Status: active


Untainted Snow

I stepped off the bus and gasped as the cold hit me, my breath fogging in the air. I gave a little shiver and began to walk, my boots barely gripping to the ice on the path.
Then, I saw it, a patch of pure, untainted snow, unmarked by tracks or dirt. I tried to stop myself; I was in a hurry, I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket where my most probably furious father was calling me to ask where I was. I just couldn't help myself, I ran to it and trampled all over it, giggling childishly.
Looking around I noticed the area next to the path was pretty much all clean snow, so, abandoning the path I began to trudge through the ankle (and sometimes shin) deep snow with a smile on my face.
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I like commas.
I don't like paragraphing.
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