Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

I Believe the Children Are Our Future

I was in Alliance, Nebraska with the Winchester brothers on an unusual case. We had come across a place where all of the lies children believed in came true, like their face freezing in place when they made a silly face, or suffering from stomach ulcers because they drunk Coke with pop rocks. Eventually, we managed to pin point the source down to one child (Jesse) who seemed completely oblivious to what he was doing. Since he was adopted, we had checked out his mother and learned that she had become pregnant while possessed by a demon. Jesse was half demon, half human. Now this was something I could deal with.

“I think we need to call Cas,” Dean said as we got back into the Impala to drive back to the town we were staying at. I didn’t question who Cas was as Dean called him and left a message on Cas’s phone, but I trusted them that Cas would be a great hunter, or perhaps someone like Bobby who kept them informed with everything.

“Maybe there’s some sort of link between the hybrid and the Apocalypse,” I wondered aloud as Dean pulled the car into a parking space outside our motel room. “It would make sense, wouldn’t it?”

“It’s a theory,” Sam replied as he unlocked the door. He pushed it open and walked inside, not noticing the man who was standing inside the room wearing a suit covered casually by an open long light brown trench coat. Instinctively, I quickly pulled out my pistol from my holster (since I was dressed in my suit for the interview) and focused it on the stranger, not taking any risks. I hardly noticed Dean walking in casually and shutting the door behind him. Could they not see the intruder?

“Who are you?” I demanded as I flicked the safety catch off, aiming for his chest. The man just froze and looked back and forth between Sam and Dean, as if he expected them to help him.

“I don’t think you shoul-” the man said while raising his hand. I interrupted with him by firing my gun once into his chest, not taking the risk that his hand could cause powers that could disarm me or hurt me and the brothers. He stumbled a bit and looked strangely down at his chest, before looking back up at me. Because he appeared unharmed, I knew straight away that he wasn’t a demon or pretty much anything else supernatural that hated silver, and he definitely wasn’t a normal man. So what had I just shot? I kept my pistol raised as defence, even though I knew it wouldn’t be any good.

“Nichole! What the hell? Put the gun away!” Dean shouted, but I was hesitant to do so.

“That’s Cas,” Sam continued as I slowly lowered my pistol. “He’s an angel.” Oh crap. My mouth dropped to form a ‘o’ shape as I realised I just shot an angel. I was so going to hell...

“I’m Castiel. I’m an angel of the Lord,” the man introduced himself to me as he approached us. Castiel stretched his hand out to me and I saw the bullet I had just fired into him in it. I held out my hand and he dropped it into it and I felt my cheeks flush. This was so embarrassing...

“I take it you got our message,” Sam quickly said to Cas to take the attention off me and my actions.

“It’s lucky you found the boy,” Castiel stated as Sam sat down. I turned around in the opposite direction and headed over to the bed I was sharing with Dean to my bag where I set down my gun and the silver bullet loaded with salt. Did that really just happen? Oh my God, I’m going to be kicking myself for ages about this... I zoned out of their conversation until I heard a loud farting noise that lasted for a decent amount of time. I saw Castiel was sitting on a chair now and he was looking around peculiarly as the noise sounded from his direction. “That wasn’t me.” Cas pulled out a whoopee cushion from underneath him, as if to prove his point.

“Who put that there?” Dean joked, trying to act innocent even though I knew he was the one who was trying to pull a practical joke on either Sam or I. I got over my embarrassment and walked (unarmed) over to the men and participated in the conversation about killing the Antichrist child because he was meant to be one of Lucifer’s biggest weapons in the upcoming war (my theory was right). Castiel was determined that it was the only thing to do, but the Winchesters informed me that Cas didn’t have feelings, so he didn’t realise how wrong it was to kill a child. At first, I was uncertain. The half human aspect made me not want to kill him because my job was all about saving lives, not taking them. But he was an Antichrist, half human and half what I hated and hunted, and there was no way I could let that thing live.

“So you won’t help me?” Castiel questioned us and the Winchesters shook their heads in response. “I’ll go do it by myself now, then.”

“Wait!” I shouted and Cas turned his head to look at me in the eyes, making me freeze momentarily. “Can I talk to you, Castiel? Uh, privately?” He nodded as he stood, raising his right hand and then placing his index and middle finger together on my forehead. I closed my eyes from a strong white light that filled my vision, and then felt a force like a strong wind hit me. When I reopened my eyes, I noticed I was now standing in a park, a colourful playground behind Castiel and a large tree just off to our left, shadowing us from the sun.

