Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over


Anya's p.o.v

I watched as the clouds formed different shapes. Lying on my back on a sandy area near a beach, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply as the waves crashed over head, as the cool morning's wind brushed over me, tickling me hesitantly. I sighed deeply before I heard Kiara slowly walk out of the forest with wood, "It would help if you could carry some wood." She said softly. I stood up quickly and grabbed some wood from her. I threw it down in a spot and then sat back against a log. Kiara looked at me, "Fire? I don't have the strength to start one right now." I sighed, "Neither do I." She stood up irritated, "Look. Were both scared, tired, and sad...but we have to continue to do this okay." She said firmly as I nodded. She walked towards the forest again, "Where are you going?" I asked her, "To explore. We haven't heard from the voice yet." I got up and followed her.

I thought the new forest would be crazy, crazier than the last one, but it was so peaceful. Beautiful looking birds with bizarre colors fluttering and singing up above. I watched as dangerous but beautiful animals watched us intently but ignored our presence and moved on with their lives. I looked over at Kiara who was peering into a pool of silver. I looked at it curiously as Kiara was about to put her hand in it, "Are you nuts?" She looked over at me, "No, but I feel like I should touch it..." I laughed bitterly, "Yea? Well what if something pops up and devours your hand? Then what are you gonna do?" She sighed irritatedly, "This isn't your hand." She put her palm up and looked at me, "Might I add. I can do whatever the hell I want with it." I folded my arms angrily and bit my tongue and tried my best to not lose my patience.

Kiara went through with her idea and shoved her hand into the pool of silver and instantly pulled it out screaming in pain. I flinched as the silvery liquid latched onto her hand. I looked at it stunned as she cursed out loud, the animals around us running away, watching from a distance, "Kiara...Kiara what's wrong?" I asked. She was crying in more pain than I've ever witnessed her as the liquid slowly burst into flames, "Woah!" I went into my inventory, pulling out a water sack that we had made such a long time ago. I uncapped it, "Hurry up it burns!" Kiara shouted. I threw it onto the flames on her hand but instead of going out they turned purple, blue, and a mixture of orange. I looked at it as Kiara's cries died down to just winces.

"Does it hurt?" I wondered out loud, " actually feels better." She looked at me stunned, "Well..put that thing out, I don't trust you with it-" With a flick of her right hand which was on flames, a blast of fury fire hit my leg that was suited with armor. It raged wildly, "Kiara!" I shouted falling back. She looked at me stunned before looking down at the silvery pool. She stuck her left hand into it and cried in pain before flashed the silver water at me, "No no no no!" I cried in sheer horror thinking I would be a victim of the same pain. But instead of the silver water hitting me, it revolved around Kiara's left hand, she controlled it and aimed it straight at the fire on my leg before it splashed onto it and doused the flames.

I looked at Kiara bewildered as her fiery hand doused itself, "How did you do that?" I asked. She laughed at me stunned, "I have no clue! But it was so cool-" I stood up and marched to her. Taking her hands in mine, "What are you doing-" I cut her off by placing her hands palm up and I gasped at what I saw, she had symbols etched onto her palms, like a scar. One was a water sign, the other a fire sign, "What does that mean?" Kiara asked, "It means that you can control fire and water smart one." I said flipping my hand over, "Like how I can apparently control the light and the dark."

Right then our thoughts and moments were cut off when a voice entered from up above, "Remaining survivors will be reported to the last duel of the game. There shall be only one team standing." I looked at Kiara, "Well luck's been with you today, you got powers now. Better learn how to stabilize them before we enter the brawl." And with that a strong light blinded us before we were taken off our feet and dropped elsewhere. It was cold and dark, I heard water dripping, pitter patter as I stood up carefully. Pitch black. I didn't know where I was. I heard hisses and growls, "Anya." Kiara said softly. I put out my hand as light shone brightly. Over sized snakes, animals that were hungry, insects, they were all there. I looked at them stunned as I backed up. I looked over and saw Kiara who rushed towards me, "Um..." She put her hand out and fire burst out and hit a four legged beast as it burst into flames. The others backed away, but didn't back down, "Save your energy, the light is enough to blind em." I looked around the big room.

