Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

Momentarily Awakening Her

“Dean! Hurry up already! I’m tired and bleeding!” I shouted at the bathroom door. Dean was hogging the shower and was purposefully taking his time to piss me off, I was sure of it. His jealousy was getting worse and every time Sam and I PDA’ed, Dean would up his antics. We were just back from a crazy werewolf fight where I’d been scratched, and all I wanted to do was shower. But no. Dean had to hurry in and steal it before I could. Dick. Still standing outside the door, I started taking off my bloodied clothes until I was just in lingerie, not caring that Sam was having a good gawk at me. “Dean!”

“What?” he yelled back, the water finally turning off. As I waited, I inspected my wounds, not too happy with what I saw. That werewolf must have had something nasty under its claws... I spent another few minutes waiting by the door, Dean still in there.

“God damn it, Dean! If you don’t get your ass out here right now I swear I’m gonna-” I began, my voice raised and full with rage. Dean stopped me by opening the door and staring at my boobs.

“You’re gonna what?” he teased cockily and I glowered at him. “You know, you could have always joined me.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sam turn around and scowl at his older brother. I rolled my eyes and pushed past Dean, slamming the door shut behind me. I couldn’t stand him anymore! He was the reason why I was in pain right now! He ‘wasn’t prepared’ as he had said, and couldn’t get the werewolf off me quick enough. Bull shit. He was doing it on purpose, I swear! When I stepped into the shower I let out a frustrated growl, which somehow helped me calm down a bit. That and the soft scent of the soap and soothing water trickling over my body really made me start to relax. All the worries of Dean were washed down the drain with the soap suds. After a quick shower, I exited the bathroom in just my towel and walked over to Sam who was thankfully on the other side of the room from Dean. As usual, Dean was stuffing his face with food and beer while watching TV as Sam worked away on his laptop researching.

“I know it’s been what, a week or so, since you suggested we got our own room, but I really want to take up that offer tonight,” I told him in a hushed voice. Sam looked up from the computer screen, surprised but enthusiastic.

“Oh, sure! I’ll uh, go get us a room,” he said while smiling that charming smile of his and standing up, seemingly in a bit of disbelief. As the tall man went to walk outside, I grabbed onto his arm and stopped him.

“Not for sex, though,” I informed him and he chuckled. “I’m serious. I want away from Dean, that’s all.”

“That’s fine with me, seriously,” Sam said with a genuine grin. He pecked me on the cheek before walking outside to go to reception.

“Where’s he going?” Dean called out from the couch. I turned to face him and saw he appeared upset, though I don’t know why.

“What’s it to you?” I retorted, closing Sam’s laptop and putting it in his open bag that rested on the table he had been sitting at. Dean raised his eyebrows.

“We’re a team. You’ve got to tell me this kinda thing.”

“He’s getting another room for me and him,” I gave in and the older brother frowned.

“What? Why?”

“You’re kidding right?” I laughed. He wasn’t that stupid.

“No!” he scoffed.

“You’re treating me like shit, Dean! I’m sick of it! I’m leaving!” I outburst as I grabbed my own bag off the bed I was meant to be sharing with Sam tonight. Dean was speechless and when Sam returned a few seconds later with another key in his hand and a priceless joyful grin, Dean turned back to the TV and focused back on the show.

“We’ll see ya tomorrow, Dean,” Sam said as I practically leaped across the room to get out and away from his big brother. Dean didn’t reply and Sam soon followed me out. “We’re in room number three; it’s just a few doors down.” I followed Sam, lucky it was dark as can be because I was still only in my towel, and soon we were in a new motel room with only one bed, just like the old days when I hunted alone. Oh how I missed those times... Little to worry about, no romance, no Apocalypse...

“I might sleep in barely anything tonight; it’s quite warm in here. Is that okay with you?” I asked as I searched through my small bag, only finding a simple petite cami and lacy panties.

“You’re kidding, right?” Sam snorted with a little laugh. Of course, what was I thinking asking my boyfriend that? No male would have a problem with it... I got changed into my sleepwear in the bathroom, not bothering with a bra, then brushed my teeth and then let Sam use the bathroom. “Hey, do you want those wounds sterilised?” Sam called to me from the bathroom, obviously caring about me.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” I said back as I sat down on the bed.

