Status: Active :)

Silent Love

Forever, But Not Always

~Two years earlier~

Mandy Myers sat in a velvet covered chair in a big studio filled with screaming audience and light. She was interviewed by a talk show hostess. Only one question remained before Mandy Myers was going to sing a song for the audience.

“Mandy, you haven’t been very open with your love life, except in your songs of course, but do you have a tip to all the thousands of teenagers who looks up at you; how do you know you have found the right one?” the hostess asked the smiling curly headed star.

Mandy laughed. “That is really not an easy question to answer, but I am a hopeless romantic, and I think you have found the right one when you can stare into his or her eyes and find a silence. A silence you never want to break.”

The audience screamed and applauded as the hostess called it a break and announced Mandy singing her new song called ‘Forever & Always’.

She played the piano as she sang softly, a tear threatened to run down her cheek. The audience was dead silent until she let the last tone fade out. They went wild. Mandy smiled and held back her tears when she stood next to the hostess; she loved giving interviews were she could truly show who she was.

Mandy was greeted by a short, beard faced man in the wardrobe. He had his arms spread wide and pulled her down in a bear hug.
“This is why I love being your manager!” Manny beamed at her.
Mandy couldn’t help but laugh.
“That interview, not to speak of the performance, was truly amazing, Amanda, something of the best you’ve done so far.

She loved getting feedback from Manny; he always spoke the truth. “Thanks, Manny.”
“I don’t even know where you get it from? The silence you spoke of will drive all teenage girls crazy. You will be quoted for years!”
She put her hands on his shoulders. “Calm down before you start hyperventilating.”

Manny breathed in and out slowly a few times before he spoke again. “The car is waiting; you are scheduled to be at the scene in an hour. You have to perform twice as good, and please, mention the silence!”

Mandy sighed before she gathered her things and followed after the impatient man. Manny always had something planned for her to do. She loved her job, she loved her life, but she hadn’t had any breaks since she started two years earlier. Manny had made it clear that there was no time for breaks in the music industry.

She couldn’t help but think back at those days when she still was a child, when her name was Amanda and she lived with her family in the rainy small town bearing the name Forks. She missed the rain.

And she missed him.

But she was Mandy Myers now, and Mandy Myers didn’t have time to think about what happened in the past.
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New story :D This is the preface! Check out the character profiles, and don't forget to comment and tell me what you think :)

Title: Forever & Always - Taylor Swift

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~ BreeVixen