Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over

Wrong Move;

Kiaras p.o.v

As soon as I woke up, I was paralyzed with last night. My first reaction was to look for Percy, who had disappeared from sight. Then I looked to the right, and almost jumped to see Tori next to me. Her hands flinched to catch my scream, but I held it in and grabbed my heart from my chest. “The hell are you trying to do, make my life flash in front of my eyes?” I growled angrily. “Not to answer a question with another question, but where’s Anya?!” Automatically, I whipped my eyes to lie upon the empty sleeping bags that where Anya and Mark lay. My eyes widened, and I turned my look to Tori so she would get my clueless message. She grit her teeth, and looked into the depths of the forest. “This isn’t funny Kiara, we’re playing with death… new plan, you get Anya as far away from Mark as you can, and I’ll do the dirty business.” I flinched a bit, but tried to look strong and nodded sternly.

Tori jumped up and put out a hand for me to grab, “You okay with this? You can just stay here; I can do it myself…” I looked away, my heart burning holes through my chest. I took her hand and pulled myself up, “I’m no chicken. Let’s go while we got an early start.” Tori didn’t answer me; she just took off into the forest leaving me to chase her fleeing shadow. We continued to run, dodging in bushes, beneath tree roots, Tori numerous times flinching and grabbing her arrows and bow only to slowly snuff it back and go the opposite direction and around, which for sure scared me. Finally we stopped at one position where Tori knelled on one knee and looked at an impression in the soil. She smirked, the smile sending chills up my spine, my blood pumping. “This looks like Anya’s shoe print…” She nodded confidently, “And I’m judging that this bigger shoe here is Mark’s, looks like they were going in single file…” I felt my heart grow, burn, fry in oil inside me. Then what really scared me, I thought I saw Percy’s face standing a few feet away. My heart stopped, I stood shocked, and looked up to find a ghostly image of him ghastly evaporate in the air and disappear.

I remembered last night, and then it caught up with me. How could I do that to her? Lies can’t hide a death… I was caught in the middle of my little day dream when Tori snapped at me to stop looking into space. I ran after her and she glared at me, “Kiara, if you can’t handle it 100% than you can’t come…” My heart ached, and everything in my body as telling me to accept it and go back, then I wouldn’t have hardly anything to do with it and could escape… But I simply answered “I can handle the heat.” … We ran further into the thickness of the forest, complicated patterns of leaves, vines and tangles grabbing my legs and arms as we entered space where no one has gone through. Tori froze in the middle of our expedition, and then her face turned to me, pale. “Are you with me, here?” My eyes widened again, and I looked in the direction she was looking to find Anya and Mark in open space. I looked back at her, and nodded, squeaking out a “yes, ma’am.”

She nodded, and took out an arrow and hooked it to her bow. “Distract Anya…” I nodded in understatement, and ran down further down. I looked in her direction, cleared my throat and burned the stomach butterflies and called, “Anya? Are you in here?” Some chatter stopped somewhere over there. “I hear your voice Kiara.” A sword appeared and then Anya and Mark. “Kiara, damn it don’t you know not to yell your name in here, you could get killed…” I gave her a sore look which totally matched my feelings, “Yeah I could hear you’re talking 20 miles away.” She slightly blushed, but quickly followed with, “What did you need?” I cleared my throat and tried to get my gears to function.

“Tori asked me to come back to camp, she needs help making lunch. We also need more food, so she asked Mark to find that.” She nodded, “I don’t like the idea of splitting up but I guess if we need it… Come on, let’s get to camp, I need to tell you about something that happened last night.” I looked at the floor, gathering my guts in a bucket, swallowing my guilt. “Mark, I think I saw some apples over there,” I mumbled, pointing lamely in the opposite direction.

Mark nodded, half interested. “I’ll look for them.” I nodded, “We’ll meet back at camp in a few hours.” With that, I started dragging Anya as fast as I could back to camp. I finally got back, and panted like a dog in my suspense. Anya looked at me strangely, but got straight to talking which I hated. “I need to tell you something Kiara… So Percy and I talked last night.” My heart stunned frozen, did he tell her?! “And he said that Mark was in grave danger… I think we should go back and make sure he doesn’t get hurt… I couldn’t stand that…” Then it all hit me.

What was I doing? I couldn’t kill Mark… I couldn’t let Tori kill him… Suddenly my leg’s where carrying me, carrying me into the forest. I didn’t even look back to see if Anya was there with me. I literally clashed into the scene, my brain insulting me for not remembering to bring medicine. My eyes lay on a horrific seen, Tori getting an arrow ready, her not seeing me in the clearing, Mark marching totally clueless around in the forest. I put everything I was worth into it, I ran up the hill, tripped over the vines, yet she didn’t see me. “STOP!” I screamed, rapping my hands around her bow. She was totally dead to the world accept killing Mark, and by the look on her face when she saw me, it was obvious she only noticed me now. In the corner of my eye, a flicker zipped through the air, cutting through the air currents. I looked terrified, a tight groan escaped Mark’s lips and he fell on the ground, blood already pouring around him.

Tori and I looked at each other then. Her face was one of seeing a ghost; it terrified me so badly I couldn’t move for a second. Then she got up and started running the opposite direction. “Tori!” I half screamed half whispered. I stopped dead to see Anya rush into the open, and fall next to Mark. The stray arrow had hit him in the leg. I was just starring for a few seconds when Tori literally ripped me off my feet and half dragged me down to camp, she let go of me and stormed back herself. I regained my posture and ran after him breathless. “Tori! Killing Mark was a mistake-!”

The face I received from Tori could kill a guy. “The hell do you think you’re doing?!” She screamed at me, then turned and looked shaking, crippled in the same spot. I choked out, “Killing him isn’t going to solve the problem Tori! It would have hurt Anya-“

She looked at me, the same ghost face. “Oh really? What’s going to happen when Mark turn’s on us and kills us huh? What are you going to do when he kills Anya, huh, you gonna say I didn’t want her to get hurt THEN? What are you going to do next time someone tries to kill you in this damn cold world, feel pity for him and let him kill you like you just did with Mark?” I ran out of speech to say, and I stood there trying to find words. “Percy told me that he’s good though, Tori!” I said, defending myself. She was breathing hard, she looked like she wanted to replace me with Mark and I was suddenly scared to let her carry those arrows. “Percy… that guy you brought back, huh? The guy you trust out of nowhere! I’ll let you in on a pretty little secret. After I killed Mark I was going to turn on him and kill Percy and I know you couldn’t protest after you killed Mark. You know it’s the same situation, but now Mark is still alive, and he is going to tell Anya. He saw us; I looked into his eyes you know. And now, You… You ruined everything.”

Tears helplessly spilled down my cheeks, and I stood unable to be mobile. She looked at me hard and cold, like an ice statue, then walked back to camp. “I knew we should have never gone into this stupid game. We were doing perfectly fine, but look here we’re at now. Left for dead. We had it pretty decent but we got sucked into this hell hole.” She looked at me, someone looked at me that I didn’t even know. “And you shattered all our hope. Just like that we’re lost. I hope your happy bitch, because you just ruined us all.” She walked away, disappeared into the darkness. Rain poured out of nowhere, almost as if on cue. I just flopped on a sitting position, looking into the direction she left. She was right, it was all my fault, I thought I knew what I was doing- saving everyone but really, I made everyone a sitting duck…
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We've been planning this chapter for a while, so sorry it's long. We've been in a pickle.... you know a dill pickle not those yucky sweet pickles but still a pickle we were in... hope you like it anyway =D...