“I’ll do it for you. I know there’s some you can’t reach,” Sam said as he came back into the main room, now in only boxers, heading straight for his bag. He was soon sitting behind me and putting a liquid onto my scratches, sending chills down my spine, although I tried to hide that. I couldn’t help the fact that I liked him touching my body... I then jumped into bed, and just when I had got snug with my gun under my pillow, Sam joined me and made me uncomfortable again because he wanted to hug me. I didn’t deny his open arms, but for some reason, I didn’t quite feel at ease with him. The worst part was the emotional distress I was in. One thought wouldn’t leave me alone; me and Castiel kissing in the water at the beach. It was a picture perfect image, but it wasn’t with Sam. Who was I meant to love? I was so confused!

Moments later, I felt a finger underneath my chin, tilting it up so lips could be pressed against my own. Sleepily, I kissed back, knowing it was Sam just by the feel of him. The sounds he made in between kisses also confirmed that I was kissing my boyfriend, and that he was enjoying this a lot. My right hand reached up and tangled itself in his soft locks while applying a slight pressure to his head to get him closer to me, if that was even possible. Meanwhile, Sam’s left hand moved across my chest and down to my stomach, which was exposed because the cami was a tad too small for me and because of the way I was lying. His hand slipped underneath the material and I felt the goose bumps rising wherever his soft fingertips touched my skin. For once, I begged for entrance into his mouth, which he gladly accepted as his hand moved further up under my cami, soon reaching my right breast. A tiny moan escaped my mouth as his movements on my nipple began to extremely turn me on. My hands were automatically flying down his stunning chest to his boxers, but then something in the back of my mind stopped me.

“Sam...” I breathed after pulling away from his lips, my hands frozen on his abdomen.

“What’s wrong?”

“Not tonight,” was all I could tell him. We shared a few sweet closed-lips kisses before getting back into our embrace to sleep. I did my best to stay awake, knowing that I would soon be engulfed by the nightmare of the lake, which I obviously didn’t want. Silly little things ran through my mind in a desperate attempt to keep myself awake, despite being super exhausted and sore from the werewolf hunt.

A few minutes later, I was entertaining myself by wondering what porno Dean was currently watching, since he had the room to himself, when I was being kissed again. It was a simple, small kiss that was so sweet and loving that I felt myself smiling after the lips were taken off mine. The arms wrapped around me moved slightly, allowing a hand to brush some hair out of my face. Why was Sam doing this? We were trying to sleep... Perhaps he couldn’t sleep either. A little affectionate sigh came from above me, but it sounded nothing like Sam. My eyes flew open and I saw Lucifer staring down at me.

“What the...?” I yelled as I leaped up out of his arms, stumbling over the brown crunchy leaves on the ground that I had been resting on. Using my flailing arms, I somehow balanced myself and straightened myself up, still moving away from him. My peripheral vision showed me trees that were nearly dead, and off to my right was blood red water. Oh great, I was back in my dream. I glared at Lucifer as he slowly stood, casually brushing off a dead leaf that was stuck to his knee.

“You know, that really hurts me,” he stated, a slight growl in his voice. As if I cared...

“You know I don’t care, right?” I retorted, the reality sinking in that I had just been kissed by the devil. This was so insane... Never in my wildest dreams...

“I know Nick here isn’t the best looking guy, but would it be easier for you if you were kissing me in Sam’s body?” Lucifer questioned, taking a step forward towards me. I took one back, trying to keep a decent distance between us in case he tried something again.

“What difference would that make?” I scowled.

“I dunno, you tell me,” he said, moving forward even more.

“It wouldn’t change anything!”

“Why not?”

“Because! I’d still be kissing you, not Sam. I like Sam, not you,” I answered angrily. How could he think that possessing Sam would make things all better? Lucifer seemed slightly disappointed, but the emotion soon disappeared from his face as he put up his strong front again.

“Are you sure about that?” Lucifer asked and I hesitated, not too sure what to say. “You know, as my power grows stronger, it’s easier for me to do this.” Lucifer hissed the last word. Puzzled, I frowned and waited for something, anything, to happen. And then it did. Something took over my body, just like something uncontrollable had happened to me when Lucifer had summoned Death and I had revealed myself to him, and previously in this lake dream too, when I had almost revealed to him where I was. I could feel myself changing, on the inside... I guessed the power was coming from the Archangel, so I tried to step backwards so it would hopefully weaken, but, just like on a bad movie, there was a tree behind me that I got stuck on. I couldn’t escape.

