Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over


Kiaras p.o.v

As those words flew out of Anya's angelic mouth, a flash and I was on the floor. All this teleporting started to get my stomach to churn. I couldn't help it, from all the dizzy-ness...I felt my food from early today coming back up and I turned my face as I threw up the contents. I spit and gagged before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand for that was all I had.

I picked myself up and looked around, helping fallen Anya and Tori up. It was all just...white. Pure white. It hurt my eyes. The whole room- no scratch wasn't even a room. The wall could stretch out for miles and miles...or just inches, like an illusion. But either way, the walls seemed to blend in with the flooring...nothing but void, endless white and nothingness. The only thing that was there was us and the two giant screens. One happening to be new. One had the lady watching our every move...her eyes followed whatever we did...and the second? It was an audience. People at home, people at work, people at bars and clubs...watching us. We were...on live television?

"So no-now..." The woman's voice shook through the screen, "This virus will n-not affec-ect you." She said, the screen blanked out and showed half of her face. The screen popped up more brighter and more clearer to it's original picture, "We have temporarily fixed the let us proceed quickly." The room zipped to a bright color of green causing me to shield my eyes from the light, "Now let us see how many teams have killed the beast and succeeded into the next level." The voice of the woman lifted.

Lists of the teams filled up the wall of green.

Teams Moving On:
Yellow Team
Blue Team
Green Team
Team Purple
Turquoise Team
Gray Team
Orange Team
Gold Team
Silver Team

"Let me remind you contestants, millions of people signed up for this game and only one team will win." I gazed up at the pictures of team members. The pictures of me, Anya and Tori were next to the gold team category. I smiled at it, "Look guys! Were on the gold team." Anya smiled looking up at it but Tori seemed a bit...confused, "If were the golden team...shouldn't we have golden suits?" And just at that bizarre moment the strong green disappeared back to it's original bland white and golden suits lay in front of our feet. Anya sighed, "Here comes the pain." She said before tapping the suit with her foot. Like quicksand it ate Anya's old suit away and re-embedded into her skin. Anya writhing in pain as Tori and I took our chances to fit into our new suits...trembling...crying...and shrieking all the pain away


"Your sector got one of the hardest monsters...I must say I am very impressed at how many teams have succeeded in defeating it." The woman on the screen continued, "The monster you defeated could instantly heal itself and learned off of you the more it battled you. As you all have found, light was it's weakness...sun light. Be aware this is only the first level, believe me when I say that it does get even more challenging than this. You will battle bigger monsters than that with the same advantages but no will need to be creative on how to kill. Sometimes with only pure force, pure strategy, and other times...pure intelligence. Please be aware of certain things, pay attention because I will only say these vital instructions and guide lines once"

A moment of silence and my palms became wet with sweat, "When you do something, heroic that pleases the audience...they, the people of the world, may be able to send you gifts. The world has been looking to this moment. Some of you may have noticed when you had first transported to this game. Restaurants, businesses, sports, etc...have been canceled and closed for this event that shall mark history in the making. t.v sales have gone through the roof to watch this amazing battle to the death and even some plane rides have been re-flighted due to how much electricity and power is being used right now. We expect calls and demands and gifts from the world to you. The people can pick large gifts for a whole team, or target one certain person within that team. The better you are, the more the crowd loves you. The more the crowd loves you, the more gifts you will all receive."

I was probably the only ecstatic one in the group due to my raging smile that beamed from ear to ear, "One more yourself, don't trust anybody and better yet, don't expect people to help you. Play dirty if you need to. If you are a baby and can't handle the heat? You should not have gotten yourself in comes... task 2."

As soon as the words slipped past those red lips the screen snapped into black and faded away into nothing but another white background. We all stood speechless, with only a few seconds of rest before a small device popped up from the ground and started counting back from 3 minutes, "Okay..." I muttered, "We have three minutes until we have to escape death again."

A small pop erupted through the air. I looked up as two small white boxes in red ribbon and beautifully wrapped floated down with mini parachutes with name tags. I waited for it to finally fall against the floor before I slowly and gingerly picked it up, opening the box. A small bottle that looked like a type of perfume was inside. I slowly opened the cap as curiosity flooded through me and a weird smell and a cloud of purple flushed into my face. I coughed and gagged at the horrible taste and smell.

"What is it?" Anya asked with the same curious eyes as mine. I looked inside, "Red goo?" I screwed the cap back on and analyzed the tag that came with the box...

"From your new Game Over fans! Instant healing, heals any injury" ~Jt & Kyle<3

Anya snickered, "You should put some on my know since the monster from level 1 ate my shoulder up." She said. Tori laughed and grabbed the bottle of out my hand, "Hey! You shouldn't mess around with that! It can be serious stuff." I scolded, but Tori didn't listen to me. She pulled the new golden suit's shoulder protector to the side as a nasty and infected wound invaded my vision, "How much do I apply?" Tori asked dipping her finger in the red goo and placing almost a small touch of it to the wound. The minute it touched Anya's skin, the minute the girl fell to the floor screeching like a banshee, "Anya!" I shouted falling to my knees next to her, "Stop it! Stop it burns!" She sobbed as she held onto me for dear life. I glared up into Tori's eyes, "It said instant healing!"

