Faded Memories

Behind His Eyes

Over the past few weeks, my relationship with the guys grew quickly. We hung out every day and I would attend all of their jam sessions and band practices. We were so close to each other, especially Cameron and I. Daniel didn’t approve.

“You and this Cameron dude seem really close…a little too close.” Daniel flipped through channels and put his arm around me.

“Aw, is someone jealous?” I poked the side of his stomach and he squirmed.

“Not at all. I just don’t want to lose you to someone else.” He confessed.

“Cameron and I are just good friends. Nothing more.” I tried to tell him.

“We’ll see.” He said while playing with my hair.

Daniel and I met when I first moved to San Diego. Like the guys, Daniel and I became really close quickly and that’s when he asked me out.

“You worry too much.” I chuckled and kissed him. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. “That must be them.” I immediately got up. Daniel followed and wrapped his arm around my waist. We headed for the door and opened it.

“Abigail!” They all said in unison. I slid away from Daniel’s grip and hugged each of them.

“It’s great to see you guys.” I pulled away from Michael and realized I had left Daniel standing there awkwardly. “Oh, right. Sorry.” I nudged him forward. “Guys this is Daniel. Daniel, this is Cameron, Nathan, Zach, and Michael.” I pointed to each of them.

“Nice to finally meet you. Abigail talks about you guys all the time.” Daniel stuck his hand out and shook their hands. We all took a seat in the living room and started talking. “Abby tells me you guys are a band.”

Zach took a sip of his glass of water and started to speak. “Music is something we’re really passionate about.” He went on and on about being in the band; Nathan and Michael would give their two cents, but Cameron was quiet as a mouse. He munched on the cookies I had baked earlier and hadn’t said a word. He saw me look at him and gave me the same smile he had given me that day I went to their concert and sat down on the stage. I got up from the couch and said, “Hey Cam, want to help me make a few more cookies?” He looked up from the ground and at me.

“Um, sure.” He got up and we headed to the kitchen. Daniel gave me a look and I playfully rolled my eyes.

“Stop worrying so much.” I mouthed to him.

We arrived at the kitchen and washed our hands. Cameron sat on a stool by the kitchen island and began to make spheres out of the batter.

I stood in front of Cam on the other island and said, “Alright, confession time. You seem so dazed. Are you okay?” I asked, hoping he’d give an honest answer.

“Huh? Oh, don’t worry. I’m fine, really.” He tried to convince me. I breathed out heavily, trying to find a way to get him to crack. Lucky for him, Daniel walked into the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry, babe, but work just called and they need me right now. I’ll call you later tonight, okay?” He pulled me in and kissed me.

“Alright, love you.” I looked at Cameron who was silent, continuing to make spheres out of the batter.

“Love you too. It was nice meeting you Cameron.” He waved to him and he did the same. Daniel said goodbye to Nathan, Michael and Zach and as soon as the door shut, I picked up where I left off.

“Come on, Cameron. You seem so sad.” I placed my hands on the island. He still didn’t budge.

“You were right, Abby. Daniel is a cool guy.” Michael made his grand entrance into the kitchen. He took the bag of chocolate chips lying on the island, put some in his hand and stuffed them into his mouth. Soon after, Zach and Nathan came in and did the same thing.

“Too bad the guy had to leave. He’s a pretty awesome dude.” Nathan commented. Cameron got up from his seat and headed for the bathroom.

“Do you guys know what’s up with Cam? He seems kind of upset. You guys have known Cam for a long time and seem to know what bothers him.” I lowered my voice. They looked at each other and shrugged. “There’s got to be a way to cheer him up. I hate seeing him sad.”

I looked at Zach who smirked at me. “Well, he does love food fights.” In a matter of seconds, food was being tossed all over the place.

“It is on!” I quickly grabbed the chocolate syrup out of the fridge and a couple of eggs on the counter and began smashing eggs on each of their heads. As soon as Cam stepped out of the bathroom, I squirted him with chocolate syrup all over him. His face was priceless. His frown quickly turned into a smirk.

“You’re gonna get it, Abby.” He grabbed the whipped cream and began to chase me around the kitchen. The battle was long and messy, but it was clear that I had won when all four of them fell on the floor. I put my foot on Nathan’s chest and raised a carrot in my hand in the air as if it was a sword.

“Once again, Abigail has conquered the members of Allstar Weekend.”

They all rolled their eyes at me. “Boys, you know what to do.” Cameron said.

Before I knew it, Michael had picked me up handed me to Cameron.

“What are you guys doing?” I tried to break free.

“Seeing as you’re messy, we thought maybe you could use a good bath.” Cameron carried me into the backyard as if I was a bag of potatoes. I looked at Zach and Nathan who had opened the door to the backyard. I finally knew what was coming.

“If you toss me into the pool I’ll…”

“You’ll what?” Cameron asked.

“I’ll–” I was cut off when Cameron had held onto me and jumped into the pool. When arose from the water, he had the biggest grin on his face.

“You were saying?”

“I hate you.” I narrowed my eyes at him and then smiled. I looked into his green eyes that had pierced right through me the first time I met him. Behind them, I could tell that he was hiding something big from me. Something…something that I was forgetting or missing.
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Since I feel like it, I'll give you guys a hint: what Cameron is hiding is something bigger than what you think. If you think you know it, don't spoil it for others.
To all the people who subscribed, commented or even read it, thank you so much! :)