From a Balance Beam.


The sun let its curious rays peak through Andrew's blinds, finding his sleeping body almost instantaneously. His green eyes flickered open at the first sight of light. His immediate reaction was to turn over on his stomach and to hide from the dreadful sun for another few hours before greeting the day. However, he didn't want to do anything. He didn't want to move. He really didn't even feel like breathing. He felt like just the actions of blinking and allowing air into his lungs were too exhausting. His head pounded in synchronization with the rhythm of his heart - his broken, mangled heart.

Forever. That was the time allotted for their love to last. No shorter. No longer. Forever. But she... she exited the stage early. She left him there, desperately clinging to the words that she had spoken.

He had tried for days to make sense of what she had told him, attempting to find the reason for her departure. There was someone else, someone better. He loved her and she did in return. But to Andrew, she was speaking incoherently. Nothing was making sense, no matter which way she tried to tell him.

After that conversation, she left. Everything concerning her had vanished. And, even over the course of a few short days, the sharp memories of her were slowly fading.

Even his most cherished memory of her was disappearing. They were lying on his bed, entangled in each other - arms around each other, their hands bound to the others, her hair flowing across the pillows. Her hot breath across his neck as she breathed deeply - in-and-out. They were there. Together. Sitting in silence, radiating in love. However, he struggled to remember the contours of her face. He couldn't recall how sickly sweet she smelled. It was slowly fading away, no matter how much he wanted to keep it in his grasp.

His attention was drawn away from his memories as his alarm clock blared music from his iPod. He continued to lie still on his bed, listening to the music as it filled the room. "From my left eye flow tears of joy, of sorrow from my right. 'You might seem too strong to surrender, boy, but you're far too frail to fight.'" Andrew stirred slightly as he realized the relevance of the lyrics at that moment. The song continued for a few more minutes before slowly fading out and allowing another to begin.

Andrew sighed, propping himself up on his elbows. He couldn't go on any longer like this - trying to love someone who wasn't going to do the same in return. He had to let go. He had to let her go. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

He threw his legs over his bedside and looked at the beautiful morning that awaited him.