Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

Fallen Idols

The next morning I headed out on my own nice and early, getting away from Ellen’s over protectiveness. I wasn’t a child; I could take care of myself. Besides, how could I sit around and watch as evil things killed people? That was wrong. I couldn’t do that. After driving for a few hours straight, I pulled into a small town and begun digging for anything strange that was happening lately nearby. I found a good case a few towns over and headed there straight away. For the rest of the evening, I scoped out the tiny village before crashing in a motel that I lined with salt and diagrams to prevent supernatural things from entering, mainly demons.

The next day, I got up and dressed myself in the same thing I was wearing the previous day, only changing my underwear. Then I set out to find the demon, or demons, that were attacking people. Armed with a fake FBI badge (for just in case) and my backpack filled with everything demons hate, I inspected from the outside the first house that was hit. In one of the window sills, I found sulphur, proving my suspicions. This was definitely demon work. I moved on to the next house and gathered more evidence to support my theory before I came up with a plan of attack. The demon wase after religious families, and there just happened to be only one more Christian family left in the town. So, that night, I sat in my car outside their house and waited for the demon to show.

Just after the family had turned out all of their lights, I spotted a figure moving towards the window by the front door. The window was soon open and the figure climbed in, followed by multiple others. I sighed. Great... More than one to keep my eye on... I grabbed my shotgun off the passenger seat, my knife already in its holster, and quickly got out of my car, rushing over to the house. Just like the demons, I climbed in through the window and holding my shotgun up, I started searching for the demons. A movement past a doorway caught my attention and I followed it, soon coming face to face with a black eyed woman. She growled before lunging at me, but was soon stopped by two shells filled with rock salt entering her. I then proceeded to stab her in the throat with my demon killing knife, making the host body seem electrocuted as the demon inside died.

“What’s going on?” a man asked from the doorway, dressed in pyjamas and looking sleepy, though alert and worried.

“I’m just saving you from demons, sir. Please, get your family and hide somewhere safe,” I explained in a loud and clear voice as another one rounded the corner and ran at me, its black eyes staring me down. I shot that one too and reloaded quickly as the man ran off to protect his family. The bloodied knife was soon brought down upon the wounded demon, killing it too. A child’s scream rang out and I quickly ran down the hallway in search of the endangered child. I found her soon enough, a demon standing above her with a knife. I shot the demon, but was then flung to the ground by another one, my gun falling out of my hands and flying towards the young girl, while the knife rested on the ground just out of my reach. The demon was strong, and its telekinetic powers were even stronger. I couldn’t move an inch. I was a sitting duck. And now I really needed, like Ellen had said, someone to have my back. This could be it.

“Well, well, well... You weren’t part of our plan,” the demon hissed as it approached me, its black eyes looking horridly chilling. I continued struggling against its power, but I couldn’t break free. This was it. I was about to die.

A loud bang erupted from behind me and the demon stumbled backwards, holes burning in its chest. I felt myself being released and I quickly grabbed the knife and killed both of the wounded demons before I turned around to see my hero. It was the little girl’s father. Behind him, the window was open, so I guess he’d entered through there at the last minute to save me and his family. I smiled as he held out the shotgun with one hand, his other arm lovingly and protectively around his daughter.

“I’ll check to see if they’re all gone,” I told him and he nodded. I searched the house and found the last demon lurking in the dining room, probably knowing something was going wrong with their plan. It was soon dead and after I was certain the family was safe, I found them and let them know before leaving. I stayed for the rest of that night at the motel before heading off, driving until I got bored and decided to pull over and search for any nearby demon cases. There was a suspicious looking case in Canton, which was only a few hours drive away, so I decided to check it out. It could be a demon’s work, since they were spicing things up lately.

In the afternoon, I was sitting in my car reading the case file again. A man had died because of a cursed car, but I knew that was impossible. There definitely was something supernatural killing people here, so I had to try and stop it, whatever it was. I hoped it would be a crazy demon trying to have some fun, since killing demons were a piece of cake for me and I was much less experienced with other supernatural creatures. Besides, I couldn’t sit around and do nothing as evil beasts killed innocent people. I had changed into a suit earlier, and with my fake FBI ID, I walked into the sheriff’s office, only to find he was already talking to two men. I knocked on the door and entered cautiously.

“I’m sorry, are you busy, Sheriff? This is urgent,” I questioned and the other two men turned around to reveal themselves as none other than Sam and Dean Winchester. Although I wanted to show a shocked expression, I remained calm to not blow my real identity. Instead, I gave them a warm smile.

“No, these men were just helping out on the strange case I have,” the sheriff said as he held out his hand for me to shake. I took it and then showed him my ID. “Oh, you’re from the FBI too? That’s strange...” I glanced over at Dean and Sam who just shrugged.

“Different departments, I guess,” Sam said before quickly changing the subject back to the weird murder. The way it was explained proved that there was indeed a supernatural creature killing, but it seemed unlikely that it was a demon. We thanked the sheriff and headed outside the building together.

