Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over


Anya's p.o.v

I looked from left to right, searching every aisle and every rack for the first supply on the list before my phone buzzed frantically in my messenger bag pocket. Without looking I held onto the paper with ink scribbled onto it and with the other I pulled out my phone and pressed the beautiful, new and encased Iphone against my ear, "Hello?" I asked softly into it, "Anya? It's Tori, why don't you pick up some santa hats for the Christmas party?" Her beautifully toned voice rang into my ear, "Santa hats...santa hats...santa hats...Oh, found em. What else do you need darling?" I asked her. I heard Kiara mumbling in the background, "That's about it, we'll update you if we need anything else love." I hung up and I bet she had done the same.

On the way over to the line of customers waiting to pay I grabbed some candy and tossed them into the cart as well. I leaned against the handle bars and looked at a Katy Perry music video playing up on one of the televisions. I sighed as I started piling up the stuff I was supposed to buy onto the counter. The man smiled at me happily, "Hello miss, how is your day going?" His spikey black hair and angelic green eyes shimmered at me, he looked around my age. 19. I smiled a bit, "Fine thanks. Any reason you guys are working today on Christmas Eve?" I wondered as he laughed slightly, checking every price on the bottom of the products, "Eh...this new virtual game thing came out. I don't know but everyone's buying the catalog and manual and crap from here. Boss says we gotta stay open." I nodded, "Do you know what the game is called?" I asked, "Ah...a video game playing chick. That's hot. I think it's called "Game Over" or something. Not sure. But it isn't like those games you play with a stupid little console in your hand. So these weirdos developed some game in which you can actually teleport into it and play as a character. They have the capsules and everything downtown and-" I cut him off, "Woah woah...capsules?" I wondered out loud.

As the boy packed my plastic bags with the contents of a Christmas party, I heard talking from a news broadcast live up on the television screens. I stepped forward as I kept my eyes glued onto it, "Gerald tell us about this "Game Over" creation that teens are going wild for." I snickered as I watched the news reporter get mowed down by people, "Well Carla it's jammed pack here in Downtown L.A, this thing is being held at the Staples Center, not to far from most of the population, just take a look at where the line of people are going!" Past the Regal Cinema and into the parking lot, now that must be one hit game."

The cameras lead into the Staples Center and showed some sort of weird neon colored capsules that shone brightly and people just kept jumping into them one by one. A flash of light and as the next person opened it, the previous person was magically gone. My jaw dropped.

The cameras shot back to a interview being held live with the reporter and the stupid scientist who thought, "Let's make this piece of crap!" can't wait to hear this... "So tell us Mr. Gregory, what made you want to invent something like this? And why?" The man cleared his throat, "You see if this was a normal video game, you'd be sitting all day on your couch trying to figure it out, but here? With this? You are a part of the game, your a part of the fantasy world and it happens to be much more fun and active of a gaming experience." I scoffed as the boy looked at me, "Not interesting for you?" He asked as he rallied up another customer, "Nope it's really stupid actually." I laughed to myself as he raised an eyebrow stunned, "Really? I was planning on going..."

I laughed looking back at him as his name tag flashed in my face. I squinted and read it once before speaking again, "'s real dangerous Brandon." He looked at me confused before snickering, "How?" I laughed, "Easy really, you see when your playing a game like are you gonna win? Obviously it's going to have something to do with guns or bows and arrows or rocket launchers to kill right?" He looked away defeated as he continued packing another bag. I snatched my bags, "Yup. Thought so Brandon. Nice meeting you kid." And I walked away before hearing, "Win A Million Dollars!"


I walked through the tiny door leading to the tiny apartment when I saw Kiara and Tori arguing like wild animals, "You know if Anya even hears you talking about this crap she'll walk out the door or...she'll kill you, stuff you into the dumpster, and then walk out the door." Kiara growled losing her patience as her face slowly turned red, "I really don't care. Were mature people unlike you. Us mature people can handle mature conversations!" Tori raged going face to face.

"Fine! Go on and talk to her about it! Bet you she's already heard of it and maybe when the words fly out of your mouths she won't think twice about it before bitching at you!" And that's when I stepped forward, my keys jingling in my rainbow painted fingernails, slamming the door. Eyes shot towards mine, "What's going on?" I asked innocently, "Kiara growled and pushed Tori away from her face and walked away.

