For the Love of Nutella


Frank Iero walked up to the Way residence and rang the doorbell. He stomped the snow out of his worn out Converse and whistled to himself. He readjusted his jar of Nutella in his arms as he began banging on the door repeatedly. In under a second, Frank could become the most impatient person in the world.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” Mikey Way exclaimed from inside the house. He swung the door open, while pushing his glasses up his nose. “What the hell Frank!?”

“What?” Frank asked. “Let me in the house dude. It’s freezing out here.” He didn’t wait for a response from Mikey. Instead, he pushed past Mikey and plopped down into the nearest chair. Frank shook the snow from his dark brown hair and let out a sigh of relief.

Mikey laughed at this. It reminded him of a dog after getting a wash.

“Why are you laughing?” Frank asked with one eyebrow raised. He carefully placed his jar of Nutella on the kitchen counter and stretched his short legs onto the next chair.

“You looked like a dog,” Mikey said bluntly. “And why the hell are you still carrying that Nutella junk around? I thought you finished eating it yesterday at school?”

Frank smiled sheepishly. The other day at school, him and Mikey sat in the back talking about music and eating Nutella. “You helped me eat it too.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t gobble it up like it was the last jar in the whole wide world.”

“I didn’t gobble it up,” Frank said lazily, rolling his eyes. “Turkey’s gobble stuff up. Anyway, where’s my boyfriend at?” He strained his neck and looked around.

“I don’t know where my brother is,” Mikey said. “Gerard should be around here though. He might have accidentally locked himself in his room again,” he added thoughtfully, before shrugging his shoulders. “I guess that’s what he gets for being so antisocial.”

Frank gasped. “That’s so mean Mikey! Gerard can socialize great. It’s just that most times, he urms… chooses not too! Yeah, that’s it.”

Mikey chuckled. “If that’s what you say Frank.”

Frank jumped off the chair and quickly swooped his precious jar of Nutella in his arms. “Well it was fun talking to you Mikey, but I’ve got some unfinished business with your brother.”

“Eww,” Mikey muttered, wrinkling up his nose, which caused his glasses to fall down once again.

“Maybe you should invest in some new glasses or think about trying a little thing called contacts.”

“Maybe you should put down the jar of Nutella. I hear that stuff stunts your growth.”

Frank gave him a nonchalant look. “Too be honest, I don’t think I’ll be growing taller anytime sooner.”

“Aww, poor little Frankie will be stuck at exactly 5 feet for the rest of his life.”

“What about Frank being stuck somewhere?” Asked a voice from the living room.

“Gerard!” Frank exclaimed at his boyfriend. He ran over to Gerard and wrapped him into a tight hug. “I missed you so much.”

“We just saw each other last night,” Gerard said with a small laugh. He kissed Frank on the top of head and shot an apologetic look at Mikey, who was standing there rather awkwardly.

Frank soon released Gerard and walked back over to the counter. He grabbed the Nutella and walked back to Gerard. “Look!” He said with a wide grin.

“What the heck is that stuff?” Gerard asked.

Frank looked shocked. “It’s only the best stuff in the whole wide world!”

“He’s practically obsessed over it,” Mikey said. “That’s basically what his whole diet consists of.”

Gerard scratched the top of his greasy black hair. “Is that why he’s so short?”

“Am not!” Frank responded hotly, stomping his foot on the floor.

“Of course you’re not,” Gerard said with a smirk. He looked at his watch before letting out a low whistle. “You better give me one last kiss, Frank.”


“I’ve got to go to work in the next ten minutes, baby. You should have called or something before you came over. I could have asked off or something, but now it’s too late,” Gerard said with a frown.

Frank turned around from everybody for a few seconds before turning around and quickly giving Gerard a huge kiss on the lips. He pulled away and gave a devious smile.

Gerard ran his tongue over his lips before laughing. He wiped his lips off with the back of his hand and wasn’t surprised to see it stained with the brown Nutella. “Oh Frankie,” he said.

Mikey and Frank fell out laughing. Both were clutching stitches in their sides as they wobbly stood up.

“Good one,” Mikey said out of breath. He patted Frank on the back and wiped a tear from his eyes. “Maybe that Nutella is good for something, like making Gerard look dumb.”

Gerard rolled his eyes as he grabbed his jacket. “You two are stupid, I swear.”

“But you like it,” Frank said. He ran up to Gerard, his mouth clean this time, and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“That’s more like it,” Gerard said with a purr. “Bye Frankie and Mikey. Keep safe you guys,” he said as he opened the door and began walking out. “And if all fails, you know where to hide the Nutella at Mikey.”

“That’s how all my Nutella has been mysteriously disappearing!” Frank exclaimed with doe eyes. “Good thing I always keep a backup jar in the trunk of my car.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This was fun to write! Haha.

This is nutella. It’s really good and I actually tried it for the first time a few weeks ago in Biology class. I actually hadn’t heard of it before, but now I see it everywhere. Haha.