Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over


Anya's p.o.v

"Kiara no!" I shouted as she slipped through my grasp, she plunged head fist and was lost within the waves as snarls and snapping from the creatures echoed over the loud waves, "What are we going to do Anya?!" Tori shrieked. I stepped back before taking a head start and diving in after Kiara. I landed into the water and instant pain enveloped me. I cried out in pain but I was drowned out when salt water filled my lungs. I coughed and sputtered as the waves spiraled more and more out of control. More lighting and thunder lighting up the whole island. I saw the crocs surround Kiara as she swung the sword around, slashing bits and pieces of the creatures. She looked over at me, "Anya catch!" She shouted and threw a box high up in the air. I caught it swiftly and opened it, a card falling out and I read it quickly before it dissolved in the water

"I hope this works! It's name is Lightning by the way, I know you won't have time to read the directions so just throw it up in the air and say it's name." ~Alicia

I picked up a small statue of a bird, it had rays of light coming from it's wings, it was long and looked almost like a dragon. I looked again as the crocs snapped viciously at my falling friend. With all my might I threw the statue in the air and screeched as my lungs burned heavily, "Lighting!" At the exact time thunder and lighting struck at the statue and was gone.

"No!" I cursed into the air. I growled before taking out my sword, the sun and the moon encrypted on the handle lit up, like a crackle of electricity. I watched it carefully before a blood shattering, possessed screech filled the air. I looked up and from the heavens as the majestic looking statue flew out...but it was the real thing. Fire crackled through the air as it flew with electricity lighting up the clouds. My jaw dropped as it swooped down towards the crocs, it's wings electrically charging and I knew what would happen, it would turn those crocs into dinner, "Kiara swim!" I shouted. A croc leaped up out of the water and dived towards Kiara when a bow struck it straight in the throat. It fell back and floated lifelessly in the water.

One by one the creatures drew their attention to the bird that flew close to the waters, occasionally they jumped up and tried taking bites out of the flying creature, the one that was supposed to save our lives. Kiara made it to me safely and I grabbed her and shoved her up the hill again. The minute our feet touched safe ground the bird flew up back into the heavens and came down like a bomb and dived straight into the water. Electricity from the clouds, the lightning crackled and baked the whole sea that was made in front of us. The creatures in the water growled and snapped and roared but nothing worked, they were forever gone.

I stumbled up with Kiara at the top of the hill as Tori aided to Kiara's wounded head. I sputtered out more and more salt water as the bird flew to the top of the hill. It landed next to me, it's legs made the whole hill shake as I tipped over onto my back from the mini earthquake. It hovered above me and it's face came inches from mine. The dragon like thing had eyes made of gold. It's body was coated with amazing black feathers. The tail swished from one side to the next as it's eyes filled with joy. I stumbled to my feet as it's head smashed onto mine, "Ouch!" I cried as it purred against my skull. Tori laughed slightly, "I think he likes you." I shrugged, "He's not even mine he's Kiara's." I retorted. The creature walked over to Kiara and did the same with her by smashing it's head onto her's. She cried in pain, mostly because blood was spilling out. The creature stepped back and whimpered like a dog, "Dude I love this thing." Tori said patting it's feathery coat. I walked over to Kiara and took her backpack from her before looking for the healing medicine.

"It's in my bag. Let me get it." Tori stated before turning around. A loud humming noise drew my attention, making me lift my head stunned. Three boys in silver suits were thrown out of a black portal in front of us. They jumped to their feet, one boy taking out a gun, it had neon colored rays inside of it that crackled and jumped out at me, and he pointed it straight at Tori. The second boy took out a sword at the same time Kiara took out hers. The pointed at each other and gripped the handle ready to fight. And the last boy and I just stared each other down. His black hair was flung against his face. His face was red in anger as he glared at me, "Who are you?" He growled, "Your the one that intruded, and that's no way to talk to a lady." I said furiously.

He laughed, "There's been another virus attack on the system. We were teleported here. I don't think that this game can hold it back anymore. A lot of the teams have been transported to the death sentence for cheating." He explained, "Cheating?" Kiara asked as the boy she was up against, lime green eyes and light blond hair, lowered his weapon, "Yea..." The boy with green eyes spoke, "Cheating...when one team intrudes into another teams level."

The boy with the gun, hazel eyes that shimmered and red hair, lowered his gun and smirked grimly, "That means you'll all be going to that place." Tori growled at his remark, "And that means one less team to deal with." He added.

Tori charged at him and the boy picked up his gun and shot at her, "No!" I shrieked but thankfully the boy with black hair that glowered at me shoved the boy with hazel eyes and he shot at the ground, "Are you out of your mind Jason!" He raged, "Shut the fuck up Mark! I know what I'm doing and now bitch is gonna intimidate me!" Mark shoved Jason back again and turned to look at green eyes, "Joey come on, teleport us back to our level." Joey put his sword back in his sword holder and picked something from his pockets before throwing it out in front of him. A large future like screen popped up from a little circle and he typed in a code before a new portal came back.

Joey and Jason jumped into it immediately as Mark turned back to look at me, "See ya in hell." He said before stepping in. The minute they vanished the minute we were transported into an arena. It was a dome shaped arena, blood marks stricken in every place my eye caught. The crowds roared in the stands, millions and millions of them looked down upon us as more teams filled up our area.

"Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters!" I looked at tori as she shook her head. She opened her mouth to say something when a voice from up above, "The players in this arena have been committed of cheating! Rule number 16 in the "Game Over" manual!" The crowd blew up and muttered angry curses at us. Threw whatever they had in their hands down at us, "You are all..." The man who spoke from the stands, pointed a disgusting finger down on all of us, "Have been sentenced to the death match!" I stood up and growled, "How did we cheat in the first place huh!? We got stupid teams coming into our territory! It doesn't mean that they helped us with-"

"Silence!" The demonic voice roared at me and the crowd went ballistic.

"3O players here are being put to the death match. This is your one and only shot. The last team standing shall be claimed the winner and will be placed back into the game. As for the rest of you? Death shall be the punishment." The people in the arena turned angrily at one another. I got some nasty glares from other woman from other teams. And they'd kill to survive.

"Hidden weapons are placed amongst the arena, find them if you can."

I went back to back with Tori and Kiara as every other team started to get hyped up, "Shit guys..." Tori muttered, "All because some stupid guys decided to interrupt." Kiara's voice shook in fear, "Mark wasn't stupid looking." I sighed, "Anya! This isn't time to develop a crush on that boy who sent us here!" Tori snapped at me.

"Let the games begin!" The voice echoed.

Someone struck a loud bell indicating that the games had begun. Everyone sprinted off to grab weapons since we had none of our ones, they were confiscated I guess. I kicked one of the girls who gave me a nasty look in the back of her leg, her knee fell to the ground as she gasped in pain and I stepped on her back before jumping over her. I grabbed anything I could from pocket knives, boxes of gifts that weren't for me, bows and arrows. I dumped them in my bag quickly before a bat collided into the side of my rib cage. I fell back groaning and looked up to see a man hovering over me. He raised his bat and thrust it down. I rolled over onto my side before kicking his arm, I heard it crack and he dropped the bat in pain.

Me and the girls recouped and went back to back again, surrounded by a couple teams, "What do we do?" Kiara asked, "On the count of three..." I said softly as Tori grabbed a box falling from the sky with her name on it.

"One..." Kiara's voice shook.
"Two..." Tori's voice was filled with hate.
"Three!" I shrieked before we all fell into battle.

The rest was filled with cries of the fallen and the evil entities coming from the deep depths of our soul.
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Sorry for the long wait. :D