Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

He's Begun

“Sam-” I began, the rejection obvious in my voice.

“Give me a chance,” Sam quickly interrupted me, pleading for an opportunity with me. I took in a deep breath as his puppy dog eyes made me feel extremely guilty.

“You should know that in this job the people you get close to get hurt,” I told him, trying to reason with him. I wanted to go out with him, but the ethics of this job prevented me.

“I do know! Believe me! I have firsthand experience of that,” he said passionately, his voice getting a tad louder, and I knew instantly without him actually telling me that he had lost a girlfriend he cared deeply about to a supernatural creature. I frowned and looked away from him as I felt his pain. “But I’ve moved on... I’m getting over what happened, and just ever since I met you, I’ve just had this urge to get with you. I know it sounds crazy... I just really like you.” With his last words, my eyes snapped back up to meet his blue-green orbs and I saw the emotion. Sam really meant what he had just said.

“I haven’t been tied down like that for a long time, Sam, a really long time. I can’t suddenly change that now,” I tried to reason with him, but he really wasn’t going to accept that as an answer. He was very determined.

“Neither have I. But I’m willing to give this a shot.”

“Sam...” I started, not really knowing what to say. What was stopping me? “I really hate labels.”

“Fine. No girlfriend-boyfriend label,” Sam quickly said. He was really trying hard... “Just you and me being romantic.”

“I’m not having sex with you tonight, if that’s what you mean,” I informed him and he chuckled.

“No... I didn’t mean romantic like that... So what do you say? A few nice dinners together every so often, hugs and kisses, sharing my bed instead of Dean’s... You get the idea. But no label,” Sam suggested and I paused staring at his handsome face. It was a nice offer...

“I don’t want either of us to get hurt, though,” I finally said, still uncertain about it.

“Nichole... The Apocalypse is coming... I don’t think now is the time that you need to be worrying about getting hurt in the future,” he said as he took a small step to close the gap between us. I fixed my eyes upon his as I felt his right hand brushing my wet hair behind my left ear. That hand then proceeded to travel underneath my chin to gently tilt it upwards towards his. Sam then moved his angled-to-his-right head down to mine as we closed our eyes, pressing his lips gently on mine in a sweet kiss. As our lips moved away from each other, I opened my eyes slightly and saw the small smile on Sam’s face.

“I don’t think I will worry,” I breathed with a smile of my own before I wrapped my arms around Sam and pulled him into my body in a tight hug. I rested my head on his chest, noting he had the demon possession prevention symbol tattooed on him.

“I have to ask, do you have one?” Sam questioned as he caught me staring at his ink.

“Sure do,” I replied with a cheeky grin.


“You’ll find out later, no doubt,” I answered as I pulled out of his hug. The intrigued look on his face was priceless, and as I exited the bathroom I was giggling to myself.

“Why are you so happy?” Dean murmured from the bed sleepily as I heard the shower turn on.

“No reason,” I lied with a sneaky smirk. Dean left it at that, thankfully, but inside, I was flying as high as a kite. I was totally ecstatic that I was once again in a relationship, even if there was no label on it. For so long I had gone without the company of a man, the last time being when I was a teenager before my parents were murdered. Every so now and then I did find a decent man in a bar before I left town and we’d have a bit of fun together, but that wasn’t anything serious. Sam and I were going to be serious, despite the fact we had agreed on not putting a label on us. Even though it felt weird getting back in the love game, it was good too.

We left town not too long after Dean had taken his shower, on the search for yet another town that was reported to have mysterious deaths, most likely caused by an evil supernatural creature. We investigated with Bobby’s help and dealt with the male witch who was making people age very quickly. I was learning new tricks for hunting every day, and I was beginning to feel like I owed the Winchesters something for all of their help. So, when Sam and I finally got around to having that dinner, I was determined to not let him pay, as just a small show of my gratitude for everything he had taught me.

