Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over

Change Of Plans;

Kiaras p.o.v

It was late...around 11:OO, that's when only a few of Tori's best friends stuck around gossiping about who knows what junk in the kitchen. I sat in the master bedroom which had belonged to Jessica, I doubt she'd mind me invading it though. I left the lights off as I kicked off my heels and laid back to enjoy the peace and quiet for once...just to get away from everything that's got me tied down I suppose. I took another deep sigh and looked unwilling at a work desk...Tori's bag left ontop of a document.

I stepped out of bed and walked towards it. Opening the document I fell upon pictures of her and her family of course. Past dogs she had as kids, a few key chains and other small items. Something in the middle was folded up, held together with a rubber band. I knew what it was...I saw it only yesterday and it was coming back to me, just to haunt me like everything else in my life has done.

I wanted to take a quick peek at I picked it up and untied the knot, knowing perfectly well I would regret it later, I would just be torturing myself with this type of effort. Trying to look at something I wouldn't have. I slowly tugged at the stretched rubber band until it hopped off the paper with a quick snap and the whole thing fell out of my hands.

“Win big money! Winner of this incredible game will win a million dollars! Each player will start out with a starter kit! Each kit includes one sword, bow and 7 arrows. You will also be given ‘lives’ just like in a real video game!”
I could imagine the tacky news reporters booming voice as he exclaimed it through the t.v and to the viewers at home. I looked at the small print it said “WARNING: Be willing to risk it all.”

A creek went out and a small ray of light crept into the room, almost making me jump. I looked to find Anya starring at me with curious, cold eyes that sent chills up and down my spine and causing me to jam the paper back into the folder. Anya sighed and closed the door, letting itb e quiet and dark again like I had it before, "I know what that is..." Her voice drifted through out the room eerily. I slowly pulled it back out and gave her the now crumpled paper, "I was just looking at it, that's all..." I mumbled as she went to sit on the bed. I sat next to her barely being about to see away from the desk, "I know you two want to try it...but I honestly don't think it's worth dying for money...I mean look at this carefully Kiara! I...I don't t think I'll have the guts kill someone. They'll know...I know they will...They'll kill without mercy, just for money...they'll kill me. Without a second thought...I'll be gone the first few minutes leaving you both behind too..." She broke off there and sighed heavily.

I took her hand in mine, "Anya this is a once in a life time chance, think of how our lives would be, look at us! Were one dollar shy of not making the next payment of the house and were gonna be out on the streets,being killed...I don't want to be killed, I'm not suicidal but really...we have a chance at a better life...why not take it?" I whispered to her.

She didn't answer, she looked to the side still and then I couldn't feel her breathing anymore. The moment was ruined when the door flew open to us, the light shone brightly in our faces and it burned for a moment. Tory came running in with Jessica and some other friends I didn't know, "So this game I was hoping to-" She cut off at the sight of both of us sitting there, "Oh! Uh..." She stuttered turning back with a flushed face, "Jessica...Eddie...Katie? Excuse us for a second." She said giving them a small push towards the door. The group obviously didn't want their party moods to be ruined by a bunch of sad dopes like us, so they quickly obeyed and ran back down to the kitchen.

After being alone for what seemed to be a lifetime, Tori shut the door and turned on the lights for us this time, sitting down next to Anyay, we both kinda looked at each other oddly as Anya was lost in a gaze planted on her shoes, "Are you...okay Anya?" Tori asked, her voice croaking as she finally spoke. Anya's beautiful eyes looked up sorely at us, then sddenly stood up, "I'm just not doing it okay? I'm not risking our lives for money." She growled seriously, "God damn it Anya!" Tori called getting to her feet. Anya turned and barged out of the room, Tori pursuing her like a predator as I followed closely behind.

Tori finally caught her arm and turned her around quickly only to get the most scariest look from those angelic eyes, "Listen here Anya! Stop thinking of yourself, this could be huge for us! Can't you see that! Look at us! We aren't going anywhere with out lives, we're broke for Christ's sake!"

"Think of what a million dollars would do?" I said quietly, "We would have our lives back! Get a second chance! If you think that's not worth it, not getting a second chance? Then fine, stay here! Kiara and I will be better off." She stormed whipping past me and going into the next room with her friends.

I was frozen in the middle, looking back at Anya with stunned eyes as she covered her sadness with an ice cold glare. She turned and walked the opposite direction. I stammered, "A-Anya! I called running past her and blocking the path, "Please...why don't you want this for yourself! For us as best friends-" Anya interrupted my speech, "Why don't you go in that damned computerized game and get yourself killed! You heard Tori, you'll be better off without me complaining in the background." Her angelic voice nearly turned demonic as did those eyes as they pierced into the depths of my soul.

"Tori didn't mean it, you know she won't go anywhere without you or me, please Anya." I mumbled as tears whipped past my face. She looked back at me, her face said she was clearly tired of fighting with me and Tori, "I don't...know. What if something happens to me? What if something happens to you! I would never be able to live with myself if one of us died. And I agreed to this..." Her eyes grew red and irritated as those tears black mailed her deep inside, "If we stick together that won't happen, I promise..." I whispered hugging her tightly, my arms wrapping around her, "If one of us dies we all die, and when we win the million dollars we all win the million dollars of course..." I cheered in a whisper close to her ear as she stood there letting me hug her frame, "You don't know what will happen, why can't we just let it go..." Anya muttered, "Anya please...I promise."

"You can't promise that...that isn't set in stone Kiara." Anya's pertrified voice drilled into my ear, "I'll make it happen, if that promise is broken....we will all go to heaven with smiles on our faces, come on...promise me back that you'll come with us."

I pulled away to see her face harden at the mention of the game, "I...fine...I promise." She mumbled, but her face read she didn't mean it, "Thank you Anya, Tori and I will always be on your side you know." I cheered. I took her hand and lead her into the room in which Tori was in as her friends piled out at the sight of us, "Tori." I whispered, "Leave me alone." She spat at us as she looked out the window, "But Anya agreed! She's giving it a chance!" She looked at us with teary eyes.

"For real?" Tori asked with bright shiny smiles, "I guess." Anya said smirking. Tori gathered another giant smirk, "Well than...what are we doing here?" She laughed popping off teh window sill.

"Let's start a game plan for game over!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait, it probably wasn't a good idea to offer being second to write, right before the bussiness of Christmas, after i had to visit my mom's side of the family, dad's side of the family, then Christmas at my own house... SORRY! Well enjoy, more coming soon ;)