Status: C O M P L E T E D;

Game Over


Anya's p.o.v

As Tori and I held back the other survivors I watched as all they're heads craned up to the sky. I turned and followed their gaze along with Tori, all fighting ceased, as we watched Kiara break through a pile up on a platform, all sorts of team members on her, as she flew off with the purple ball once again in her hands. She wasn't fast enough, two players, one from the silver and one from the blue team were quick at her. I growled when I saw the silver team's armor shimmering in the light. They were here...they, the people who sent us to death match were here...and they were far from giving up.

I took off towards her when someone grabbed my foot and pulled me back, sending me into a wicked spiral until I hit something hard...Tori. We both groaned and spun violently until our backs and heads collided with pavement. I looked up dazed as a distant voice shrieked at me, "Anya get up!" I only saw Tori mouthing words. She lifted her hand and struck me against the face and it all snapped back, "Anya damn it, get up!" She hauled me up before spiraling with me in her arms towards the sky like a shooting star towards Kiara who was under attack.

"On the count of five I'm letting you go." Tori said heavily, "One...two..." I kicked off her chest and flipped backwards in mid-air before colliding with Jason from the silver team, "Five." I muttered before smashing my fist into his face, decking him twice.

"Kiara go!" I shrieked as she sped off, Tori following her like a body guard close behind, "At the lead is Silver team, following behind in second place is the Golden team!" Were catching up. I thought to myself

I zoomed past the last couple of players that were injured on the platform as I neared Kiara, and out of nowhere Joey zoomed over and tackled Tori to the platform below, Mark teleported from the bottom of the ground, to inches from Kiara and smashed the ball out of her hands and slammed her against another platform, before throwing her like a rag doll as she crash landed hard.

I shot off like a bullet as Mark smirked looking down at Kiara's limp body. I growled as he turned to look at me and I kicked him in the gut as he groaned shooting back. He turned to fly off with the ball but I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back. He turned around and I saw a fist coming towards my face but I dodged it and slammed my right foot into his rib cage as he howled in pain, dropping the ball

I sped down with out hesitating and caught the ball when Mark caught my foot and threw me back into a power up box with I collided through

Anya has earned a ray gun!

In that moment he was about to grasp the ball, I shot off at lighting quick speed, pulling out my gun and shooting him, it missed his back, but caught his foot as he shot up in pain, electricity of neon colors zooming and spiraling all around him. I smashed my right foot into his face and slammed my fist into the side of his head, my knuckles popped, bleeding. He kicked the gut pushing me off of him. I stood up expecting him to fly towards the ball but he stood their taking out his sword. I looked at the ball and back at him before charging. He flashed right at me and I ducked left before kicking the ball high off into the air, Tori whipped past the members of the silver team and caught it swiftly before flying off.

I heard a cry of anger and turned to see a blade coming straight towards me. I put my hands up in surrender and felt my flesh slice. He stood in a defensive position, kicking me back in the gut as I fell. I looked down at my hands, my palms had a deep wound in it, blood trickling out and falling to the ground.


I crunched them into fists, the stinging pain ceased with pressure. I reached back into my bag that slung over my shoulder and took out my bow and arrow, "Alright fancy pants, you wanna play? Let's play." I snapped at him standing up as Mark's eyes shimmering with a evil, sick, disgusting glare.

He shot towards me, another yell of anger as the sword raised high into the air, the sun reflecting and shining off it. I put up my bow as the sword plunged towards me. It blocked the tip of the sword as I kicked him in the center of his stomach. He went down hard, but came back fast. I kicked off the ground, doing a mid-air back flip before taking out my bow and arrows. Three launched at him, but like a spider monkey he dodged and ducked, flipped and kicked out of them

I saw him grab a little weapon from his pocket, a weapon that wasn't given in this level. I opened my mouth to gasp and probably shriek, "Cheater!" So that the whole world could hear, but everything came to me in slow motion. I saw him toss the little weapon towards me, it turned into a spinning ball which soon shot out razor sharp blades. Then it all snapped back to virtual life and I turned away, my back facing them, I had no time to flee or fly away.I saw three of them slice right past me and felt two of them in lodged into my back. It hit a nerve and I instantly felt my back go numb as I plunged to the ground.