“You wanted to talk,” Cas stated as I looked around to see that we were the only ones here. Varieties of bushes and trees of differing heights surrounded us, their leaves gently rustling in the barely noticeable breeze.

“Yea... I- I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t know...” I stuttered shyly. For some reason, in Castiel’s presence I wasn’t myself. My confidence had completely disappeared. I felt like he could see right through me, which wasn’t the nicest feeling in the world, and not to mention, he was a freaking angel.

“From my past experience of observation of humans, I noticed that a woman likes it when she’s told she’s beautiful. I was going to greet you with a compliment like that, but I guess something else would have been more appropriate,” he said so seriously, making me giggle and blush.

“Am I, uh, going to hell because I shot an angel?”

“No.” Phew...

“Um... I think we just got off on the wrong foot together, so can we just forget that and move on from it?” I asked as I looked slightly upwards into Castiel’s eyes. They showed no signs of emotion, but what was I to expect?

“Okay,” he replied abruptly.

“So... I want to help you kill the Antichrist,” I stated simply, getting right to the point. This conversation with Castiel was so uncomfortable, probably because he wasn’t human.

“Good,” Cas said and we both waited in the awkward silence for the other to speak.

“Can you, uh, take us there now?” I finally questioned and Cas rose his hand to my forehead again. The same sensation of light and force overwhelmed me again and the next time I opened my eyes we were in Jesse’s house.

“Here, take this,” Castiel said from in front of me as he held out an ordinary-looking dagger. I took it and noticed that he had one himself. We heard the noise of a light person walking down stairs, so we hid behind the wall as Jesse got himself a glass of water. Cas started sneaking up behind him, so I followed suit, but the half-demon child caught us. Jesse was absolutely petrified of us, and it almost made me reconsider my decision to kill him. But I had to. He’s technically a demon. I vaguely heard Castiel apologising to the boy and then the angel raised his knife, ready to kill Jesse. A light flashed for a split second and then Castiel was gone. Something on the floor caught my eye and there was an action figure of Castiel, in the pose with his dagger raised, and I froze, accidentally dropping my knife into the floor from shock. This child was so powerful.

“Are you going to try to kill me too?” Jesse asked angrily and I shook my head to try to calm him down. I did not want to be a few inches tall and unable to move right now. I had to pick my knife back up and kill him! But then my world went black.

I woke up groggily lying on a cold hard surface, which I soon recognised as a floor. When my eyes came completely into focus and my ears started working properly again, I saw Castiel’s face staring down at me.

“Are you okay?” he asked as I tried to sit up.

“I don’t feel too good...” I admitted as my head spun. I felt his arm awkwardly and cautiously come around my shoulders to steady me, as if he wasn’t too sure if that’s what he was meant to do.

“We need to find Dean and Sam,” Cas said in a soft voice and I groaned. I didn’t think I’d be able to move. “You need to stand up so we can do that.”

“You don’t say,” I grumbled before forcing myself to stand, even though it made me feel worse. I wasn’t going to try arguing with an angel, especially right after I had shot him. I had plans to go to heaven, not hell. With Castiel’s arm around my shoulders and my own wrapped around his body clutching his waist for support, we slowly made it up the stairs and along to Jesse’s room where the Winchesters were without Jesse.

“Nichole!” Sam cried at the same time Dean called out ‘Cas’. “Are you okay?”

“She’s not,” Castiel replied for me when I didn’t answer, his voice really implying that he was stating the obvious and was annoyed that he had to do so. “The Antichrist has returned everyone alive back to normal before he vanished. We have no methods of finding the boy.”

“You didn’t kill him?” I asked the brothers, my voice coming out quieter than I expected it to, but the annoyance was still there. I had figured during the time I was knocked out a lot had happened.

“He’s a kid, Nichole!” Dean snarled back. “What’s wrong with you? You can’t kill a human being!”

“I was going to kill the demon!” I managed to reply, seeing the logic in my head.

“He made his own choice about his role in the war,” Sam quickly said in a much calmer voice as I suddenly stumbled into Castiel as I lost my balance. I felt his eyes upon me, looking at me strangely, but I couldn’t care less. My head was going crazy.

