Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over


Anya's p.o.v

"Kiara!" I shrieked looking from left to right into nothing but the pitch black that enveloped the forest. I was lost...and Kiara was no where to be found. My hands shook in fear, the first time I was so scared because I was so...alone. But I shoved that fear down the back of my throat and swallowed it as I continued thinking about Kiara. She was alone to. God knows what she is feeling this moment. Looking for me as well...

I heard leaves crunch in the thick bushes and I spun around, "Kiara?" I asked out loud. No response. I heard more leaves crunching and demonic growls shoot out around me. I felt numb, I couldn't move but I had to. God knows what types of animals were in the forest away from the base. I lifted my legs and slowly stepped backwards.

Right...left...right...left...right- CRUNCH

I paused and looked down to see a broken twig that I stepped on. I looked back up and saw red eyes sparkling at me, shimmering razor sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlight, and it all happened in a flash and I found myself sprinting down another darker route as snarls and growls followed me. I felt cold sweat beading on my forehead as I heard the four legged mutants racing towards me. I heard a snap and I turned to see the biggest wold of the pack snapping at my heels.

I back kicked it in the muzzle and it shot backwards into another wolf. Apparently the kick slowed me down because when I turned to see how close they were, a gray wolf around 5 feet long jumped onto me, digging its teeth into my shoulder as I yelped in pain as it dragged me to the ground. It jumped off of me and my blood drizzled down its teeth and splattered to the floor.

I grasped at my shoulder and felt stinging pain. I turned to see my golden armor shredded, a bite mark embedded into it. I rolled over onto my back and watched the black bear sized wolf circle me, I was outnumbered...5 to 1...

I shook my head and slowly tried standing to my feet, which I accomplished. I heard a demonic bark and three of the five wolves jumped at me. I shrieked as one shredded my leg, pulling out flesh and skin. The other two started working on my right, snapping into my leg, not letting go as I heard a snap and fell limp to the floor. My leg was broken, snapped actually and the pain was unbearable. I cried as tears streamed down my face. I won't be able to see Kiara or Tori...I was gonna be eaten alive and everyone was watching on live television as floating beeping monitors known as cameras in the game world caught everything that happened to me.

The big wolf came inches from my face, sniffed me once and then stepped back crouching. It let out the biggest roar I have ever heard before it's razor sharp teeth came towards my neck. I shrieked again when I saw a metal crowbar collide into the side of it's face and two sets of cracks erupted as the big thing fell limp, blood oozing out of the broken side of its neck as it's eyes turned white and it's soul left the possessed dog. One by one the wolves pounced towards the person behind me, I heard the crowbar cling as it dropped to the floor and I heard a sword swish out of the case, a firm masculine hand grabbed my sword out of its case and all I could see was the golden gleam of my sword along with the silver gleam of his. Wolves whimpered as they limped away from me, one by one, running deeper into the forest.

"Hey..." I heard a voice I'd never forget. I tried craning my neck but he came and fell to his knees next to me. His eyes red, puffy...and swollen with pain, "Mark?" I asked stunned. He cracked a small smile, "Hey erm...Anya right?" He asked looking at the blood that violently spread down my legs, "Yea..." I said as he slowly grasped me in a soft hold, "How badly do you hurt?" He asked before lifting me up, he grasped me a bit to hard and my leg shot up and I shrieked in pain once again, closing my eyes and wincing as more tears slipped past my eyes, "Oh shit. I'm sorry, hold're gonna be okay." He said angelically, "Why the hell are you helping me...and more importantly why the hell are you here?" I asked a bit more rudely than I should.

He chuckled softly, "Sorry...I er...Jason and Joey they-" I cut him off, my eyes still closed as I felt cold ground and I opened them to see shelter in a small cave, "What they ditched you? Went rogue?" He plopped himself down next to me before throwing out a small device that had 'Jason' scrawled on it, which popped out an inventory, "They...they're dead." He said sighing. I looked at him stunned, "What?"