“What are you doing here?” Dean asked as soon as no one else was around to hear him.

“I’m investigating that case, obviously,” I stated. “Thought it could be a demon with a sick way of having fun, but I doubt it now. What are you guys doing?”

“The same as you, except we knew it wasn’t a demon the whole time,” Sam answered, trying to be a show off as if he was trying to impress me.

“Well what is it then?” I asked snidely, a smile playing on my lips so he knew I wasn’t meaning it too harshly.

“Don’t know yet...” he admitted.

“I think we start by checking out the car. Nichole, did you want to come with us? Or are you leaving now that you know it’s not a demon?” Dean asked, taking over for his younger brother.

“I’m not letting more people die,” I replied simply and they nodded.

“You want a ride there?” Sam offered and I shook my head before walking off to my own car. As I got into it, I noticed the brothers getting into a gorgeous black Chevy Impala. How on earth did they afford to keep that thing running? Pretending to not be fazed by the stunning car, I quickly focused back on starting my own car up and I met them at the murder scene to inspect the car. Dean braved it and got the engine number and then he headed to a bar to calm his nerves while Sam and I found a motel to stay at, Sam riding shotgun in my car.

“I’m sorry it’s not an amazing car like yours,” I commented as we climbed into my car, squeaks ringing out from all over the place, making me cringe. Sam chuckled as he moved the passenger seat backwards to make room for his long legs.

“It’s alright. Just as long as it does the job, right?” he asked and I nodded with a smile while starting up the engine. “It’s so strange we’ve bumped into each other again so soon.”

“I know, right? I hardly ever see other hunters,” I said while pulling out of the parking space and getting back on the road back into the town centre where we would hopefully find a decent place to stay at. “I don’t think there’s much point in me staying on this case. There was no sulphur in that garage, so it’s not a demon.”

“You can’t just only hunt demons,” Sam commented.

“Yeah, I do. I’m not very good at hunting anything else,” I admitted.

“You can always learn, though,” he continued and I glanced over at him, raising my eyebrows. Was he trying to imply something?

“Don’t you and your brother hunt everything?” I questioned and Sam nodded, a tiny grin visible.

“Stay here for this case. Help us out. You’ll learn something new and might be able to use it to save more lives in the future,” he said and I nodded in response. He had my attention. Anything to do with the wellbeing of humans and I was keen. We found the cheapest motel and we both booked our own rooms. Then, we crashed in Sam and Dean’s room, Sam playing around on his laptop as he searched for the car’s engine number. We kept on talking nearly the entire time, and I felt like I had a connection with him. Sam was a cool guy.

He soon found out that the engine number was a fake and he immediately called Dean to let him know. It seemed to me like these two were a good team, although I didn’t really know the meaning of the word team. I kind of felt jealous and after Sam and I had said goodnight and I headed to my room, I couldn’t help but think about Ellen’s words about me needing to find a partner to hunt with. The last hunt had just proved her point. I needed someone to have my back. But who? And I couldn’t just stop hunting until I found someone; innocent people would die. That night, I hardly slept because of Ellen’s haunting words. The next morning, I went to the brothers’ room, in my suit again, because the Sheriff had called us; another suspicious murder. I knocked on the door and Sam answered it, already dressed, and I caught a sight of Dean doing up his tie in the mirror.

“Hey... Do you mind if I ride with you guys?” I asked casually with my best cute smile. The brothers both quickly agreed and we rode to the site, soon learning that the sheriff believed the man had been shot in the head, even though there was no bullet or gunshot residue. We talked to the only witness, who said in Spanish that she saw Abraham Lincoln kill the victim. Could this case get any weirder? The boys drove us back to the motel and I went back to my room to change, rest and think by myself about the case. After a while, I had no new ideas and felt lonely, which despite all my travelling, I had never felt lonely. But now, after making friends, I missed them, and I just couldn’t ignore the feeling. I gave up trying to fight the urge and walked back to the room the brothers were staying at. A few seconds after I knocked, Dean opened the door.

“Do you guys mind if I chill in here?” I asked shyly, not really knowing what to say. It had been a while since I had had friends.

“No, not at all,” Dean replied kindly with a smile as he stepped aside to let me in. “Want a beer?” I nodded and Dean grabbed me one out of the fridge and we both went to stand next to Sam who was sitting at the table, once again on his laptop.

“Hey, Nichole. I think we can say that famous ghosts are killing their biggest fans in this town. I think it’s related to this,” Sam explained as he showed me a window on his laptop that was the website for the local wax museum, advertising with Abraham Lincoln and James Dean, who was the owner of the so-called cursed car.

“I guess we should go check it out then,” I suggested as Sam drunk some of his beer. He put the nearly bottle back down on the table and looked up at me.

“You know, I think we should get to know each other a bit better before we continue hunting together,” Sam said and I glanced over at Dean who was wearing the same expression as his brother.