"It looks like were in a sewer or something." I looked at Kiara, "How would you know that?" I looked around as well, the room wasn't really a room, it was a tunnel, water rushing down the sides of it and it smelled horrid, "Never mind that. Let's go." I said walking forward. The beasts soon lost interest in us and went to go prey on something more vulnerable than us, "Wait, go where exactly?" Kiara asked a bit frightened, "We'll be fine, just follow me." I said edging closer down the tunnels.

As I turned a corner I heard something cut against air as a shiny sharp metal sword came towards my neck. I instinctively grabbed it with my hands and kicked the person who was holding it, ripping the sword out of his hand and ripping my flesh as well. The man was tall, buff and boy did he look pissed. I pulled the sword out of my hand and pointed it at him. I swung the sword towards his neck but he dodged it quickly, to the point where I didn't see where he ducked to, he kicked me straight in the back and I fell forward, the sword flying out of my hand as Kiara shot out bows and arrows after him. He ran swiftly towards the sword, dodging the arrows and throwing the sword at me as I stood up. I saw it spiral towards me and I ducked, Kiara ducking as well as it someone behind us. A sneak attack it was, we were being ambushed.

I pulled out bows and arrows from my inventory as Kiara and I went back to back. 5 members of the team we faced circled us, "Oh give it up ladies. If you beg maybe we'll let you off the hook." The first guy laughed at us. I pulled back my arrow and shot one out as it puncture his neck. He fell back choking as the tense rose up and swords were flung at us, "Duck!" I shouted as Kiara and I fell back down again. Swords inched past our heads, cut locks of our hair as they missed us and hit each other.

A couple of them pulled out the swords that were en lodged in them and ran at us, the only two that survived came quickly. I jumped up and shot an arrow at one, he dodged it quickly and kicked me in the gut as I spiraled back into the tunnel walls. Kiara had her own hands full with another spider monkey who was slashing at her wickedly. I dodged a hit from a sword and sent an uppercut into the tall man's jaw as he fell back into the murky waters.

He raged back up, hitting me with the end of his sword as I fell onto the ground, my weapons being thrown across the murky waters and hiding in the deep parts. I was on my back, looking up at the killer. He threw his sword down, "I think I'll have a little fun with you." He said before kicking me in the gut hard. I coughed and sputtered, gasping for air as he slammed his fist into my face, a crack from his knuckles as I turned my head to the side, spitting out blood. I was woozy and dizzy. Everything in the tunnel spun wickedly. Then his hands grasped around my neck as he squeezed as hard as he could. I gasped and choked for air, I felt my lungs being crushed as he squeezed any harder, "Any last words?" He asked smirking, "Yea, go to hell." Someone from behind him said as a sword went through his beck and out his front. I felt the tip of the sword touch my stomach as his eyes fell lifeless instantly. A hand picked him up and threw him off me as I coughed and gasped for air, "Anya? Anya are you okay?" Mark's familiar voice filled the air. I looked up at him, coughing before catching my breath, "Yea I'm fine-" Mark's cold lips pressed against mine harshly, cutting off my axis of air again. I pushed him off me, "Not now I can't breath!" I turned around and saw Kiara's head smash into the wall as the girl looked up in rage. I put my palm out in front of me as blinding light hit her eyes, sizzling as she shrieked dropping her weapon. Kiara raised her palm and sent out blazing flames into the girls face as she shrieked in agony.

Kiara raised her bow and arrow and shot one that pierced the girls heart, and down she fell dead. We were out of breath, even Mark, "Where were you?" I asked him, "I just battled off...4 really tough guys...and everything hurts."

A voice cut in, "Congratulations to the last team standing, you will now be teleported back to the game lobby." In an instant a big explosion filled my ears, an explosion of cheers and cries and horrays and I realized I was laying in the game lobby...the lobby I first entered. Medical teams came rushing towards us, the police were in uniform and I looked up to see them handcuff the creator of the game, taking him out of the building as people booed and threw things at him, "You killed people!" People outside raged. I staggered to my feet before falling into medical personal, "Anya? Anya can you hear me?" A man asked, "Yea I'm fine." I said as I regained my composure.

I looked over and saw Kiara struggle to her feet. She looked outside, looked around and saw real people, the real world and she sobbed. I ran over to her and hugged her tightly, "We made it." I said as I hugged her tightly, "We made it."
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WHOO so close to the ending; the made it out alive! :3