The girl fumbled with something in her hands as she unfolded the crumpled paper to reveal a giant sign that said "Game over! Enter now, fight to the finish! And maybe you can win a million dollars!" She smiled halfheartedly, "What do you say sis?" She smiled geekily, "I think you should have listened to Kiara." I pushed past her as Kiara hooted out laughing in the other room. Tori snarled before grabbing me, "Come on! Were old enough to just put in our names! Deadlines tomorrow! We need the money to Anya..." I glared at her, "It's dangerous for the love of god!"


I gripped my hands onto the steering wheel as each minute ticked by, "How long does it take for Tori to deposit something?" Kiara asked agitated as we sat there in beautiful sparkly dresses in the parking lot to the post office, "I don't's been 3O minutes and she hasn't been picking up her damn cell." I threw the Iphone back into the coin holder. I looked up to see Tori running back and opening the door leading to the back seat, "What in god's name were you doing?" Kiara asked looking back at her, "Sorry, long line."

I eyed her carefully, "Oh just drive!" She ordered and off we were. We arrived at the house and obviously Tori being the beautiful, fascinating, social party animal she was hit it off. Her and a certain friend Jessica started partying and soon they both dispersed deeper into the house leaving Kiara and I outside.

There in the front porch was a cute little swing set, for kids of course. Kiara and I being a little underweight walked over to it, hand in hand before pulling away and sitting next to each other on the small little swings. The wind pushed us back and forth lightly as the cold breeze picked up and the twinkling of the stars shone in my face, "Life sucks at the moment..." I looked at her as she spoke. She sighed before continuing, "I have no job, no money...I don't know how to make new friends..." I laughed slightly at her comments and her glistening eyes shot over to mine, "I'm the know I got fired last night." She gasped and took my hand, "What!? Why!!" I shrugged, "Jimmy said he couldn't afford me...It's probably cause I'm still young."

She held onto my index and middle finger and looked away off into the depth of darkness surrounding us, "I don't want our future to be like this..." I nodded to myself and kept my eyes on the stars...somewhere up there my mom and dad rested in peace alone with Kiara's...both our parents died a horrific car accident...weird how they collided into each other too...Kiara and I hated each others guts at the age of 15...and when we had no one else we've learned to turn all that hate to love.

"You know...the Game over thing...? It's a good way to win 1 million. Were all active...all headstrong and positive. Always strong and holding each other up. Great hand-eye coordination. We'd make it...Did you hear what the game has in it though? You have to kill and you being the's like a real thing...or so that's what I heard." She peeked at me from the corner of her eyes.

She soon sighed, "Yea I figured that out...I'm up for it though. You know, if you wanted me to be honest." She admitted, "Why did you deny it?" She asked. I looked down at searched "Game Over" on my Iphone and immediately the pro's and con's popped up. I showed the angel sitting next to me the list, "That's why...more than 3,OOO people playing the game...and you know half of them are dead. Whatever's going on in that thing us real." Her beautifully manicured nails held my phone and I saw her eyes twinkling, "Meaning...?" She trailed off.

I sighed and cleared my throat, "Meaning real pain...Plus a lot of them have gone crazy, you know...mentally unstable? Loony bins? Coo coo?" Kiara handed my phone back, "But for a million dollars? For a million...wouldn't you want to win?" I looked back at her, "Would you watch your friends die just to earn a million?" I asked her, "I immediately saw her face crunch up as she choked back tears. I should have seen it coming since Kiara has been overly sensitive from the first time we ended up having a fight. I sighed, "I'm sorry, it just seems like that's what there doing. You would have to be selfish to kill people...killing is a sin, your dreams of going to heaven would be damned to hell if you killed someone."

Kiara looked me directly in my hazel eyes, "Were already in hell...doing what those monsters out there are doing would just be like eating candy canes during Christmas Eve. Tastes good, but eat too many and you'll go fat for all I know. Just like the hell in which were already living in.Doing that wouldn't be good, or bad...smack straight in the middle." And she stood up and walked away towards the door.

She opened the door and blasting and booming music filtered out as I sighed to myself seeing my own breath in the air. I shook my head thinking of my personal pro's and cons.

Pros: win a million dollars and live like one...

Cons: lose everything you've ever trusted in...
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New story. Stick with us guys.