Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

Can You Teach Me?

A few days after Jo and Ellen’s deaths I was taking yet another walk by myself in a small town. I needed to clear my head because I just couldn’t stop thinking. Whether it was something about the Winchesters and the relationship I had with them, the death of my close friends, the devil, my destiny, or Castiel, my thoughts just wouldn’t leave me alone. I couldn’t sort everything out and the fact I couldn’t deal with everything was stressing me. So here I was, trying to let the fresh air and exercise relax me. There was no point in me even trying to hunt when I couldn’t focus; the brothers wouldn’t let me because they knew I’d get injured.

I sat down on the small pebbles that outlined the lake I had been walking along. I think what I needed the most was something that would calm me down instantly, put me at peace inside. And I knew who could do that. I took out my cell phone and called Castiel, the dial tone keeping me on edge. Please don’t be busy right now Cas, I really need you...

“Hello,” Castiel’s voice said once the annoying tone had stopped. I breathed out in relief.

“Cas, I really need to be with you right now. Can you come?” I asked him hopefully, knowing my voice was full of despair. I felt so shit right now. Castiel sighed and paused, probably thinking.

“I’m in the middle of work, Nichole. Can it wait?” he replied and I felt my heart sink. I really wanted to see him.

“It can, but I don’t want it to,” I said. “Please, Cas.” After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, he finally said yes and asked where I was. A few seconds after I gave him the name of the lake the angel appeared in front of me, blocking my view of the lake. I hung up my phone and put it back in my pocket as Castiel frowned at me.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned as I stood up. I then practically threw myself at him and hugged him tightly, wanting his angelic glow to put me at peace, as it usually did. This time, there was no awkwardness as we embraced. Castiel straight away wrapped his arms around my ribs and held onto me gently as I held back my tears.

“Can you please do that thing where you make me happy and peaceful?” I whispered and then sniffed, still trying hard to not start crying.

“I can try...” Cas said softly back to me. Soon after he spoke, I felt my whole body start to relax. Then, my headache disappeared and shortly afterwards, I started to feel my problems drift away. They weren’t important anymore. I just felt... peaceful, just like I had asked.

“Thank you,” I told the angel and we broke our embrace. “Now, before we talk about anything else, I have to teach you something, okay?” Wow, I really did feel so much better...

“Teach me what?” he asked, confused.

“How to say goodbye,” I answered. “Before you leave someone, you say goodbye to them so they know you’re leaving, okay? Do you think you can do that?”

“So it’s the opposite of ‘hello’?” Castiel questioned and I giggled. Oh he was so clueless sometimes...

“Yes. You have to start using ‘goodbye’ too, so you’re not rude to humans,” I said with a smile. “Come on, let’s go for a walk.” I grabbed onto Castiel’s right hand with my left hand and pulled him along with me until he was moving alongside me. I then let go of his hand and smiled up at him cheerfully as we continued to saunter together.

“Is it wrong to like you touching my hand?” the angel pondered aloud innocently and I chuckled while looking away from him at down at the stones we were walking on.

“No, not at all. It’s part of that crush thing,” I replied.

“I wanted to talk to you about that again,” Cas said cautiously. “And about... the kisses we had.” I stopped watching the pebbles and glanced back up at his blue eyes.

“What about them?” I asked as the angel stopped walking. He took my left hand and pulled me gently to a stop to so we were facing each other, the lake behind Cas.

“Why did you do that?” he asked in his husky voice as he let go of my hand.

“Because...” I started, but paused. Gabriel had said that Castiel can’t know that he’s my plan. It had to be genuine. I quickly changed my answer. “Because I like you, Castiel.”

“Are you... Are you returning those crush feelings for me?” Cas asked cutely. He really didn’t know what he was talking about. I nodded, but even though I was meant to be lying, I sort of felt like I wasn’t. Maybe I did actually like Castiel?

“But you have to promise you’ll keep this between you and me, okay? The Winchesters and Lucifer and anyone else can’t know, no matter what,” I blurted. The angel nodded and then a tiny smile formed on his lips. “What are you grinning about?”

“Do we get to kiss again?” Castiel asked, his eyes full of happiness. He really was feeling emotions... I nodded my head again, this time a bit slower, before I tilted my head slightly to the right. Castiel leaned in and gently kissed me once sweetly. He moved back a bit and looked me in my eyes. “Am I even doing this right?” I giggled at his innocence.

“Yeah... You are...” I whispered. He definitely was. I loved his sweet kisses.

“Can you... teach me?”

“Teach you what?”

“Everything. Everything about romance, about love,” Castiel replied. Was he really asking me that? “Jimmy, my vessel, won’t show me what he knows about it.”

“Is, uh, Jimmy okay with his body kissing me and whatnot?”

“If he wasn’t I wouldn’t do it,” Cas answered as he took my left hand back in his hands, drawing my eyes down to them. “Your hands are so soft... So, can you show me?” I smiled at his compliment and then looked back up into his gorgeous orbs.

“Are you asking me out, Castiel?” I said cautiously.

“Out where?” Wow. He was completely oblivious to what I had just said. I cracked up laughing, but Castiel kept his straight face, having no clue what I found so funny.

“That phrase means starting a romantic relationship together,” I told him and he made a little ‘o’ with his mouth as he realised what I was talking about.

“So, you are returning those crush feelings?”


“I, uh, accept your invitation to... go out...” the angel said in a sort of confused voice, but any uncertainty he had soon disappeared and was replaced by a cute smile.

“But no one can know, okay?” I reiterated. “It’s a secret, between you and me.”