“Seriously, Sam. I got this,” I told him as the waiter presented our bill to us. The date had gone... fantastic. I knew all of Sam’s story, as well as other little random pieces of information that you figure out on a first date, but he didn’t quite know all of mine yet. And not to mention the food was outstanding. It definitely bet sitting in a diner like we usually did for meals. I knew I looked good in my outfit, but Sam looked stunning in his open white dress shirt and dark jeans, his hair parted perfectly and out of his face and a cleanly shaven face. I counted out the correct amount of cash before handing it back to the waiter, Sam standing up as I picked up my clutch handbag. Sam, being a gentleman, took my red coat off the back of my seat and slipped it on me before putting his own jacket on. He then placed his hand on the middle of my back and led me outside the restaurant. His hand was perfectly placed; not too high to imply friends only, but not low enough to imply he only wanted sex.

“I have to say, I’ve had a great evening with you,” Sam admitted as his hand fell to his side once we were outside. I instantly missed his touch as we walked down the nearly empty street, heading back to the motel.

“Ditto,” I whispered with a beaming smile, although I have no idea why it came out as a whisper. After I cleared my throat, I tried speaking again, hoping it would come out a bit louder and stronger. “We should definitely do it again.”

“You think?” Sam asked with a huge grin, letting me instantly know that he really did enjoy tonight. I nodded in response as we continued to stroll down the road. I saw his eyes flick down to my arm, and then he took my hand in his, linking our fingers together. We kept on making small talk that was full of laughs until we reached the motel room. The TV was quietly playing Casa Erotica, but Dean had fallen asleep in his bed. Sam quickly turned off the TV as I stifled a giggle. We then both went about getting out of our fancy clothes and preparing ourselves for sleep, and not long after returning, both Sam and I were in bed. I laid on my left side, facing Sam who was lying on his right side gazing into my eyes in the very dim light, the corners of his lips turned upwards.

“Goodnight, Sam,” I whispered as my eyelids started feeling really heavy.

“Goodnight, beautiful,” Sam said back gently before moving towards me slowly. I stayed where I was and Sam then put his soft lips upon mine again for a few seconds before pulling away. He was the best sweet kisser I had ever kissed... After the kiss, I kept my eyes shut and a minute later I was asleep. Like I usually was in my dreams, I was sitting at the lake, the amazing view relaxing me. A while passed before I heard that large wings moving noise and turned my head to see Castiel standing behind me.

“Hello,” he stated, staring out at the view of the lake instead of me, which I found to be quite rude, although he probably had no idea.

“Hey. What are you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to you in private without Dean or Sam knowing,” he said simply as I stood up once I realised he wasn’t going to sit next to me. When I did, he finally looked me in my eyes. I saw concern written on his face, which only made me worry too.

“What is it?”

“I think I may have found out the meaning of this dream,” Cas answered.

“So, tell me what it is,” I said once I realised he wasn’t going to continue with his sentence.

“I don’t know if I can,” he told me as he looked away to his left over my shoulder. “What’s happening?” I turned around and saw that the clear water that reflected the sky well was now turning blood red at the left corner of the lake. It was a relatively small patch, but it looked like someone, or something, was bleeding heavily into the water.

“I don’t know...” I scarcely whispered in shock as I stared at it.

“Can’t you control your dream?” Castiel asked hurriedly and I shook my head.

“Not this one. I never have been able to,” I answered before turning around and power walking off the pier into the dense forest area.

“Where are you going?” I heard Cas calling me, but I didn’t answer him. It’s not like it wasn’t obvious where I was going... As I ran, dodging trees and large bushes, I kept an eye on the lake so I knew where the blood was coming from. What the hell was going on? I know that I had seen some pretty creepy things in my life as a hunter, but this was the worst by far. My peaceful dream was turning into a nightmare, I could feel it. I soon reached the side of the lake where the blood was appearing from. Unfortunately, there was nothing there, just dark red water that was slowly seeping out into the rest of the lake while not becoming diluted and keeping its strong colour, as if the clear water was being replaced by it. But I knew it was blood. Blood was infecting my beautiful dream.

“Castiel... What’s going on?” I asked uncertainly as I felt his presence behind me. I still felt like he could see right through me, but now he was sort of putting me at ease instead of making me feel creeped out.

“He’s begun...” were Castiel’s only words, and as I looked over my shoulder to look at him I heard his wings as he flew out of my dream and to God knows where. I sighed at Cas’s weird behaviour as I looked back down at the water, panic beginning to fill me. What was happening? Who had begun what? And what did that have to do with my dream?
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