Status: This story is updated mostly :)

This Ain't a Fairytale

What Planet Are You From?

3 days later.

Sitting on the staircase, watching as Justin and Ryan played Xbox.
We were back at home, and everything was still the same. Justin was being himself by ordering me around,
and my mum was completely forgetting I existed. I only existed when Justin wasn't home,
and that was hardly ever.

He would never go out and visit his friends, they would always come here.
And when our mum went away for the weekend to visit relatives, Justin would have raging parties.
He was planning to have one tonight and I knew it.
These parties I wasn't invited to.

I was trash to the people that came.

I watched as Justin threw down the controller, and started jumping around on the brand new sofa,
doing the 'I just won again' dance.
Ryan was laughing, I smiled. He had a laugh that would fill you up with butterflies inside.
"I'm thirsty" announced Justin.
I sighed, I knew what was coming next, he was going to scream out my name in 5,4,3,2....
"KATE COME HERE" yelled Justin.
And there we go.

I sighed and stood up and walked down the stairs, and to the living room.
"Yes Justin?" I asked.
"Get me a drink" said Justin.
I rolled my eyes "No" I snapped and went to turn away.
"MUMMMMMMMM" screamed Justin.

I stopped and turned and ran to Justin, and covered his mouth up with my hand.
Mum was sleeping, trying to get over her jetlag, and if Justin wakes her up,
she will be mad. And if she finds out it's because I back chatted her perfect little prince,
I will be dead.

"I will get you a bloody drink" I snapped.
"And get Ryan one too" ordered Justin.
I sighed and looked at Ryan "What would you like?" I asked.
Ryan shook his head "It's okay, I know where everything is" said Ryan,
and walked past me and went straight for the kitchen.

I froze, and watched as he walked away, was this really my brothers best friend?
aren't best friends supposed to be alike ? and have the same personality?
well Ryan is like the oppoisite.

"Well what are you waiting for?" asked Justin, very rudely.
I sighed turned away, and walked slowly to the kitchen.


Ryan was grabbing three cups out of the cupboard, and started pouring the drinks into the cups.
"Don't mention it" said Ryan smiling up at me.
I smiled and sat up on the bench, and watched as he slid one towards me "Thank you" I said and gave him a smile.
He smiled back, and stared at me.

I looked into his eyes, and that's when I felt it. A spark.
A spark between my brothers best friend and I.

I jumped down off the bench, and moved closer to Ryan, so our bodies were touching.
His nose was touching mine, and that's when I did it.
I kissed my brothers best friend. And I liked it.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit to Australian band Short Stack. :).
Check them out.

anyway sorry about another crap chapter. But the story is going to start getting better now.
Cause all the secrets are going to start.

thanks for reading.

comments are wanted, also so are banners. :)
and subscribers.

Love Jess.