I saw the sky as I fell back towards the ground. I closed my eyes as suddenly my back began burning, a sensation far worse than expected. Then suddenly I felt a gust of air and two arms caress me, "Hey...hey!" I heard Mark yelling at me, my eyes were closed, heavy with unconscious sleep. I forced my eyes to open and everything was spinning, "Hey...hey you okay?" His hand was placed against my cheek, cold hands against a warm face. I finally looked up into his eyes as everything stopped spinning, "You..."

"'Saved my life' even thought I should've ended it. What? A guy can't be gentle in this game?" He asked before he grasped the handle of the razors and pulled them out. I shrieked in pain, I heard that shriek echo four to five times before dying down. Tears streamed down my face as Mark grabbed something small out of his messenger bag, "Here." He said placing me on the ground first as I tried rolling over, but it only ended in more excruciating pain. He turned my face towards him and I saw a blue colored medicine coming towards my mouth. I struggled under his grasp, it could be poison for all I knew, "No!" I growled but he already dunk the rest of the contents in the bottle down my throat. I coughed and sputtered, trying to throw it back up but it slid down easily through my throat and slosh into my stomach. I felt no pain, no nothing, everything stopped. I watched as the cuts in my hand healed instantly and the same with my back.

"What did-"

"Fans. You gotta learn to love them." He smiled at me widely. I kicked and crawled away from him, stunned at his savior behavior after attempting to murder me, "Your sick!" I shouted at him, "No no...I'm a good person actually. I could've snapped your neck or thrown a knife into the back of your neck and watch you fall lifelessly-paralyzed and laugh at you psychotically. Now that's sick." He corrected.

I shook my head standing, "Go to hell." He blurred towards me in an instant, deja vu, it felt like a Twilight moment when I lost him for a second but felt his hard grip on my arms, he was behind me holding me close, "Look...I saved your ass okay. You should thank me and my team mates for not killing off the rest of you. Look I like you okay, your pretty hot, and honestly, I didn't have to kill a girl, I'll save you for later. Didn't catch your name, mind telling me?" I tried back kicking him and he let go of me, instant reflexes as he caught the tip of my boot. I spun around and threw a nasty right hook at his face. He shot back, his eyes burning into mine for only a moment. I reached out and grasped his sword when he grasped the gun in its pocket. We both gripped the handles of the enemies weapon, glaring into each others eyes, a sick smile crept through his face, "Your good babe. Real good." I let go of his weapon first and he did the same following.

"I'm not your babe." I growled feeling my face turn red.

The Silver Team has won!

My eyes shot towards the sky, Tori tending to Kiara who was knocked out on a platform, "Kiara!" I shouted. I didn't care that we lost, I didn't care that the other players stood around crying and weeping to go to the death zone. I cared for my friend. I shot up at lighting fast speed, it was a blur before I dropped down on my feet next to her body. Her eyes slightly opened as she looked up at me, "I'm sorry..." She said softly as blood trickled down the side of her mouth.

"No no." I said smoothing her hair back over her ear, "We're all in this together." I saw a dark shadow fall over me, "Wow you guys make me sick." Mark laughed with his minions behind him snickering away at us like high school bullies. Jason picked up his gun and aimed it at me, I saw a blue ray sizzling, "See you in hell bitch." He said as it discharged. Tori shrieked bloody murder as my eyes shot closed waiting for it...the pain...but nothing came. I opened them to see Mark who held the gun two inches away from my foot. A dark imprint on the platform, "Let em go." He said shaking his head, "What?" Jason asked stunned, "You heard me. Let em go!"

He turned to face the game board.

"Let the Golden Team go. They've fought hard and won our respect." He said before turning back to look at me, a portal flashed in my face from the side of the platform. Then another popped up flashing red. Mark pointed at the second one, "That's yours kid. Enjoy."

Jason and Joey traveled towards the first one, already jumping in, "Wait!" I shouted as Mark stepped foot into the portal, his other half sticking out. He looked back at me, "Your a really are." He laughed, "But...thank you." I said putting my heart into the sentence. He looked at me, his smile fading but a tiny grin. He nodded, "Your welcome." And he dispersed into the portal leaving me carrying Kiara into the second with Tori right behind.
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sorry i totally zoomed through this cause i was bored.