Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over


Anya's p.o.v

We stepped up to gaze up at the building that towered in front of us. Was this company that rich that they could afford their own runway? I asked myself that as planes began landing right behind them and new comers unloaded to come stand next to us. I shrugged off my suitcases as the men in blue uniforms suddenly snatched them from me. I looked back with calm and serene eyes as Tori and Kiara got theirs taken away as well.

I turned back to come face to face with a pale thin woman with wrinkles on her face, a white pencil skirt and blouse, "You will not be needing suitcases. If you live, your cases will be returned, if not, your cases will go back to your loved ones." She said in monotone of a voice, "Follow me." She ordered before turning around, her black hair nearly missing my face as we followed after her like lost dogs. We entered the large building full of teenagers like ourselves, but there were thousands and thousands of people in this building. I turned around to look at the lady but she was long gone.

All of a sudden the doors slammed shut, people shrieked in a panic as the whole hall burst into chaos. A metal shield went over each and every window and I felt the chills race up my spine, "I'm beginning to think that this was a mistake..." Tori's panicky voice whispered into my ear, "Nice job." I whispered harshly back. She rolled her eyes and stepped behind me once again. A big screen came to life above us, every soul in the room craned their necks to look straight up and it was that same woman who had walked us in.

" Welcome boys and girls. You have all signed a contract to be here so I will not go over those terms.But there is one rule that each one of you will follow. Stay Alive." The screen went black and there was a lot of murmuring in the room. It was pitch dark and we couldn't see anything. The only thing I could possibly see was Tori's shimmering blue eyes and Kiara's green ones, and the only thing I had felt was the cold touch of both of their hands grasping onto mine.There was a weird noise that slowly, and gradually took over the hall. It was like a huge jet about to take off. The room glowed bright neon colors that blinded all of us and we were sucked away like a vacuum towards a portal, the lights enveloped me to the point where my head was spinning and nausea crept through me.

Then it all stopped and I collided on my back, pain shot up through my spine as I cried aloud in pain. I rolled over onto my stomach as my back pulsated with more and more pain. I slowly lifted myself up and shook off the immense pain, lucky I didn't break anything.

"Tori? Kiara?" I answer but the eerie feeling of loneliness in this worn out and disgusting looking room in which I seemed to be trapped in. I saw blinking lights in the corner of the rooms. I squinted at them and noticed that they were cameras. What is this a joke?

My eyes darted across the room before I saw an amazing purple suit that matched my eyes in the dim light. I stepped closer and saw a note placed properly onto it Please put on I dropped the note to the side and reached out and grabbed the collar of the suit. A tingling sensation burned through my arm and electrocuted me up to my neck. I shrieked in sheer horror as a million things raced through my mind which soon had become a sudden blur. The burning sensation of the tight violet latex suit stitched into my skin... it was becoming my skin. I tried to rip it off with my other hand but it attached it it as well and I stepped back before stumbling over the edge of a platform and fell to the floor. My back arching as it covered up my hold body. I tried to shake it off but it didn't work. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see the suit embedded into me. Covered from my neck down.

I rolled over to rest on my knees, my arms holding my head up. I stumbled up before grabbing a pair of boots that laid right next to where my suit was and a backpack that had my name stitched on it. I heard two shrieks mix in harmony and in my sheer pain I raced out the room and down the hall, knocking through a door to see Kiara laying there stricken, a red suit embedded into her, I walked myself to the door right next to it and found Tori there, recovering from the pain. I held her as we walked back into Kiara's room, both their eyes filled with tears, "I hurts a lot." I gave in with a weak smile.

A light went off in the distance and I looked back at them before slowly inching my way towards it. I small button with red letters said Please Press When Ready. I reached out and grabbed Kiara and Tori's hands and with my index finger pushed it. A hole opened up from underneath our feet and we toppled into it. It was like a roller coaster ride going up down, left right, side to side. Then as the endless pitfall never stopped, my foot caught ground and I spun out of control before falling on my stomach, flat. Kiara and Tori dropping next to me in the same position. I spit out dirt that was caught in my mouth, "Wonderful." I heard Tori mutter angrily, I wiped my mouth, and as I did the ground shook furiously. I gripped onto the dirt...hoping that was what would keep me from not moving forward, but of course it didn't. Then off in the distance a huge...creature limped towards us.

"What...what is it?" I asked, the thing became visible and was covered in chocolate slime with eyes that seemed to be lifeless and dead, teeth jagged and sharp, "It's our first task...kill the beast." Tori readied herself for the unexpected as I lay there watching...before it charged.
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hope you guys enjoy!!