“What... What are you doing to me?” I somehow managed to ask the devil, who just chuckled in response.

“I can awaken the old you, the woman who fell in love with me. She’s in there somewhere, just needs a little poking and prodding to come out,” Lucifer explained as he closed the distance between us. The force softened, then faded altogether as the devil stopped right in front of me. He raised his hand to my face, brushing some hair gently behind my ear, leaving his hand on my cheek. For some reason, I couldn’t move. “Tell me, Nichole... What do you feel?” His voice had lowered dramatically and he was once again speaking like he was the good guy that deserved my love. And maybe he did... His father had treated him so wrongly, as had his older brother. Was he really the bad guy in all of this? Was he truly the enemy? Or was he just misunderstood? Wait, what was I thinking? I tried to get my common sense back, but the woman inside of me who loved Lucifer was fighting too hard against me.

“I feel... like I love you...” The voice I heard was definitely mine, but there was no way I’d ever say that. How come I couldn’t control myself anymore? I watched as Lucifer smiled, knowing that I wasn’t me anymore. “I don’t want to die this time. Lucifer, you have to save me. Please.” Well, at least I had something in common with this previous me, even if she had a bad taste in men.

“You know I’m trying to. Nichole, you need to tell me where you are so I can protect you,” the devil said softly, one of his fingers stroking my cheek adoringly. “I’ll do my best, if you tell me.” I could feel her trying to tell him. She was going to blow my cover. I couldn’t let that happen! My plan to stay alive was Castiel, not Lucifer!

“I think... I’m in a town called-” my voice begun and I struggled to fight for control over my brain again. I succeeded in getting the old me to stop talking, but she was still there, wanting to tell her lover my location. I cried out as a splitting pain flew across my brain as I tried to regain power. Lucifer removed his hand just before I raised my own to my head, holding onto the sides to try to get rid of the throbbing ache as I yelled out in pain. Go away, woman! I’m not giving in to you! No way! I’m stronger than that! A high pitch scream erupted and I opened my eyes, feeling like I was in complete control again. I realised I had fallen into a crouch on the ground and I stood up confidently, despite the fact my head was killing me. I glared at Lucifer, knowing he had brought this on. “You bastard...” I hardly was able to hiss the words through my pain.

“I’ll break you eventually. I’ll get my lover back, and she won’t die this time!” Lucifer exclaimed.

“How the hell did she even fall in love with you anyway? All you do is lie and manipulate people!” I shouted. “It’s pathetic!” I could see I was pissing him off. His eyes were burning into me, full of fury. But somehow, he controlled it and when he next spoke, he was completely calm.

“Think what you want about me, I don’t care. I know you’ll come around eventually. Once you see me in Sam’s body, you’ll just suddenly understand everything, I guarantee it,” he said and I gulped. When he was in Sam... He was so certain that it was going to happen... “Whether you like it or not, Nichole, we’re going to end up together. It’s destiny.” Somehow, his words got to me, and as he vanished into thin air I felt tears coming. Fuck! I hated being me so much right now.

“Nichole! What’s going on?” Sam’s voice was calling me from reality. I slipped out of the dream and woke to Sam’s apprehensive expression hovering above me. This was getting to be a habit for us, and I didn’t like it. “Are you okay?” Regardless of his anxiety, I could tell he was genuinely caring about me because he liked me a lot.

“Lucifer...” was all I could say as I sat up. Sam pulled me into a hug and a tear slipped down my cheek. How was I going to get through the next time Lucifer seemingly awakened the woman in me that he fell in love with? I couldn’t stay hyped up on coffee all night every night... But I never wanted to sleep again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so I know this took ages to get out, but it's finally here. I have been super busy with University, as you probably know, and all of my stories are on hiatus, though I will try to update this one again before the mid-semester break is over. I'm not disappearing off Mibba or anything, I'm just taking a break from updating for a while.

Sorry guys. Please stay subscribed and continue to read, as I will return one day (probably the actual semester break) to update like crazy for you. Please comment to show your support, you know I really appreciate it! :) Hope you enjoyed reading!