Status: Active :)

Silent Love

Brighter Than The Sun

Mandy woke with a feeling of surrealism – the night before felt like a dream; her theory being supported by her empty bed. She turned in bed and found a note.

Gone out to fix everything, I’ll see you later Curly. Love you.
His crooked handwriting made her smile, but the message made her wonder how he was supposed to fix things. Uncertainty took over for the surrealism; she sat up in bed and thought hard.

Had they moved to fast? She wondered. Maybe they should have stayed friends a little longer. He’d told her she could have him, but he didn’t say they were together. Maybe he’d gone and asked Bella to be his girlfriend.

Mandy shook her head furiously. No, he had come to her crying; he dared to show his weak side to her. Jacob wasn’t the type to hold a girl in his arms through a whole night without meaning it. No, Jacob was a great guy, he loved her and Mandy should thank the gods to get the chance to love him again.

She walked over till her desk and found her old song book. She grabbed a pen and started writing.

’I'll bet she's beautiful,
that girl he talks about
But I got everything
that she’ll have to live without’

Mandy smiled; she didn’t know this Bella, but Mandy was sure she’d lost a lot when she chose the other guy over Jake.

’ He says he's so in love,
he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows
he's all I think about at night

I’ll hold him tight,
give him all my love
Look in those beautiful eyes
and know I’m lucky cause

He was the reason for
the teardrops on my guitar
But the only thing that
kept me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing,
but I’ll love him now’

She grinned, feeling good that she found some inspiration. She called Manny with her new found confidence. It was mid-day in New York and Manny replied immediately.

“How’s my star in her little hometown?” he asked her cheerily.
Mandy realized how she’d missed him when she heard his voice. “I’m great, but I got something even better for you.”
She could practically hear his curiosity.

“I’ve got at least two new songs for the new album, and I’ve just started sorting through all the stuff I wrote before I was famous.”
“Thank you, Amanda,” he said silently. “I was worried you were becoming lazy.”
She laughed. “Me? Of course not. But,” she said and bit her lower lip. “I’ve bought a house and I wondered if you could get Anna to hurry up and send my things.”

“Mandy!” he whined. “A house? Don’t get too settled. Does the hunk have anything with this to do?”
“His name is Jacob and we are…” she thought about it. “It’s complicated, but good.”
“Great, heartbreak will give you many new songs.”

Now it was her turn to get irritated. “I won’t get heartbroken. I think things have changed.”
Mandy, Mandy, Mandy,” he said in a knowing voice. “You are still young and naïve.”
“Shut up,” she mumbled.

“Well, over till something different. I’ve almost finished an awesome contract with a TV company for you. They are interested in making a reality series about your life in a small town,” he sounded smug, proud of himself.
Mandy let out a horrified gasp. “No Manny,” she said sternly. “No way will I let a film crew follow me around. I’m doing this for privacy and silence.”

“But think of the fans,” he pleaded.
“My true fans will support me and you know it. Many artists take a break from time to time. Besides, my sister, my best friend and Jacob needs me,” she argued.

“Amanda,” he started.
“No, don’t Amanda me. I’m calling my own shots now. I need a break. I’ll be back for full in January,” she told him.
Manny mumbled something unintelligible. “Fine.”

Mandy sighed. “Just send my stuff; I’ll mail you the lyrics. And no TV-crews, Manny!”
“Have it your way,” he crumbled and hung up.

Mandy got dressed before she made herself some breakfast. She glanced at the calendar on the wall and noted the date; September the fourteenth. Mandy groaned; she had to start keeping her own calendar so she could stop forgetting these things.

She grabbed her wallet and keys before she bolted for the door, hurrying to the nearest store. She bought balloons and a card, quickly scribbling down a birthday greeting before she walked the short walk to the diner.

Mandy spotted Madelyn behind the counter and started singing; she ignored the other guest. Madelyn had an obsession with Kings of Leon and Mandy sang their song ‘Birthday’.

We gonna come together, we gonna celebrate We gonna gather round, like it's your birthday I don't wanna know, just what I'm gonna do I don't care where you’re going, I'm coming along with you!” she sang the last chorus loudly, gaining applause from the diner’s guest and tears from Madelyn.

“Happy nineteenth birthday, girlfriend,” Mandy said with a big smiled and leaned across the counter to hug her tightly. “I didn’t have time to buy you anything, but here’s a gift card on a numerous movie nights and a shopping spree at my expenses.”

“Mandy you shouldn’t have,” Mady cracked up and covered her mouth.
“Well I did,” Mandy grinned. “With a little one on the way you’ll soon be as big as an elephant and will need new clothes. And you’ll need a stroller, a car seat and a crib.”

Madelyn’s lips were quivering. “I’m sorry; it’s just my hormones running wild. Thank you so much Amanda,” she said and smiled weakly. She turned to the dark skinned woman beside her. “Cora, can I take my break now?”
“Of course, dear,” the kind woman said, who also were Tyler Crowley’s mother. “Take as long as you need.”

