Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

I've Missed You So Much

“I have to apologise, I only have two dresses,” I commented as I wore the same dress that I had worn on my first date with Sam. This was our third fancy dinner date, and my inner girl was telling me it was a crime to wear the same outfit twice, especially so soon.

“It’s fine, really. I only have one suit and change my tie constantly,” Sam chuckled, his grin making my stomach turn all gooey. I flicked my eyes back down to the menu and tried to focus on selecting a meal, but my mind continued to wander back to the delicious thought of Sam. The memory of the past week was also very appetising; Sam and I were getting more intimate. Of course, we were taking things slow and doing our best to not rush anything, but the heat of the moment was hard to ignore. “So, what are you thinking of having?” Sam’s voice snapped me back into reality and I blinked a few times before giving him an answer. After we’d ordered, we continued to talk, almost non-stop, and I realised that I had something really special with Sam. We got along so well it was almost unbelievable, and I was really starting to fall for him, I could tell. There was just this funny warm feeling inside of me that happened whenever he smiled at me or complimented me, and I enjoyed it. I never wanted to let go of it. After our entree that we shared, we waited for our main meals as we stared at each other. My left hand was fiddling with the edge of one of the serviettes that was in the middle of the table, and Sam placed his hand on top of mine, gently caressing every inch of skin he could find on my fingers.

“I’m really glad we’re doing this,” I told him, my voice soft and quiet for some reason.

“Me too,” Sam smiled. I was really beginning to adore that cute little grin of his, especially when we were alone and enjoying ourselves. Sam just seemed to relax and became a man who was genuinely interested in me. There was no hunter in him during our dates, and I loved that we could put that life aside for a few hours. This was something Dean and I would never have. I mean, I got along great with Dean, but that was only the general hunter kind of thing, which was nothing compared to what Sam and I had. With Sam, we had common interests, knew how to make each other laugh, and we really connected emotionally. Sure, there was a physical attraction too, but that could be pushed to the side, unlike with Dean, where all we had was sex. It was crazy how completely opposite these brothers were, and how much my opinions on them differed.

Later that night when we returned to our motel room, as happy as can be, Dean was in a grouchy mood. It only took a few minutes for his seriousness and determination to find the Colt to ruin the joy Sam and I had. It was all because yesterday when we were at a Supernatural convention for the fans of prophet Chuck’s books we learned that a demon called Crowley had the Colt. Ever since then, Dean had been set on finding it so he could use it against Lucifer in an attempt to save Sam and I.

“So, in short, I haven’t been able to find anything on Crowley. I think I’ll call Cas tomorrow and see if he can track him down for us,” Dean finished off his recap of all of the work he’d been doing when we’d been out having fun. He was clearly depressed about the whole situation. My heart had jolted at the mention of Castiel, my mind going back to the few kisses we had shared. He was only meant to be my plan to stay alive, but there was a spark between us when we kissed, I was sure of it.

“I’m tired... I think I’ll go to bed early,” Sam commented, informing me more than his brother. I gave him a smile and Sam gave me a peck on the cheek before heading to the bathroom. As soon as the door was shut I quickly walked over to Dean and glared up at him once I stopped in front of him.

“You’re not jealous, are you?” I asked quickly in a hushed voice, getting straight to the point.

“No! Of course not!” Dean replied a little bit too promptly. I didn’t buy it.

“Just don’t ruin my happiness with him, okay? It’s not fair!” I hissed before stalking back across the room to where the bed was that I was sharing with Sam. As I sat down on it to take off my shoes, memories came back from when Dean and I did it in Sam’s bed. Guilt flooded me as Sam returned from the bathroom, the toilet flushing quietly in the distance. He gave me a small smile and when I didn’t return it, he sat down to the left of me.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned as he kindly brushed my hair behind my ear.

“Nothing,” I whispered quite unconvincingly while shaking my head. Sam unwillingly dropped the topic and stood up to take off his clothes for bed. As he did so, I looked over at Dean who was now leaning against the table and staring out of the window as he occasionally drank some of his beer. He was jealous. There was no other explanation as to why he acted like he had a huge problem with Sam and I going on a date. He always seemed fine with the fact I had a relationship with his younger brother, yet was having sex with him. Why did he suddenly not like it? Dean finished his beer and suddenly moved away from the window, making me quickly look away from him and down at the floor. Men were so hard to understand sometimes...

I sighed and stood, soon undressing myself to my underwear as Dean did the same across the room, Sam already tucked up in bed with his eyes closed. Dean switched off the lights in the room before I could get in bed, making me sigh at his behaviour again. Using my hands as a guide, since my eyes hadn’t adjusted completely, I crawled into bed next to Sam. As I moved closer to his hot (temperature wise...) body, my eyes began to see properly, and I noticed that Sam had opened his eyes and moved his head to face me. After I got comfortable, I gazed into Sam’s handsome eyes as we laid in bed together, our tangled together hands lying in between us under the blankets. A small smile broke on Sam’s lips, causing one to form on my own. The only light on us was the remainder of the street lights that weren’t shaded out by the curtains, which wasn’t much, but it was enough for me to see how happy Sam was at the moment, despite Dean’s weird actions before. I loved making him happy too. I pushed myself slightly up off the bed and leaned over Sam to give him a soft kiss. He responded by wrapping both of his arms around me to hold me closer to his body as he kissed me back. I kept my ears focused on Dean’s breathing, trying to determine whether or not he was already asleep. Before I could reach a decision, I felt Sam’s hand over my right breast, gently feeling its curves. I focused back on our kissing instead of thinking of Dean. Sam’s left hand then moved down onto my waist and he gripped it, pulling my lower body closer to his. I linked my right leg over his, our thighs rubbing together as I ran my right hand down from his neck to his torso. Surprisingly, Sam broke away from me.