“I think we should stop these ghosts before more people die,” I replied, and both of the brothers agreed with my reasoning. “I promise we’ll talk afterwards, though.” These men were just too charming and handsome to pass up the opportunity to get to know them better. Again, I rode in the backseat of the Impala, enjoying being in a great car for once, and also chatting to the brothers as we drove the short drive to the wax museum. Posing as writers for a magazine, the brothers asked the security guard some questions about the museum, finding out that they owned some original items from the now dead people. Even I knew that meant that a ghost could be attached to the objects and haunting people, so they would have to be burned. We left, only to return slightly later to break in and burn the personal effects to stop the ghosts from returning, but Sam got separated from us and attacked by the ghost of Ghandi. But in the end, he was okay because Dean had his back. Dean rescued him. Had Sam been alone, like I always was, he probably would have ended up dead... The drive back to the motel was silent as I was lost in thought about what had happened. They could trust each other and worked as a team, and therefore they were successful hunters. Maybe Ellen was right. Maybe I did need to stop working on my own.

I tagged along with the brothers the next day as well, as Sam had a bad feeling that it wasn’t over, and he was right. We had all missed an important clue, but with further investigating of the deceased, the brothers came to the conclusion that we were hunting a Leshii. So that called for another visit to the museum. I found a room that was closed for renovations, so we checked in there and sure enough, the Leshii was there, disguised as Paris Hilton, and we found the missing girl there too, still alive thankfully. Before we could attack the Leshii, I was knocked out, and woke tied to a tree like the victim. Sam ended up using an axe to behead the God to save Dean. Once again, their teamwork was amazing, and I felt saddened as I realised the case was over and we’d be going our separate ways after this.

The next day, our cars were both parked near the edge of town, and we were standing outside of them, ready to head our separate ways but not really willing to. We had had some drinks last night at the town’s bar and gotten to know each other better, as people, not hunters, and I was very hesitant to leave. Dean got a call from the sheriff, so he answered and left Sam and I to talk. Unfortunately, that didn’t last long as I got a call too.

“Nichole, I heard you were hunting by yourself,” Ellen stated angrily after I answered my cell. I rolled my eyes as I took a few steps away from Sam to be polite.

“I had to! I can’t just sit around and do nothing as people die! You know that,” I retorted as I thought back to that demon encounter I had had. I had really needed someone else to be hunting with that night, like Ellen had suggested to me.

“I’m serious, Nichole! The Apocalypse is coming! You need someone else to watch out for you when you hunt!” Ellen shouted angrily, making me feel like she was my disappointed mother who was just caring about my well being. I glanced back over to Sam who gave me a small cute smile and noticed that Dean had finished with his call and was standing next to Sam, obviously waiting for me so they could say goodbye. I thought back to last night when I witnessed their outstanding teamwork, and then on to the drinks we had shared that were full of laughs.

“You know what, I think you’re right. I’m going to ask someone right now,” I said in a calm voice, knowing this was the right thing to do. I just had a gut feeling about it.

“Good. Let me know what they say,” Ellen replied before hanging up on me. I knew she cared deeply about me. I put my phone back in my pocket and approached the men who were leaning against the back of the beautiful Impala together.

“The kidnapped girl is going to be fine,” Dean told me as I stopped walking in front of them, making me smile with relief.

“That’s good to hear,” I said before taking in a deep breath, suddenly feeling nervous for the first time in ages. “So, Ellen’s been nagging me to find a partner or a team to hunt with, since it’s a lot safer, and... I was wondering if I could join you guys?” I looked back and forth between the two, not too sure how they’d respond. The brothers glanced at each other before looking back at me.

“We hardly ever hunt with someone else,” Sam said and I felt my hopes drop. Now I was going to have to go and find someone else to chat up and get friendly with, which I didn’t want. The Winchester brothers were great guys, and after hunting only twice with them, I knew I could trust them and that they were good people. It was just instinct.

“But we’ll make an exception,” Dean finished with a smile. Oh thank God... As I thanked them both while giving them a hug each, I could feel the relief flooding through my body. I finally had someone to watch my back as we hunted together.

“Please don’t let me take my car,” I laughed with a wince at the thought of how crappy my car was compared to theirs.

“Go get your stuff,” Dean said with a chuckle and I turned to go to my car. After I had emptied my gear into their car and quickly sold my car to the local dealer, I was riding in the back of the Impala, heading off to the next case that Sam had already found, talking non-stop to my new friends. I just knew that working with them was going to be great. I pulled out my phone and sent Jo a quick text: Tell Ellen I’ve got a team to work with – the Winchesters!
♠ ♠ ♠
Shall be updating in another week (ish). Hope you're all having a good Xmas/New Years.
Comments are very much appreciated.
As I've said, this shall get MUCH more interesting in the next few chapters, I just needed her to join with the brothers. Next chapter is when Castiel makes his awesome debut :)