Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

Abandon All Hope

How on earth could I possibly have just thought that? I can’t trust Lucifer! He’s the devil, for Christ’s sake! I took in a deep breath and tried to clear my head of the strange feelings I was suddenly having about Lucifer. I had to remember that I had the Winchesters to go back to when I woke up from this dream. And not to mention, I had a plan; Castiel. I already had a plan to resist destiny. So, I couldn’t tell Lucifer where I was. I didn’t need him to steal me and hide me, and possibly kill me. No. I didn’t trust him.

“I can’t tell you,” I forced myself to say.

“What? No... Nichole, you have to!” Lucifer growled, squeezing onto my hands a tad too tightly. “I need to protect you! I can’t watch you die again!” The emotion was pouring out of the Archangel as he pleaded with me, but no way could I just give up this easily on my plan and my friends.

“No... I can’t. I’m sorry,” I whispered, not too sure what to say.

“We’re going to meet in real life soon,” Lucifer said after a few moments of silence during which he had loosened his grip on my hands. “I hope by then you’ve changed your mind and you’ll stay with me so I can protect you.” With those last words, the angel disappeared into thin air. Wow... Boy did I have a lot to think about... I sighed and turned back to the water. It seemed like the blood had stopped moving, but then again, Lucifer had said he was about to raise the Horseman Death, who would fill the lake to halfway. I guess each Horseman got a quarter each. I just couldn’t wait for the devil to continue to ruin my once peaceful dream even more. A tear ran down my cheek and I quickly started trying to hold in my emotions. I had to be strong.

“Nichole! Wake up!” I heard Sam’s voice calling me and the next time I blinked, I woke to see Sam’s worried face.

“What’s going on?” I asked urgently, sensing his panic. I sat straight up in the bed and looked over to see Dean sitting upright in bed too, quite alarmed.

“You were shouting scared nonsense in your sleep,” Sam explained as he wrapped an arm around my mid section. “And you’re crying, too.” I quickly brought a hand up to my wet cheek and brushed the two tears off it.

“I’m fine,” I mumbled before throwing the sheets off me and stalking off to the bathroom. I was not fine, to say the least. Destiny was scaring me so much. And not to mention, the only thing I felt like doing was Dean. He made the pain go away, and I just wanted it to disappear. I splashed some cold water on my face, and it helped to calm me down a bit. After completely gaining my composure in the bathroom, I went back to bed, neither of the brothers saying another word to me. It was only 1:30 in the morning, so I cuddled up to Sam and went back to sleep, not having any dreams.

The next morning, Dean called Castiel and got him to track down Crowley. Once we had his location, we met up with Jo and Ellen to help infiltrate the crossroads demon’s house, which worked perfectly. Crowley gave us the Colt so we could kill Lucifer and we all made it out alive. Back at Bobby’s, the Winchesters came up with a plan while I caught up with Jo and Ellen, the two women I saw as family. It was only then that I realised how much I missed them.

“I can’t believe it’s been that long since we hung out! We really need to get together again soon,” I said to Jo and she giggled.

“We sure do,” she replied. “On another topic, is my Mom really about to get an angel to do some shots?” I followed her eyes to see Ellen sitting across from Castiel, a row of shots lined up for both of them.

“I think so... I need to find out more,” I said before I swallowed the last of my beer.

“Another?” Jo asked and I nodded as I put the empty bottle down on the nearest surface. Jo walked backwards to the fridge and I walked forwards to approach Cas. I stood next to him and put my arm around his shoulders, leaning over a bit so I was at his height.

“Are you really about to drink that?” I asked him as he studied the way Ellen downed her shots and then turned the glass over.

“I think so,” he replied, a bit of worry in his voice, but then he smiled up at me. I guess he was happy that I was touching him friendlily. I noted Jo was talking to Dean, and it seemed like they were flirting, well, Dean was anyway.

“Come on, try it!” I encouraged Cas as I stood up straight and took my hand off his shoulder. He picked up one shot after the other and drank them pretty fast.

“I think I’m starting to feel something...” he mumbled and I giggled.