“I understand. But how can we ‘go out’ if we can’t do it out in the open?” Cas questioned. I pondered this for a few seconds before I came up with the solution.

“How about in my dreams? That’s more private, isn’t it?” I suggested, Castiel’s eyes lighting up with thought.

“I can put a spell on you so whenever you dream a dream that is not the lake one, no angel can find you except for me,” Castiel said excitedly.

“Do it,” I said and after collecting his thoughts with his eyes shut, Cas began to chant in Enochian. It didn’t take very long for him to finish, and I felt no different afterwards, not like I had expected to.

“It’s done,” Cas informed me. “I really should get back to the work I was doing before I came here.”

“Oh. Of course. I’m sorry for distracting you,” I apologised hurriedly.

“It’s fine. I’m glad I came,” he said.

“I’m glad you came, too. Thank you.”

“Can I have another kiss before I go?” the angel asked innocently and I grinned. I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him into me, giving him a few pecks on the lips. When I moved backwards I noted Castiel was smiling largely. “Um, goodbye.” He sounded so shy and even nervous, though I don’t know why.

“Goodbye, Cas,” I whispered and then he flew away, going back to his angel business. Feeling completely content, I went back to the motel to talk to the brothers. I was ready to hunt again. When I returned, they were both sitting on the couch, Sam with his laptop and Dean with a book in hand, both researching the latest case as they drank beer.

“Guys, I want back in,” I stated as I took my jacket off and chucked it on my bed. The brothers exchanged glances before they looked over at me.

“And why is that? Are you just suddenly healed now? Completely over everything?” Dean asked sarcastically. He had no idea how right he was, though. Sam put down the computer on the couch, stood and then walked over to me.

“I am, actually. I’m good, really,” I explained lamely as Sam approached me.

“I’ll get you a beer, babe,” Sam said quietly as he passed me. I smiled my thanks to him and then looked back at Dean. A second later, there was a barrel of a gun pressed into my back. What the hell? Sam was going to shoot me? What was going on? I stared at Dean and noticed he was grinning to himself. Right. This was a test, to see if I was alert and focused enough to be able to hunt. As fast as I possibly could, I spun around and shoved Sam’s arm out of the way so the gun was aimed away from me. Holding onto his arm, I moved it downwards as fast as possible and moved my right leg upwards, cracking his forearm hard into my knee to make him drop the gun. I then kicked the gun away under the closest bed and took a few steps backwards to give myself time to pull out my own gun. I did so and aimed it right at Sam’s heart, the safety catch still on.

“Fine. Come here, I’ll explain what we think we’re dealing with,” Dean called from the couch and I put my gun down on the coffee table, Sam relaxing and retrieving his gun from under our bed. Dean gave me the information they had gathered so far as Sam actually grabbed me a beer and then sat down on the other side of me. Sam contributed to the conversation as well, trying to show off a bit too. It was cute. He really didn’t need to show off; he already had my attention.

“So you’re really okay now?” Sam asked and I nodded.

“I’m fine.”

“Really? ‘Cause you were a lot closer to Ellen and Jo than we were, and they just died. How can you be dealing extremely well with that?” Dean demanded.

“I have my ways,” I said and Dean shrugged.

“Whatever...” he mumbled before putting his book down on the coffee table next to my gun. “I’m gonna go have a shower.” I glanced over at Sam’s laptop screen until I heard the shower water running. Then, I grabbed the laptop and took it away from Sam.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Sam asked playfully and I grinned at him mischievously. I set the laptop down on the little table and then straddled Sam, his eyes widening. Boy Castiel really had made me in a good mood... After I put my arms loosely around Sam’s neck, I leaned down a bit and started kissing the side of his neck, slowly trailing the kisses downwards. “Oh my God...” Sam moaned the three words soooo sexily as I kissed him on the patch of skin his V-neck shirt was revealing. I stopped kissing his chest and went up to his lips, Sam instantly kissing me very passionately, making the moment even more heated. Sam held me in his arms and then let us down onto the couch gently. He stayed between my legs and I was glad he was being dominant now. I’ve always liked it when the man takes charge... He worked his lips down my neck as he moved his hands under the top I was wearing, his fingertip touch almost making me shiver. I moaned when he hit my sweet spot on my neck and I gripped my fingernails into his muscular shoulders. And then I noticed the shower had stopped running. Dean could walk in any second now.

“Stop!” I breathed and Sam, of course, stopped.

“Why? What’s wrong?” he questioned and I raised my eyebrows.

“What do you hear?” I asked.

“Nothing?” he replied uncertainly. Then he realised what I was talking about. He sat up and grabbed his laptop as I sat up and attempted to fix my hair a bit. I then leaned in to Sam as he put his arm around me and we went back to staring at the screen blankly. We were just in time; Dean came out of the bathroom ten seconds later, completely oblivious to what had just happened. As Dean mucked around in his bag, Sam typed a message for me on the laptop: Perhaps we should start getting our own room? I looked up at him and saw his cheeky grin.

“Perhaps...” I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I was wondering, how do you guys pronounce Castiel? Do you say "Cas-tee-elle"? Or do you say "Cas-tee-ill"? Because we say "Gabe-ree-ill", not "Gabe-ree-elle", because Gabrielle is a girl's name, obviously. So that got me wondering on the correct pronunciation of Castiel... Your thoughts?

Anyway, that is sort of off topic. Leave comments about the above issue as well as how cute you think Cas was in this chapter. I love reading your awesome comments, so keep the support coming! :)