Status: Active :)

Silent Love

Make Me Want You

Jacob pulled the car to a stop next to her and pushed the door open so she could get in. Mandy was holding onto the car seat with all her strength as she breathed heavily and stared straight ahead.

They sat in silence as Jacob drove them to La Push, but when they stopped outside his garage, he couldn’t bear it any longer.

“What’s wrong Mandy?” Jacob asked softly and brushed his fingers across her cheek.
Mandy turned her head to face him and burst out in laughter. “Oh Jacob,” she laughed, “You won’t even believe me if I told you!”
“Heyhey! Calm down Amanda, you’re freaking me out here.”

“I have a sister!” She blurted out.
“Yes, I know her,” Jacob looked at her as if she’d lost her mind.
“No, not Amelia!” She threw her head back and laughed even more. “Hayleigh, the woman Amelia thought dad was having an affair with is our sister!”

“You are joking,” he said and raised his eyebrows at her.
“No, I’m not! Dad brought her home today; Amelia called her a slut and mom cried herself to sleep in my bed, and then I went to see Leigh, and she really seems okay.”

Jacob smiled and stared at her. “Your life is strange.”
Mandy calmed down and put her hand on Jacob’s warm cheek. “I missed you Jakey, but it was wrong of me to call you.”
“No, it’s okay. I missed you more than you would ever understand,” He whispered and pulled her face closer.”

“I can’t do this Jake, I am sorry.”
“Don’t do this again Amanda. I won’t ever hurt you. I imprinted on you, I will never need any one else than you.”
“Please don’t tell me anything about it, it’s not safe. Just tell me one thing; are all the legends true?” She could feel his warm breath wash over her face as he spoke.

“Yes, they all are.”
She sighed and stared into his deep brown orbs. “Don’t talk about it. Take me home, I just needed to vent a little.”
“No, stay with me, just for tonight, I need you Amanda, just as much as you need me.”

She kept her eyes locked with his and saw his desperation; his fear of getting turned down by her. She could see all the pain she’d put him through.

A tremble went through her body as their lips slowly met in kiss filled to the limit with love, passion and lust. Jacob pulled her body onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her to keep her closer. Mandy moved her lips down his neck and made him moan.

“I love you so much Jacob, it hurts to think about you when you’re not with me,” she whispered against his skin as a tear escaped her eye.
“Everything is up to you,” he said and pulled her face back to his.

Mandy straightened up a bit to glance over his – as usual – bare chest. The movements made her bump the horn, and it made the loudest of sounds.
She blushed and giggled. “Maybe we should go to your room.”
Jacob bit his lip and cursed under his breath. “We can’t. Dad is sleeping, and the walls are paper thin.”

“Then what are you planning to do about this?” she motioned to his bulging pants and rested her head on his shoulder.
Jacob groaned before he helped her out of the car. “Wait just here for a minute, Curly,” he kissed her temple before he sprinted to the house.

Mandy shook her head in disbelief and walked into the – for the moment – empty garage and sat down on a deckchair and waited. Jacob was back before she’d had the chance to think one thought through. She laughed when she saw his arms filled with pillows, a blanket and duvets.

“I’m a small-town boy,” he excused himself with.
Mandy grinned at him and helped him make the improvised bed.
“Is this okay?” he asked her, suddenly feeling insecure.

She answered him by slowly undress in front of him without a word.
“I’m cold, Jacob,” was all she had to say before he wrapped his strong and warm arms around her and carefully laid her down on the blankets.

They made love to each other, neither of them knowing when they would have each other next.


Mandy woke first. She lay on her side and stared at the snoring Jacob. She couldn’t help but softly run her fingers down his face again and again. He was so gorgeous he took her breath away.

Jacob blinked slowly as a grin made its way to his face. “Good morning Curly,” he said and leaned over and planted a kiss firmly on her lips.
Mandy didn’t smile. She was torn. “Is it a good morning?”
He frowned for a split second before he smiled again. “Every morning with you are.”

The sound of the front door of the house made them tense up.
“Are you kids coming in for breakfast?” Billy Black called out.
Jacob chuckled silently. “Are you staying for breakfast?”
“What are on the menu, Billy?” She yelled out to him.
“Do you even have to ask?” he yelled back and they heard the door close.

Mandy put all her clothes back on while Jacob pulled the only garment he wore – pants – on.
“How do I look?” Mandy asked him and ruffled her hair.
“Jake, I’m serious! Does I look like Billy will ask what we have been doing?”
He shrugged and walked ahead of her. “He probably know anyway.”
“Jacob!” She gasped in shock and pulled at his arm.

Jacob laughed loudly. “You’re fine, honestly.”


Breakfast at the Black’s was the same as always; egg and bacon. Mandy sat with wide eyes and watched as Jacob stuffed his mouth and swallowed without any breaks.
“He eats like a wolf,” Billy said and winked at her.
Mandy tensed up.
“Shut up,” Jacob shot at his father with his mouth full.
“I’m only saying facts, son,” Billy said and stared at Mandy. “You know you are a part of our tribe. You’ve known the legends for a very long time; this shouldn’t be too scary for you.”

“Dad, I mean it, Shut up!” Jacob snapped and glared at his father. “She doesn’t want to know.”
“Well, she should know. She is your imprint. She should know everything,” Billy’s eyes softened at her. “And you are a daughter for me. You belong here just as much as the wolves.”

Mandy slammed her cutlery down on the table with all her force and glared at both of them.
“Are you both stupid?” she asked them with a raised voice. “It is too dangerous for Jacob to be around me!” she yelled at them.
“Mandy, calm down, I promise, I won’t phase in front of you again. You don’t have to be afraid of me,” Jacob said and took her hand.
She shook him off.

“I’m not afraid of you, you moron! Do you have any idea who I am?” she asked them, but didn’t give them time to answer. “I am Mandy Myers; world known singer. And with being world-known comes paparazzi and journalist; with them come rumors and speculations. What will they think when they follow me here and see a whole bunch of young men running around in shorts, disappearing into the woods. They will start following you around and maybe they get a snap. I won’t let that happen. That’s why it’s too dangerous for us to be with each other.”

“That won’t happen, Mandy, our senses are too strong to let any human come near us without us knowing,” Jacob said to her.
“Maybe so, but that isn’t a risk I’m willing to take. I won’t ruin your life, Jacob.”
His eyes darkened. “You are ruining it more by staying away from me.”
She sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. But if you end up in the tabloids, the whole town will be ruined.”

“It won’t happen!” he raised his voice at her.
“I know; because I won’t let it happen. Please just drive me home now,” She got to her feet and walked over and kissed Billy’s cheek. “See you around, Billy.”

Billy was silent and lost in thought; but she could see in his eyes that he agreed with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update :)

You put your eyes on me

Fearless - Taylor Swift

Another thank you for
Cutie 0.0 Cucumber
For commenting on the last chapters. Love you lots :)

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~ BreeVixen