Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over

Taking Sides;

Anya's p.o.v

It was late at night. I stirred awake and found Kiara and Tori sleeping far far away from Mark and I. They both disagreed with me bringing him into the group. I couldn't help it I mean...yea he was cute and all but there was something different about him. Not a bad different, a good one. I looked over at him and saw his eyes looking at me. I flinched and he smirked laughing at me, "You okay sleeping beauty?" I sat up in my sleeping bag, "The hell are you doing looking at me like that?" I wondered in a whisper as he mimicked my moves and sat up for himself. I wrapped my arms around my legs as he looked at me resting his hands back that propped him up.

"You okay?" He asked as I nodded slightly, "Eh just the group doesn't really want you here." He laughed slightly, "I know." He sighed and looked away at the moon lit night. The light was bright enough to reveal the sadness in his eyes. I took his hand in mine immediately, "It's okay. If they don't accept you than I will." He smiled at me and opened his mouth to say something when something rustled in the bushes. We pulled away and slashed out our swords when we saw the game helper that had arrived for Kiara. I didn't care much for him, nor did I even know his name but he stood there smirking at us, "Might I add I accept you as well Mark." He said leaning against a tree, looking intensely at us, "You don't even know me and the things I've done." Mark laughed bitterly, "Oh but I do. How rude of me I haven't even introduced myself. I am Percy, the game helper as you all know. Continuing on from what I had said... I have observed with million other game helpers. I have seen you Mark and you Anya battle for your life. What ever you have done is not your fault. Someone must die and someone must live right? And that's what you have all tried to do so desperately." Percy came to sit near us, across from us as I looked on at him. He was so....gorgeous. He smiled looking at me, "Your friends might think that Mark is a liar, but I for one has seen what he has gone through. I thank you for accepting him, you are open with a big heart...but do not accept anyone else." He warned me, "The life of this game is different, but the people are the same. Lying cheaters and deceivers." He added.

"Can I ask why your here Percy?" I wondered, "I am here to help your friend Kiara, I am here to protect her and only her and to show her the right of way, but it's not bad making new friends such as you and the rest of the group. Kiara and I must talk soon. I need to tell her that the choice she is about to make is wrong." I exchanged a quick look with Mark and turned to Percy, "What decision?" I wondered, "That is not my place to tell. But your life is in grave danger." He said turning to Mark. I squeezed his hand tighter and he turned to look at me. I kept my eyes glued on Percy as he stood up, "Excuse me." And he walked off towards Kiara's sleeping body away from us, "What does that mean?" I wondered shocked, "Anya..." Mark whispered, "Why doesn't he tell us? You're in danger." I said panicking but in a calm serene tone, "Anya..." He winced as I turned to look at him, "Can you let go please?" He laughed a bit as I looked down at my hand crushing his, "Oh!" I released his hand and he pulled back rubbing it with his other hand, "It's okay. shouldn't worry. Whatever happens to me happens. You saved me once, you can't do it again." I laughed bitterly, "If I have to I will." He looked deep into my eyes and I looked away at first but turned back to see those beautiful clear blue pools again.

He came closer to me, inches closer to me. His lips brushed mine and I closed my eyes inhaling his beautiful scent. His hand wrapped around my waist when I pulled away, realizing just how intimate we were getting. We both cleared our throats at the sudden awkward realization of what we were about to do. I wrapped my hands around my legs again, "Um..." He said softly. I could almost see his face flushing red in the darkness, "Don't worry about it. It never happened." He laughed, "It never really did now did it?"

Kiaras p.o.v

"Kiara." I heard a firm but low voice. My eyes popped open but everything was blurry. I saw a head pop up and I almost screamed when his cold hands covered mine, "Bloody hell! It's me Percy." He whispered furiously. I threw his hand off of me and crawled out of my sleeping bag to see Tori sound asleep, "The hell are you doing?!" I whispered back, "I must talk to you." I laughed bitterly, "So that's why you give me a-" He cut me off by grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the campsite, "Ouch!" I finally said aloud as I was finally away from Tori. Percy dropped my hand and turned me around, "You are making a grave mistake." He said coldly, "What? What are you talking about-" He grabbed me by the cuff of my shirt since I had my armor off and slammed me against the nearest tree. I didn't feel a thing because I was frightened of the look on his face, "Listen to me carefully." He said in a low voice filled with venom. His eyes penetrating the deep depths of my soul. I gulped as he continued

"Mark has done nothing wrong. You are being influenced by Tori's negativity towards him. He has spoken the truth the whole time and with Anya as well." I shoved Percy off of me and he growled a deep ugly growl, "Anya is my friend and I love her. She doesn't need that stupid demon around her even if he is innocent." Percy laughed bitterly, "And have you tried discussing you're "operation : mark" with her?" Percy asked through gritted teeth, "I can't do that because she-" He cut me off, "Because she what? Because she loves him?" That hit me hard and I didn't know how to respond, "If you didn't hear what I had just said than maybe you should see for yourself." He took my hand and turned around swiftly and towed me close enough to the two sleeping bags where I heard laughing and talking.

We peeked over the edge and I saw how...happy Anya was, "I'm not a romantic guy." Mark said smirking at Anya like a little boy, "And I'm not a romantic girl." Anya responded with a big grin on her face. Mark took Anya's hand and kissed it softly, out of nowhere to. Anya's face fell and she turned red as she flushed. He looked up at her and laughed all over again, "Look at how beautiful you look blushing like that!" Anya slapped him playfully and he fell over onto his sleeping bag laughing again.

A flash and gust of wind in my face and Percy and I were back to our regular hide out. My heart dropped as I thought of how Anya would have looked if she found Mark dead tomorrow morning...and it would be all my fault as well, "Now...are you going to take away something that has clearly started to develop in Anya's heart?" I looked up at Percy as tears filled my eyes, "I wasn't thinking of it-" He cut me off by putting his hand up and shaking his head, "I am ashamed that you listen to the negative one in this friendship." He pointed to the sleeping bag in which Tori was sleeping in, "Might I add, she won't get anywhere by hurting you people. You can't lie your way out of death." He came inches from my face, "Trust me don't know what type of dangers your playing with. The danger of taking an innocent person's life, and the danger of playing with Anya's heart."
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so yay it's my turn! i do hope you guys enjoy it. can't wait for kendra to update her chapter. i'm really starting to like this part of the story myself :) ha ha, thanks so much for reading you fans <3

xoxo nikki