Faded Memories

A Face For a Smile

Hey Abigail! You gotta listen to this band.

Not again. Tiffany always felt the need to tell me about all the different bands she hears. It was always the same routine: she tells me about a band, I listen and I’m not a big fan. Normally, I’d ignore her emails about bands but this time it was different. She had written a letter and sent me the band’s CD.

Allstar Weekend. You need to search them up. They’re amazing!

I continued reading her letter and then glanced at the CD. I had moved to San Diego from Phoenix just a few months ago and even though things wouldn’t be exactly the same, we always tried to keep in contact.

I picked up the CD she sent me and opened it. I looked at the cover and studied they’re faces. They were, in fact, attractive. I placed the CD into my laptop and synced all the songs onto my iPod. I looked around the busy Starbucks as people chatted and sipped their daily dose of coffee. While I waited, I took the time to search up the band and learn more about them. So far, I had their names down…sort of and I watched a couple of their videos which turned out to be really funny. I looked at the time: 10:00am. I closed my laptop, placed my laptop in my bag, grabbed my coffee and headed for Barnes & Noble.

I skimmed through all the books until I found one. I plopped onto a chair and placed my coffee on the table. It was somewhat quiet considering the fact that I pretty much isolated myself from everyone. I placed my headphones in my ears and began reading. After reading the first page, I realized I wasn’t alone anymore and it wasn’t so quiet.

“I don’t understand why this couldn’t wait until later. We had one hour more to sleep in.” I heard one complain.

“Hey, you could’ve stayed home.” Another one had said. I turned up the volume, hoping the music would drown out their bellowing voices. I took a sip of my coffee when I realized someone had sat beside me.

“Hey.” The same voice had said to me. I placed my coffee and book on the table and pressed the pause button on my iPod. I looked at the boy and took in all his facial features: messy brown hair, green eyes and a nice smile. He looked really familiar. I looked at my iPod and saw Allstar Weekend’s album cover. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boy grin even wider as he looked at my iPod. Cameron was his name.

“Um, Cameron right?” I asked, hoping I hadn’t mixed him up with the others.

“That’s me.” He continued grinning. Man, this guy sure does smile a lot. “I was wondering if you could show me where you found that book.” He pointed to the book I had on the table. Why couldn’t he just ask an employee? It’s not like I work here.

“Oh. Um, sure.” I held back my thought. I got up from the chair and grabbed everything. His smile was still plastered on his face.

“So, what’s your name?” He asked trying to break the awkwardness before it would start.

“Abigail.” I simply replied.

“That’s a nice name.” He continued to look at me while I looked at the books. I finally found the book pointed to where it was. “There you go.”

The rest of the band members I was listening to a couple of minutes ago appeared each carrying a cup of Starbucks.

“Here’s your coffee.” The boy with dreads handed Cameron his coffee. His eyes then shifted to me. “Oh, hey!” He said in a cheerful tone. “I’m Nathan.”

“Abigail.” I shook each of their hands as the rest of them introduced themselves.

“Cam, we have to start heading to the venue for soundcheck. Are you ready to go?” The blue-eyed boy asked who now I can identify as Zach.

“Just give me a sec.” He held up his index finger and turned back to me. “So, are you coming to our show tonight?”

“Um…” I hesitated and paused for a moment. “I don’t have a ticket.”

He breathed out heavily and placed his hands on a nearby shelf, drumming his fingers while he was thinking. Then, he snapped with his free hand. “I’ve got it. Come to the venue at around 6:00 and I’ll come and get you. So, what do you think?”

To be honest, I wasn’t in the greatest mood to go. I looked down for a second and then back up at him to see him smiling and his eyes pierce right at me. “Sounds good to me.” I finally said.

“Alright, see you at 6:00! It was nice meeting you!” He waved goodbye and scooted his friends out the door.

“Oh, I see what you did you there. Way to go, Cam!” Michael, the one who had complained about not gaining an extra hour of sleep, howled loudly. As they walked away, I noticed Cameron hadn’t picked up the book he wanted me to show him. He looked back at me and gave me his smile once more. I smiled back and hung my head down as my face grew warm. It finally clicked in my mind. Curse his darn good looks.
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It's been a while since I've written a fanfiction. Hopefully I'll actually complete this one, haha.
I'd love to hear your feedback. :)