“Good job, Cas,” I told him with a smile as Jo approached us.

“Dean thinks I’m going to sleep with him tonight,” she whispered in my ear as she passed me my new beer and I giggled.

“Do it,” I said with a wink at her, knowing how much she’d enjoy herself. Her jaw dramatically fell open and I walked away from her to Sam, opening my beer on the way.

“Hey,” he said as I sat down on his left thigh and put my free arm around his shoulders.

“Hi, handsome,” I said before kissing him gently.

“You’re really getting into this whole ‘Last Night on Earth’ thing, aren’t you?” Sam asked with a grin.

“No, I’m just enjoying the company of my family,” I answered honestly. I took another few gulps of my beer. “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?”

“Well, Dean, Cas, Ellen, Jo and I are all gonna go shoot the devil...” Sam replied in a quiet voice, trailing off at the end.

“You know you can’t leave me behind,” I stated. “I don’t need to be protected.”

“You do so, Nichole. I’m not risking you getting hurt, or worse,” he said, his face falling into a frown at the thought.

“Lucifer won’t let me get killed,” I told him, remembering about how sincere the Archangel had seemed in my dream. “We’re in this mess together, so I’m going. You can’t stop me.”

“I could tie you to the bed,” Sam joked and I giggled and blushed. Our relationship was really developing well, but that was the first sexual remark he’d made. “Come on, let’s get away from everyone.” Sam casually led me away from the group and down a hallway. After I had drunk more of my beer, Sam took it off me and set it down on a cabinet’s surface before backing me into the wall next to it. He grinned as his head moved in towards mine, already tilted to his left. I smiled into the kiss he gave me and I put my hands on his waist to pull him further into me. Once he was close enough and our heads had turned to the right, I moved my arms to his back and enjoyed holding onto him. Sam’s tongue flicked over my bottom lip at the end of one of our kisses, so the next time we kissed I let him in and we really deepened the kiss. A tiny moan escaped me after Sam’s hands left the wall and moved onto my body, starting at my shoulders but moving down.

“Everybody get in here! It’s time for the line-up!” Bobby’s voice called which broke Sam and I apart. I had completely forgotten where we were. Sam kissed me one more time with a smile before backing away from me and handing me my beer.

“I think we need to do that more often, ‘cause I really enjoyed that,” I said quietly as Sam held onto my hand, our fingers linking together in a perfect fit.

“Me too,” he whispered. We went into the room Bobby was in and all took a photo together. I was standing in between Jo and Ellen, well, more like Ellen and Bobby. Castiel ruined everyone’s smiles, but I still liked the photo. This was the closest thing I had to family. After that, I talked to Ellen and Jo a bit more before heading to bed early like everyone else, sharing a bed with Sam, as always. We shared only one goodnight kiss, knowing it was important to get a lot of sleep before the mission tomorrow.

The next morning we woke bright and early, arriving in Missouri after lunch. When the Winchesters and I checked out the Police Department, Castiel disappeared from the Harvelles, apparently claiming to see Reapers everywhere. This only confirmed my suspicion; Lucifer was raising Death. We then ran into Hell Hounds, and one of them hurt Jo real bad. As soon as I saw her wound, I knew she wouldn’t make it. We were taking refuge in a hardware store while we came up with a plan, but it wasn’t looking good whatsoever. I sat next to Jo on the floor, holding back tears as I held her hand. This couldn’t be happening... I had already lost my parents, and now I was going to lose someone who was like a sister to me. I hate Lucifer and the stupid Apocalypse... Why did I have to get caught up in it like this?

“You stay strong,” Jo whispered to me as she squeezed my hand. The bombs were set and I was about to leave with the Winchesters. “Don’t let destiny control you... I know you can fight it...” I nodded as I really fought my tears. This was so horrible... I had never had to say a goodbye like this before...

“I love you, Jo,” I told her as I put my forehead on hers, my eyes shut as tightly as I could get them. Stay away tears! I’m a strong person!