“I need to... to...” I tried to say I wanted to sit down, but instead, I felt two fingers on my forehead again and I slipped into a deep sleep. In my dream, I was sitting at a lakeside at the edge of a small wooden pier, watching the pale orange sunlight dancing in beautiful patterns on the water surface, a great contrast to the bold green trees that surrounded the edge of the lake. Birds were chattering away to each other quietly and the gentle lapping noise the waves made was so relaxing. I heard a distant flutter of large wings and then saw in my peripheral vision that Castiel had appeared sitting next to me on my right.

“How are you feeling?” he asked me, getting straight to the point.

“Better,” I replied as I turned my head away from the beautiful view to focus on him. “You knocked me out, didn’t you?”

“You needed it,” Castiel replied simply before peeling his eyes off me and placing them on the sight in front of him. “It’s beautiful here. What significance does it have?”

“Don’t know. I’ve just always dreamed of it, for as long as I can remember... But I don’t mind,” I told him, staring at the way the permanently setting sun was shining on his face. The golden highlights on certain parts of his face made his features look quite handsome. Whoa! What was I thinking? I’m sure I would end up in hell if I started fancying an angel! Besides, I’m sure Dean had mentioned during the emotion talk that what I saw was just a body of a host, a vessel, and not the real Castiel, so it’s not like I’d really like how Castiel looked... The thoughts of attraction were quickly scared out of my head as I looked back at the lake.

“I have to go and see what significance this has,” Castiel suddenly said in his serious voice. “I’ll wake you from the spell.” The sound of wings reached my ears as Cas disappeared and I soon felt the stunning view fading away. I knew I was waking up, and I soon woke up to see Dean’s torso rising and falling as he breathed heavily, yet slowly and consistently. When I picked myself up slightly off the bed to look over his large shoulder, I saw the red glowing digits reading four in the morning. I sighed as I dropped back down onto the bed, not feeling like I needed anymore sleep. Castiel sending me into that sleep was so refreshing... I felt as good as new.

I waited until it was 6:30 in the morning before I got out of bed, heading straight for the shower and washing my hair, taking my time simply because I had a lot of it to kill. After I had gotten changed into new clothes, I put my gun in the back of my jeans and unlocked the bathroom door. I noticed Dean was still asleep, but Sam was now awake and as soon as I exited the bathroom, he walked over there with a bunch of clothes in his arms, obviously about to have a shower himself. I did my best to not stare at his naked torso, but it was difficult to focus on walking and not drooling. We said good morning quietly to each other and Sam shut the door behind him as I put away my dirty clothes.

“Nichole?” Sam’s voice called uncertainly from the bathroom. I approached the door and opened it slowly in case he wasn’t decent, then took a step inside the bathroom. Sam had his back to me as he looked in the shower, probably figuring out how to work it.

“What is it?” I questioned and Sam spun around, the most adorable look on his face.

“Oh hey... You uh, left something behind,” he told me casually with a smile while gesturing towards the floor by the sink. Sure enough, there was the bra I had been wearing, which made my cheeks heat up. Wow... Embarrassing...

“Thanks,” I mumbled as I rushed over to pick it up.

“Can you show me how to turn this on?” Sam suddenly asked as I walked past him, heading back towards the door. I paused and looked at him, knowing he wasn’t being genuine. I mean, come on, everyone can figure out how to work a new shower after experimenting a bit. But then again, he was topless and I’d get to get close to him, so I decided I’d help. I leaned halfway in the shower, my back grazing his chest as Sam moved to see what I was pointing at.

“You turn this one for the temperature, and this one for the pressure,” I explained with a grin as I touched the controls. “It’s not that hard to do, Sam.” We both leaned back out of the shower and Sam gave me a cute smile.

“Can I ask you something else?” he asked, the shyness evident in his voice.


“Can I take you out to dinner sometime?” Sam asked me and I froze. Was he serious?
♠ ♠ ♠
This picture sort of inspired me about how the light was on Castiel's face, in case you were wondering.
And, also, because I just couldn't resist, you definitely need to check out this funny pic and also this one too.

So yes, we're starting to make things a bit more interesting now. They've been introduced to each other, spent some time together, and now the emotions are going to come along and shake things up. Hope you enjoyed reading, and there shall be more up soon :)
Please comment! I love hearing what my fans think.