dummy" Sammy said.
"Say mommy can be a bitch" I said and Sammy flipped me off. I laughed and we just chilled out. Stacie was still in her PJs and Jimmy looked at her.
"You gonna get dressed" Jimmy asked.
"I'm thinking about it" Stacie said.
"Please, I wanna spend time with my lover before Bri wants to stick his wand in your hole again" Jimmy said.
"Dude, we aren't as bad as Sammy and Zack. Take her too" I said laughing.
"Fuck you bro" Sammy said.
"Fuck you" Abby and Bentley said and we just looked at them both.

"Bentley James do not repeat after me, mommy, or your Uncles and Aunts" I said sternly.
"But daddy" Bentley said.
"No but daddy" I said looking at him and realized Stacie was gone.
"Where she go" I asked.
"You lost your wife and you've only been married a month, nice one dude" Matt said.
"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes.
"Mommy went upstairs" Bentley said with a duh face. I laughed and picked him up and put him on my shoulder.

"Ahh daddy monster" Bentley said. The guys all laughed and Abby giggled and made an up motion. I bent over and picked her up and thought how I will be doing this in 8 months with both my kids and smiled.
"Roar" I said laughing. I looked up at the stairs and Stacie rolled her green eyes at me.
"Put my kid and my niece down" Stacie said.
"Mommy help me" Bentley giggled with delight.
"I don't know" Stacie said.
"Hey Bri, wanna babysit Abby while I hang out with the guys" Zack asked.
"Sure and I'm guessing Jimmy is kidnapping Stacie and Sammy" I asked.
"Hell yah I am. Have fun with my god children" Jimmy said.

"I plan on it" I said as they all walked out of the house leaving me alone with Bentley and Abby.
"How about we go see Grandpa Gates, McKenna and Suzy and call Uncle Brent to come visit" I said.
"Yeah" Bentley said as I grabbed Abby's diaper bag and walked out of the house and to my car. Bentley got in the back and I noticed Abby's car seat was already behind the drivers seat. I buckled her in and drove to my parents house while calling Brent to tell him if he wants to see his niece and nephew he better be there in 20 minutes.

"Daddy what was the test mommy had to take" Bentley asked.
"If you promise not to blab to any one I'll tell you" I said looking at him through the rear view mirror.
"I promise on all kinds of Chocolates and ice cream that I won't tell any one" Bentley said.
"How would you feel if you had another brother or sister" I asked him as I parked in my dad's drive way.
"Really a new play mate" Bentley said, "I would love it but you gotta make sure Abby would too." I smiled glad Bentley was going to be okay with having a brother or a sister.

"Ready to go see Grandpa Gates" I asked him and he nodded eagerly. He unbuckled and grabbed Abby's diaper bag and I smiled hoping he would help Stacie and I out. I unbuckled Abby from her car seat and carried her in. I knocked on the door and McKenna opened it.
"Hello brother, our other brother is here also" she said.
"Auntie Kenna" Bentley said hugging her.
"Hey Benny" she said hugging him and walking in.
"I see at least my son brings my grandson to visit" dad said and looked to see Abby in my arms.
"And my granddaughter" dad said taking her from me. Brent came over and picked Bentley up.

"Hello Uncle Brent" Bentley said.
"Hello Benny" Brent said, "so dad and Suzy tell me that you got married to Stacie last month."
"That I did" I said to him.
"About damn time" Brent said laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room where dad was playing with Abby.
"She said her first full sentence today" I said.
"That's great, I'm going to have to call your sister and tell her to bring Abby over more" dad said.
"Abby is here" Suzy said coming out of the kitchen, "Hello Bri and Bentley."
"Hi Grammy" Bentley said starring at McKenna. Suzy went over to Abby and smiled. I loved my family and I couldn't wait until Stacie and I could tell them about our new baby that is coming on the way.a
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A little Haner Family moment there