Status: Active :)

Silent Love

Won't Love You.

Jacob brought Mandy breakfast to bed and sat down beside her. He’d brought a change of clothes so he looked decent.
“You know how sorry I am, right?” She asked and looked up at him with tired eyes.
“I know,” Jacob said and brushed a loose curl behind her ear. “Eat now.”

Mandy shook her head. “I don’t feel so good. I think the stress and reality is finally catching up with me.”
Jacob frowned at her. “Do you need a doctor?”
“I’ll just rest.”

“I got an invite for Madelyn and Tyler’s wedding yesterday. Want to be my plus one?” he asked it carefully, not really sure how she would react.
“I probably shouldn’t go. I would just ruin the happiest day of her life.”
Jacob snorted. “Yes you should. You’re her best friend, she’ll be disappointed if you don’t go.”

“Jake, she didn’t invite me.”
“She’ll need you.”
“Just please, shut up,” Mandy groaned and got out of bed and rushed to the door.
She spurted across the hall and inside the bathroom. She knelt in
front of the toilet but her stomach was empty and nothing but bile left her mouth.

She groaned again as she rested her back against the cool bathtub. Jacob was there with a cold washcloth and brushed her hair away from her forehead before he washed her face.
“Maybe I’m coming down with something,” she pondered and bent her head between her knees.

Jacob hoisted her up in his arms without any effort and carried her back to bed.
“Try and get some sleep Curly,” he said and kissed her nose.
She smiled at him. “Would you mind going with Aimee and Leigh to pick up mom and dad? I don’t trust them alone just yet. I know Aimee would love to have you with.”
“If you think you’ll be okay alone.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “It’s just the flu.”
Jacob chuckled as he closed the curtains again and left her alone. Mandy was asleep again even before she was alone.


“Mandsy May,” her mother whispered and brought her back from sleep.
“Oh mommy,” Mandy smiled tiredly up at her mother. “You’re so tan.”
Ruthie laughed. “Am not, Mandy.”

Mandy sat up a bit. “How did it go?” She hadn’t spoken with either of her parents the last week.
“It was so lovely Mandy, you wouldn’t believe it. Your father was the perfect gentleman and spoiled me to the limit.”
“Everything sorted out?”
“Not everything,” Ruthie shook her head. “But we’re getting there. How did it go here, with Hayleigh?”

“Leigh is awesome. I’m really glad she’s gotten so close with me and Aimee, and I think you’ll love her as well once you get to know her,” Mandy grinned.

Ruthie changed the subject. “Jacob told me you won’t go to Mady’s wedding.”
Mandy sighed. “Don’t start you as well.”
“She called me while we were away. I’m doing the ceremony.”
“Mom!” Mandy exclaimed. “You can’t! Don’t you dare! It’s so wrong!!”

“Shh. Mady is like a daughter for me. It’s the least I could do for her. But you should go. Do you think you’ll be able to forever hold you peace if you don’t speak?” Ruthie asked and raised a brow at her.
“Mom, what are you saying?”
Ruthie winked at her. “You’ll know what to do, Amanda. Now get dressed and come downstairs; your dad is taking us all out at the diner.”


Mandy had a haunted dream. She saw how her life would be without Mady – if she married Tyler. And she saw how Mady’s life would be if She didn’t do anything to help her.

She woke up sweating in the middle of the night and immediately searched for Jacob’s hand. She was panting.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he whispered and wrapped her arms around her.
“Nothing. I’m going with you to the wedding.”
Jacob yawned. “Go back to sleep.”


The three weeks that passed was a time for planning from Mandy’s side. She had to know exactly what she would do; and her stomach wrenched itself every time she thought about the outcome.

But she was determined not to lose her.
♠ ♠ ♠
The story is nearing it's top drama now!

Haunted - Taylor Swift

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~ BreeVixen