"Yea and so you give her a bunch so it can instantly burn her?!" I shouted. Anya calmed down, probably because the burning stopped as well. Her shoulder flesh connected itself back together but she was stunned and just lay back down on the floor. Tori lifted up her suit and a gash down her stomach, "Um...guys?" I exchanged a quick glance with Anya and we both stood up, "Hold her down Anya...Tori? This is only gonna hurt...a lot"


After we all recovered from our infected wounds, we had seconds remaining. Tori stuffed the medicine in her pocket and I huffed...that was mine. I looked at the other gift I hadn't opened and stuffed it into my bag. 1O seconds left...Anya grabbed her sword and a glitch occurred and the timer struck O. My body tensed and prepared for a monster like the black red eyed one in the last task to come out...but the time just continued to blink O in complete silence.

We waited for what felt like hours which were really only minutes. Standing still in our fighting position. I heard Tori groaned when the whole room seemed to transparent into thin air showing an island in front of us. It was a weird island, thick trees surrounding most of it like a normal one...but steep hills that would save you from...what exactly? I saw a small gift flow from the sky down, but it landed on the other side of the island. I would have to get it later I guess. The background of the island finally set in, the blue sky clear as day...beautiful. A giant screen flashed in front me me, making me back up. I had no weapons here...

"Hello contestants!" The voice boomed, "Second task, you are about to battle the very thing that keeps you alive...we have contained the virus for now, you will be battling it very soon though do not worry. You will be very busy for the time you're here." The screen flickered off all together. I assumed not on purpose and that's when everything was still and quiet again. I slowly edged on into my pocket and pulled out the other gift. The card read "I was pretty mad that you didn't get a starter weapon like Anya and Tori, hope this helps!!" ~Julie. I slipped off the beautiful pink ribbon and opened the box. A tiny sword was placed inside. I took the mini plastic sword out of the box and littered it on the ground. It seemed so fragile...easily breakable that I was afraid to have it out of it's box, so vulnerable. I flipped it around in my palm and touched it with my other finger. The sword seemed to blast in my very own hands, light shining like the sun as it took over my hands, "Get it off!" I shrieked as Tori and Anya grabbed a hold of the thing, but the light overpowered them, pushing them back, hurtling them to the floor.

The bright light snapped away as quickly as it came and in my hand laid a sword, strong as steal, sharp and new on the ends. A silver handled etched with details and designs that must have took hours to craft, "And I get nothing..." Tori mumbled, "You have your bow and arrow!" Anya said otherwise. I was too awed with my weapon to respond. I ran my hands across it, feeling how smooth and new the steel was, and feeling the dents turns and edges of the design on the handle, "Well...this'll be helpful." I laughed a bit. A giant roar erupted the island and all three of us jerked out heads towards it. Water rushed rapidly towards us, miles away but giving us just a minute to get to higher ground as it swept trees down, "Get to the hill!" I screamed. Anya and Tori backed away quickly before running ahead of me.

The water gushed so hard against the hill it could have killed anybody instantly with impact. The water quickly met with the other side of the island and filled up like a bowl around us, creating a world pool affect. I closed my eyes as the rush made wind and dirt fly to the air, hitting my eyes, "Climb up, climb up!" I screamed at Tori who was in the lead, climbing the rocks as fast as she could possibly go. The water was gaining height in feet every second. We barely made a few feet up the hill when the water ran after my feet, I only started the climb. I had one focus...get up the hill, away from the water, to survive.I was wrong to think that things could possible worsen because I looked back at the raging waters to see these ancient crocodile looking creatures, bigger with powerful teeth swimming towards us. They looked like they were from prehistoric times, scary the living crud out of me.

"Go go go!" I shrieked practically racing over Anya, stepping on her fingers as she grasped a rock, "Ouch!" She panicked, "What do you think I'm trying to do!?" Tori screamed through the water waves and dirt winds, "The water is the least of our problems!" I screamed, barely making time to look back to see something of 2O crocs.

The water stopped gushing, much too my relief, but even though the water no loner was rising, it swished around the hill at what must be hundreds of miles per hour. Water from the other side of the hill splashed up and drenched us completely. The crocs were big and strong enough to withstand the waves like nothing, and bearing their teeth at us before slipping under the water, unable for us to see where they were moving.

I leaned over and grabbed Anya's hand and pulled her up as she reached the top along with Tori and I. I leaned over as she thanked me and stood beside me peering down at the rugged hill that was covered in ice cold water. I took step back and my foot slipped on the watery rocks. Anya gasped and went to grab my arm, but I slid out of her clutch and plunged towards the deathly waters, the crocs snapping up out of the water towards me, "Kiara!" Tori shrieked at the top of her lungs, but it seemed like a whisper compared to the roar of the storm. I felt my head smash against something hard and then water enveloped me. I gurgled and swallowed water before coming up to get a breath, my lungs stung so bad that my tears mixed in with the salty contents. I gasped as I snapped out of my daze, one of the dozens of crocs, the biggest, the leader, swam towards me.

I whipped my sword out of and slashed as hard as I could towards him, stopping him from crushing his teeth into me and cutting through waves. At that point the rest of the team had slithered towards me as I lifted the sword high in the air. The clouds lit up with lighting and thunder growled through the island. Some crocs made a circle around me, leaving me no where to swim to. The leader came at me while I was distracted, I closed my eyes and slashed with all my might, and in the middle of all this which seemed to come in circles, the little gift box swirled around in a circle in a rush, coming towards me to save my life.
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