“Are we moving too fast?” he whispered with a frown.

“I think we’re doing fine,” I replied before kissing him once more. He hardly kissed back and when I reopened my eyes I saw he had his thinking look on his face. I figured I should let him ponder on whatever was on his mind. “Goodnight Sam.”

“’Night,” he said back as I cuddled into his shoulder, leaving my leg on his. I moved my right arm so it casually laid across his chest and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was staring out at my stupid dream lake again. It was a quarter full with blood now. Panic was uncontrollably filling me as I remembered what Castiel had said; my blood would completely fill the lake. How was this fair? I sniffed back a tear because all of the beauty of the once serene place had been ruined by the eeriness that the blood had brought. I sighed. I hated this so much.

“Do you like it?” an unfamiliar male voice said from behind me on the pier. I spun around and saw a man lurking behind me.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Not at all. That’s War’s quarter. I’m working on summoning Death next, to quickly bring it up to halfway,” the man said, a smirk playing on his face. It was then that something inside of me clicked. I gasped. I knew instantly who he was.

“Lucifer...” I said under my breath, hardly believing what my mind was telling me. It was a strange instinct to have...

“Hi, Nichole... I’ve missed you so much...” the man barely said, sounding like he really meant it. This was so strange... I realised I had completely frozen, probably from shock.

“H- H- How are you here? You can’t find me!” I exclaimed, remembering that Castiel had engraved symbols onto my ribs.

“That doesn’t count for dreams,” he replied softly.

“Well, why aren’t you, uh, in Sam?” I questioned awkwardly, not really too sure how to word it.

“This is a temporary vessel that I’m using until Sam says ‘yes’ to me, which believe me, he will in Detroit,” Lucifer answered. “You really are so beautiful, Nichole.” This was insane. At least I knew now that Gabriel wasn’t lying about destiny.

“Why are you here?” I asked after a pause. I had almost shyly thanked him for the compliment, but I had resisted. This wasn’t Sam, or someone else who I liked a lot, this was the devil I was talking to. Wake up Nichole!

“To talk,” he said curtly before taking in a deep breath and walking a few steps towards me. “I trust you’ve been informed of what’s meant to happen to you once the blood has reached the other side of the lake?”

“What’s your point?” I questioned as we stared each other down. I was trying to stay strong.

“I, like you, don’t want that to happen. I want to save you this time. So many times I’ve watched you die before I’m banished again by my brother, but this time, we can do it differently, Nichole,” Lucifer said, his eyes really pleading with me.

“How...?” I asked, intrigued by what he had to say. I really didn’t want to die...

“It’s simple. I know where the fight is going to happen, so I’ll hide you on the other side of the world from it. There’s no way you can be hurt, and once I win against Michael, I’ll find you and we’ll live happily ever after,” he proposed. “All you have to do is tell me where you are, and I’ll come and rescue you. It’s as simple as that. You’ll never die.”

“You really expect me to believe that?” I asked, sort of laughing at his attempt to find me and most likely kill me. As far as I knew, he wanted this Apocalypse to continue, for the huge fight to happen, and didn’t give a rat’s ass about me.

“Why wouldn’t you? I’m in love with you,” Lucifer stated.

“You don’t know me,” I retorted.

“I do so,” he snapped back. The rage I had sensed in him soon disappeared and Lucifer took a few more steps so he was standing directly in front of me, his face showing me concern and care. He then took my hands in his and stared me straight in my eyes. “I care about nothing more than your safety. I want you to live through this Apocalypse. Please, Nichole. Listen to what I’m saying. I can guarantee you’ll live to see next year, and many more years after that. There’s no other way for you to survive, no matter what anyone else has been telling you. You need to tell me your location.” His voice was so urgent and demanding, a sense of anger coming through at the end. I looked away from the Archangel, or the devil, and pondered what he had to say. Could he really take me away from all of this? Could he save my life? Would I be able to live through the great battle, despite everyone else’s beliefs?

“Can you really?” I asked, my voice wavering. I looked up into his eyes. Lucifer smiled and nodded his head slowly.

“I promise... Just tell me where you are, sweetheart. And then this will all be over,” the devil replied. As I gazed into his eyes, I felt myself changing. I suddenly felt like I did know Lucifer well, and that I felt strongly for him. And therefore I trusted him. He knew what was best for me. I had to tell him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you think she'll tell him? Any predictions for what's going to happen between her and the Winchesters and Castiel? Leave your thoughts in the comments please :)

Thanks so much to those who have commented. I really appreciate it. Keep the support coming :)