“I love you too, Nichole... Don’t let me down, sis,” Jo managed to say in her weak voice. When she called me her sister I couldn’t help but make a funny yelping noise as my tears finally broke free. I was losing my only family left... I looked over at Ellen who helped me to stand before pulling me into a hug.

“I love you so much, you know that. Now go win for us,” she told me. Ellen let go of me and then gave me a gentle shove in the direction of the brothers who had already said their goodbyes. After a sniff, I pulled back my tears and wiped my cheeks.

“Right, let’s go,” I said powerfully as I walked past the brothers, not daring to look back at the sight that was behind us. After I picked up my gear from the shelf and had my shotgun in hand, I followed Dean out of the building and down an alleyway. Not too long after, there was a huge explosion. The building we were just in was completely engulfed in flames, as was my only sense of family.

“Come on, Nichole! We need to keep on moving,” Sam urged me as he tugged on my arm. The emotionless hunter in me kicked in and I followed the brothers in a sprint for the field where Lucifer would be summoning the Horseman.

“Stay here! If you move... I swear to God...” Dean growled at me and I nodded, getting the idea. The brothers then moved away from the tree I was hiding behind and approached the devil from different angles, Sam distracting him as Dean snuck up to him with the Colt. Typically, the Colt couldn’t kill Lucifer, and Dean was soon lying out cold next to a large tree, Lucifer now chatting to Sam. Our plan had failed. Ellen and Jo had died for nothing! I sniffed back a tear and then peered around the tree at the two men. Lucifer was talking again, but then he stopped in mid-sentence.

“Nichole? Where are you?” He slowly turned around to look in my direction and I quickly moved my head so I was hidden by the huge tree trunk. “No point in hiding! Come out!” Despite my common sense screaming at me to not budge, I stood up and walked around from behind the tree.

“Nichole! What the hell are you doing?” Sam called out, now standing at his unconscious brother’s side. “Get out of here! Now!” I didn’t respond to Sam. I couldn’t. All I could do was walk towards the devil. It was scary. After I stopped in front of Lucifer, he smiled softly and then brushed a clump of hair out of my face, reminding me of what Sam had done not too long ago after our last date.

“Lucifer...” I whispered, though I don’t know why. I think I was trying to tell him to stop whatever spell he had on me, but nothing more came out of my mouth.

“Get the hell away from her now! I swear to God, I’ll kill you!” Sam yelled from the trees. I knew he had no defence. There was no way he could save me right now.

“I told you I’d see you soon,” Lucifer said to me softly, ignoring Sam’s cries.

“Please... Don’t-” I started.

“I won’t hurt you. You know I’m just trying to save you,” he interrupted me. “Come with me after this. I’ll keep you hidden and safe.” I opened my mouth to say yes to him, but an image of the photograph taken yesterday flashed through my mind.

“You killed Ellen and Jo,” I said emotionlessly. I was so angry I came across impassive.

“Well... I didn’t personally kill them... They’re just collateral damage. They won’t matter once you and I are living happily together, ruling the world forever,” Lucifer continued. He was evil. No, I couldn’t give in. Stay strong, Nichole. Do it for Ellen and Jo. I shook my head slowly at Lucifer, feeling my control coming back. And then I walked back over to where Sam was, and a now conscious Dean.

“What the hell was that?” Sam hissed as Lucifer turned his back on us to continue his ritual. I finally felt normal again.

“I don’t know! I just couldn’t control myself! Something had taken over me,” I answered as we stared on at Lucifer. The Colt didn’t work. There was nothing left for us to do here. Death was going to be risen and we couldn’t stop it. I heard a small flutter of wings and turned to see Castiel had appeared, a finger raised to his lips to tell us to be quiet. We nodded, then a flash of white light transported us away from the scene and to Bobby’s house. Bobby saw us three and looked around for the other women. He looked expectedly at me and I shook my head, a glum look on my face. That small amount of hope that Bobby had been holding onto was erased. Bobby then proceeded to burn the photo that he had taken of us all. They were gone. I now had no family left, and I only had Lucifer to blame. No way was I going to give in to him. No. I was going to stand and fight until I died. I wasn’t going to let the Harvelles down. I was going to win.
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