
The Boy Next Door.


"No I will not sleep with you and have kinky, rough sex!" People around the lobby turned to stare at my idiotic best friend, or so I thought until that comment, as he pretended to be offended. Smiling fakely at the snobby rich bitches that scoffed at me I picked up the travel guide to the city and slammed it across his fat head. All he did was grin, grab his half eaten doughnut, and head to the elevator for his first shift.

That was Graham for yeah. Dropped on the head at birth, bashed said head off doors and walls for fun until High School and now look at him. Living the life as an elevator button pusher. He's gonna go far!

While I worked at the front desk to the high end Hotel-part-Apartment building, confusing, I know, and all I do all day is answer phones, suggest shit, and sit on my ass. Fun right? Not really. It's pretty boring especially when no one interesting comes along. Unless you're the boy next door.

Who's the boy next door? He's Alexzander. I don't know much about him though, he sticks to himself a lot. Sure he'll talk to me and everything but it's not the same as actually getting to know him because he never talks about himself. Know what I mean? Plus he's not just my neighbor but he is a boy next door. The type of guy that has many flings but no relationship, gives out little information about themselves because it'll be nothing but a short run anyways. But damn he's sexy! No wonder he gets so many guys.

Sighing out of boredom I let my mind completely wander to Zander, that's the name he prefers to go by, because I had nothing better to do anyways. And I've had a crush on him for like, ever!

He has a voice that creates the word melodic. When he speaks it's like lyrics to my ears. As cheesy as that sounds. His eyes, that are always outlined perfectly in eyeliner, are expressive orbs the color of icy Grey surrounded by smoky black lashes the exact color of his hair that cascades around his face. He has the classic emo fringed hair with tons of layers but it's different at the same time. It's unique to him. His skin is ivory and looks so soft to the touch it probably rivals a babies skin. No joke! I bet you on that.

My sister overhears me say shit like that in my sleep all the time and she swears I'm in love. But I don't know. Like yeah I definitely like him but love? Maybe...

Maybe if I had been paying more attention to reality than my dream world i would have realized what was about to happen next. Zander was walking to me looking as sexy as usual, but, I thought it was my daydream version. He smiled his perfect, white smile that captures every ones attention in the room. It was almost slow motion the way he walked towards me from the elevator doors. His sunglasses were pushed to the top of his head making random spikes of hair to stick up and sway as he moved. His From First To Last shirt was so tight I saw every muscle movement when he swung his arms back and forth and his skinny jeans had holes in random places giving me looking access to bits of his delicious skin. A bright, studded belt peeked out from under the shirt hem and I noticed the color matched his sunglasses and shoes. It even matched his snakebite piercings and nail polish. Okay I'm a little weird! Maybe slightly stalker-ish but don't judge! You think he's sexy too!

I know I do.

"You know you do... What?" My jaw dropped open in a surprised squeak as I realized I had been staring at the reality Zander and not the day dream one.
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670 words!
I re-wrote it because the last one sucked.