"They were like my best friends, kind of like you and your friends...Katherine and Tina?" He asked, "Kiara and Tori." I corrected as he nodded, "Right...well...Jason saved know I was supposed to die. It was my fault I cheated...we were sentenced to the death match again and...this guy pounded me to bits and I wish he just killed me sooner. He raised his sword and I saw it coming towards me when I never felt it...opened my eyes and it was stuck in Jason's chest, went through one end and out the other." I saw his eyes twinkling in the dim light, "Joey he...he blew up the whole arena. Had one of those sticky bombs, don't know if you've heard of em...but yea it's suicide to try and use one. Like you've gone kamikaze on someone. The minute it blew up the minute I was teleported to the game lobby. The voice asked me if I wanted to quit and go back home since I lost everything...or if I wanted to choose a team to be with...and I choose yours Anya, the "Golden Hawks" hope you don't mind..." I shook my head as he grabbed a new potion, the one that he fed me earlier in the last level.

He tilted my head back and squeezed a drop as I felt it slosh down my throat, and instantly the pain ceased as flesh re-grew on my skin and the blood dispersed, "I...don't know where else to go...and you...yo-you." He broke down as I heard a sob escape his lips. My legs were numb, still healing but I swung them over and bent down to his level, "Hey...hey." I said soothing his hair and placing a hand on his cheek. He looked over at me and my he looked gorgeous. His hair wasn't black was dark brown. He smiled at me as I looked at his hair curiously, "Natural was temporary, I did it with the guys before I came the lobby they gave me a couple hours to relax." I watched as his blue eyes sparkled into mine and I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry." I whispered into his ear. He slowly wrapped his arms around me, they slid down to my waist and he clutched me there as he cried into my shoulder.


I held Mark's hand tightly and pulled him, towards the base, "No wait I can't." He said pulling back as he saw Kiara, Tori and some third man sitting there, "Yes you can okay, they're not gonna eat you." I said looking at him, "But...everything that I did to your team I-"

"Kiara, Tori!" I shouted. They shot they're heads over including the man who was apparently the third wheel, "Whose that?" Tori asked stunned, "It's uh...Mark remember? The silver team?" I asked as we came closer. Tori grabbed her gun out of her messenger bag and Kiara came with her sword wielding in the air towards Mark. He did nothing, like he intended on being slaughtered. I pushed him back and stood protecting him, "Stop!" I shouted at Kiara as the sword came down hard, inches from my face. I looked at her stunned as the blade stopped an inch from my nose. She pulled it back, "What are you doing with the enemy!" She shouted, "He lost his friends and everything okay. He wants to join so let him, he can be helpful." I retorted, "Bullshit you just think he's cute!" Tori laughed bitterly, "Shut the hell up! I have a heart unlike both of you. Stop it!" They all went silent. Mark held my hand tighter, like he was nervous or just scared of the way the girls glared at him, "He's part of our team now. So stop treating him like he is the enemy. What's done is done in the past. Deal with it." I growled.

I looked up towards the dark screen, "Did you hear that? Mark's part of the golden team now." I said firmly. Something shimmered near the trees and I turned to see a golden suit laying there still. I walked over and picked it up before grabbing it. I turned and looked at Mark and he went to go touch the armor and yelled in pain as it re-stitched into his skin. He fell to the floor crying in pain as Kiara and Tori watched grimly. I looked over at them with the same grim look.


Kiara and Tori hauled me over to the other side of the island, "Are you seriously out of your mind Anya?" Tori growled, "No I'm not." I retorted pulling out of they're grasp, "He tried to kill us! Twice! He hurt you Anya he-" I cut Kiara off, "Might I add were not here to make friends. Were here to win a million dollars, the least he could do was heal me which he did. And he lost everything. So stop being so heartless." I growled. Tori laughed bitterly, " who are you gonna choose over this? Your friends who've saved your ass or the man who tried to kill us?"

I looked at her and smirked grimly, "I choose what I choose, and so far, your not on the top of my list."
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