Status: There will be a sequal

Afraid of Forever


"Tay, I'm afraid of forever. That one day I'll wake up and roll over and I won't be in love with Nate anymore. I won't love his gray eyes or his deep voice or, or the way he kisses my forehead when we get close to each other. So I'm not afraid of finding a flaw in him because I love every inch of that boy, of that man. I'm afraid of myself. I'm afraid that I'll find that after spending sixty years together I won't get weak in the knees when I see him saunter over to me with his sexy, confidant walk. I won't be able to love him forever." I look up at her now, I still keep twisting my ring around my finger. I know that this ring symbolizes everything that we'll ever have.

"Gia, forever is unpredictable. You, of all people. I should have known that this would've been the thing you worry about most. You don't worry about your dress, or the food, if people are going to get wet or freeze at your wedding. Hell, you don't even care if it starts to rain on your special day. You care about loving Nate forever." Taylor takes the cap off her bottle of Jack and downs it.

"Gia, if I were Nate I'd make sure that I'd love you forever. Believe me, Gee. I know you. I've known you since we were fourteen years young. You don't give up on anyone and that means you can not ever stop loving them either."

I start to cry again and this time Taylor engulfs me in a tight hug. "Gia," she whispers into my ear as she laughs, "don't cry or you'll ruin your make-up."

"Sorry, but I think its waterproof. At least I hope." I laugh and pull back from our hug and wipe my eyes and face.

I need to be alone for a few minutes to collect myself. So I ask Taylor to go and get us another few bottles of anything. As soon as she leaves I run to the vanity mirror and check out the damage that I've caused. "Oh God." I say to the mess in the mirror.

My mascara is smudged. My foundation is practically gone and my eyes are swollen. I sit down in the chair in front of the mirror to work a little magic. Because, this is my wedding day. It only happens once and I need to look breathtaking.

I re-apply the foundation. I put the eyeliner on again and put the right amount of mascara on my eye lashes. The slight glitter above my eyes is still in tact so I sparkle. I look pretty beautiful considering that I had been crying my eyes out.

Taylor comes back five minutes after I finished reapplying all my make-up. She gives me a look before coming in all the way. She is flanked by my mother, another good friend, and my soon to be sister in law. She tried to keep them out as long as she could.

"Gianna Alessandra Kramer why aren't you dressed? You are getting married in thirty minutes!" My mother yells at me. Why, thank you Mom, I hadn't noticed. Taylor rolls her eyes for me and I stifle a laugh.

"I know Mom. I going." I run over to the bathroom and stare at my dress. "Wow." I whisper to myself. I yell into the other room, "Anna, can you help me get into my dress?"

My soon to be sister in law walks into the bathroom looking adorable in her pink bridesmaid dress . "You look stunning, Anna." She smiles at me.

"Thank you Gia."

I unzip the dress off the hanger and have Anna hold it as I step into the dress. I pull it up and have Anna zip up the back. "Ok Anna, here goes everything." I turn around to face her and she gasps.

"Gee, you are absolutely gorgeous!" I smile at her and run my hands down the front of my dress. I turn to look in the mirror and stare at my curls that I am so grateful did not get messed up during my cry. I look beautiful. I don't believe that I have ever thought that of myself before.
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