Mandy bought a calorie bomb of a chocolate cake and insisted on putting the nineteen birthday candles she bought on it, and insisted on they wearing silly paper princess crowns.

“I missed this; you,” Madelyn said and started on her second slice.
“Me too,” Mandy smiled softly. “A birthday isn’t the same without the crowns and the cake.”
“No, I meant I missed you silly antics. You always do something out of the ordinary. You could have bought me flowers, a teddy bear or something else that would never be used – but you want to buy me things I will use for many years; important things I will never get the money to pay for myself.”

Mandy wiped away a tear, moved by Madelyn’s obvious appreciation for her. “I wasn’t here to support you when you found out you were pregnant or tell you not to sleep with him so I’ll help you out now. We got to make the best out of it right?”

“You don’t have to,” Mady repeated.
“But then again, I do,” Mandy said and took a hold of the hand Madelyn didn’t use to eat cake with. “Wouldn’t you do all you could for me if I was in your situation?”
Madelyn shook her head. “You’re too good to get in this situation, but I would always help you.”

“Jacob spent the night with me,” Mandy blurted out.
Madelyn gasped. “So you have gotten yourself in this situation?”
Mandy blushed. “No, not like that! God, Madelyn calm down you’re dirty mind,” she laughed lightly. “No, he came by, upset about something with Bella Swan, and then he declared his love for me.”

“Are you serious?” Mady’s eyes went wide before they narrowed and stared at her with suspicion. “I think you should stay away from him; there’s something strange about him. “
“Stop it, Mady, Jacob is a good guy.”

“Maybe. But he’s obviously still in love with plain-Jane Bella,” she shook her head as if in disgust. “Bella’s boyfriend, Edward, – well, husband now, I guess – ditched her when his family moved and she became all zombie like until she started hanging out with Jacob. But Jacob ran away from home when he got back; then returned for their wedding. He spent all his time with some gang in La Push before Bella, but now he’s mostly here in Forks, or at the Cullen’s house.”

“How do you now all this stuff?” Mandy questioned.
“This is Forks, hun, words spread fast,” she explained.
“But I still love him; I have to give it another chance,” Mandy said with serious eyes. “And he loves me, he truly does. Bella is just a close friend.”
“Watch your back so she doesn’t become too close. But in the end I’ll be here to pick up the pieces of your broken heart.”

Mandy slapped her fist down at the table, startling her red-haired friend. “He won’t break my heart! Jake and I’ll be good this time around!”
Madelyn put her hands up and surrendered. “Fine, just calm down and don’t make a scene.”

Mandy’s phone rang with an unknown number. She quickly answered. Jacob wondered if she could come pick him up at the house she’d dropped him off the other day. Mandy agreed and hung up. She put her coat back on and excused herself to Mady with a hug and promise of a shopping trip someday soon.

She struggled a little with finding the drive that led to the white mansion and drove very carefully down the winding road. But soon she reached the clearing in front of the house. Jacob waited at the porch with a blond man and a short black haired girl.

She wondered if they were Bella and Edward as she parked the car, but then she remembered Bella having long brown hair. Jacob waved and grinned at her and motioned for her to come over. His smile was brighter than the sun, sending a wave off happiness and butterflies through her body as she stepped out of the car and walked over till them.

Jacob pulled her into a tight hug, wrapping both his arms around her before she introduced her.
“This is Dr. Cullen and Alice, Bella’s father- and sister-in-law,” he said, “This is Mandy.”
“It’s nice to finally meet the girl that brought the smile back on Jacob’s face,” Dr. Cullen said and shook her hand.
Mandy was immediately taken by his kind personality. “Nice to meet you too, Dr. Cullen.”
“Call me Carlisle,” he smiled.

Alice reached up and hugged her. Mandy didn’t notice the way Jacob stiffened and got on guard, or the wink Alice sent him when she let go off Mandy.
“You are so beautiful, Mandy,” she said and brushed over her curls. “Jacob has told me so much about you.”
Mandy blushed slightly. She waited for the uneasiness coming from her words, but it didn’t come, the way Alice spoke was as if she already cared about her.

“Only good, I hope,” she said with a smile.
Alice let out a pearly laugh. “Jacob could never say something bad about you, Mandy.”

“Come on Curly, we better get going,” Jacob said and put an arm around her waist.
Carlisle put his hand on Jacob's shoulder. “Come back soon, son.”
Jacob nodded. “Sure will Dr.”
Alice stood up on her tip-toes and pecked his cheek. “And please bring your lovely Mandy.”

They walked side to side back to the car; Jacob insisted on driving and Mandy let him, unsure if she could find the way back.
“They are very… lovely people,” Mandy said.
Jacob threw his head back as his chest vibrated with laughter. “They are really strange people. But yes, they are kind of lovable,” he admitted and intertwined their finger beside Mandy’s thigh in the car seat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love writing this story :)

In this dream

Title: Untouchable - Taylor Swift

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~ BreeVixen