Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

Changing Channels to Find Our Destinies

I didn’t tell the Winchesters about my dream or what Castiel had said. As we worked cases together I was able to stay focused and not let it get to me, but as soon as the case was over and we were relaxing, Castiel’s words and the sight I had seen wouldn’t leave me alone. Nearly every time I slept, I was transported back to the same dream where I couldn’t control what was happening. The blood was slowly but steadily making its way across the lake but I couldn’t find its significance, no matter what I secretly researched on Sam’s laptop or searched for in old books full of lore. I even furtively asked Bobby for help, but he was as clueless as I was.

I was sitting in the motel room with the brothers listening to a police radio, waiting for another suspicious death to happen, when a policeman finally gave details that sounded like something supernatural was going on. We headed over there ASAP, but realised it was a trap as we approached the abandoned warehouse that had no other police cars. But, we entered anyway, and as soon as I took a step inside, I saw I wasn’t in a typical old warehouse. Somehow, I had reappeared in an expensive looking black-themed motel room that was dimly lit by candles, fresh flowers of brilliant reds skirting the outside of the room. Confused, I turned around and went to open the now much smaller door, but it was locked. I then tried kicking it down, but it wouldn’t budge. What the hell?

“You won’t get out of here,” a male voice said from behind me and I turned around to see who had captured me here. There was an ordinary looking man in plain clothes standing by the two-seater couch. I went to grab my gun from the back of my jeans, but found it wasn’t there. The man just chuckled to himself at my actions.

“What are you?” I demanded, still frozen by the door.

“Oh you’ll find out soon enough,” he said before walking towards me. I moved around the room, keeping my distance. “Oh come on, no need to be afraid, Nichole.”

“How do you know my name?” I questioned as I approached the closed black drapes.

“Everyone knows who you are where I come from,” the man stated and I quickly grabbed the material of the curtain and pulled it open, prepared for a window that I could break and escape out of. Instead, I found myself staring at a wall where there should be glass. “Should I give you a minute to try to figure out the room? Or are you done now?” His voice showed frustration with me, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to suddenly be trusting of whatever he was.

“Where’s Sam and Dean?” I asked as I looked around the room for another possible exit, staying where I was.

“Away in TV land. We can watch if you’d like,” he replied with a smirk. “I just want to leave them a little message with you, have a little chat, and then you can go back to them. Sound good?”

“Do I get a choice?”

“No, not really.” I rolled my eyes at his response. The room seemed inescapable and there were definitely no useable weapons around. I was at his mercy. I did not like being so vulnerable. “Let’s get started, shall we?” The man raised his hand a clicked his fingers once, which turned the room into a more vibrantly coloured hotel room, but the man had disappeared. I felt a warm breeze brush past me where I shouldn’t have felt one and I looked down to see I was only wearing a set of lacy black lingerie and huge heels.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me...” I growled. What kind of creature could twist reality into whatever he wished? Was this man the Trickster that Sam and Dean had encountered in the past? They said they had killed him, though. Perhaps there was another? There was a knock on the door and a shout that said ‘room service’ so, with a puzzled look on my face, I went to open it (trying my best to balance in the huge heels) after I realised there was no clothes I could put on. The man, possibly a Trickster, stood there wearing a fake moustache and new outfit. I noted the door read ‘69’, which only made me grimace. I had no idea what he had in store for me... The tray in his hands was thrown off to the side, and as I watched it, the man grabbed me and pushed me forwards while kicking the door shut behind him and chuckling cheekily. Because of my high heels, I stumbled a bit and grabbed onto him for balance. The man’s hands ran over my back as he kissed me forcefully, a grunt sounding from me as I realised he was good at kissing, followed by one from him. I squealed a bit as his hand moved over my bottom and then the man started using his tongue in the kiss. He was so strong I couldn’t move or resist him whatsoever, and judging by the noises he was making, he was enjoying this a tad too much. The man soon broke away from me and turned around to face something and made a smacking noise with his lips.

“Sam, Dean,” he said as I stood behind him confused. What was he talking to? I waited behind the man, unsure of what to do as I saw his mouth moving, but could only hear a soft high pitch noise instead of words. When the Winchesters got this message, would they be able to decipher that? I got impatient and laid down on the bed and started flicking through a magazine that happened to be lying on it as the man sat on the edge of the bed and continued to ‘talk’. I kept my eye on him, and as soon as he stood back up I left my magazine to stand up behind him. Just as I was about to speak to him, his voice turned from the squeal to words again. “This is me, standing up. And this is me, lying down.” And with that, he turned around, connected his lips to my neck and pushed me backwards onto the bed before he started kissing me on my lips again, noises escaping my lips accidentally and willingly from the man’s own. I just couldn’t push him off, no matter how hard I tried. But, instead of it being scary, it wasn’t. I sort of felt peaceful, as if I was in good hands, but I don’t know why. My common sense just wouldn’t work.

“Stop,” I managed to say once his lips went back to my neck.

“Oh, you didn’t enjoy that?” he asked tauntingly and I shook my head. “Fine. I’ve got what I needed for my message anyway. So, now we’re off to the talking part of our little date.” He snapped his fingers again and the room turned back to the original black room. Luckily, I was wearing my initial clothes again. I noted the TV was turned on and on it were Sam and Dean in a motel room, smiling awkwardly at the camera that was filming them.

“Where are they?” I questioned as I moved quickly over to the TV, trying to figure out what was happening. Castiel then appeared on the screen too, but he looked like he was fresh out of a fight.

“The Trickster’s illusion is more powerful than it should be,” Cas explained. “I don’t think we’re dealing with a Trickster anymore.”

“I’ll be right back,” the supposed Trickster said from behind me before disappearing from the room and reappearing on the TV. The ‘Trickster’ gagged Castiel and then sent him somewhere else, before telling Sam and Dean to accept their destiny as Michael and Lucifer’s vessels. My jaw almost hit the floor. What? The brothers I had so willingly and easily trusted were vessels for the upcoming war? This could not be right... The ‘Trickster’ then said the battle can’t be stopped, insisted he wasn’t on either side and then threatened the brothers that they’d stay in TV land forever if they didn’t accept their destinies. And then he reappeared on the couch next to me as the TV channel changed to a cop show, starring Sam and Dean.

“What the hell is going on?” I demanded angrily as I managed to peel my eyes away from the Winchesters acting as policemen.

“You heard me. They’re the vessels. Their lives fit perfectly. Sam disobeyed his father while Dean remained faithful, just like Michael and Lucifer. Surely they told you about their destinies,” the man said to me with a smirk on his face.

“No. They didn’t,” I murmured while looking away from the ‘Trickster’. I then remembered Castiel’s words when he was on TV. “What are you? You’re not a Trickster.”

“Well done. I’m not. I’m the Archangel Gabriel,” he replied and my eyes widened. Minutes ago I had been making out with an Archangel! First shooting Castiel, then thinking he was good-looking, and now kissing another angel... I really wasn’t going to heaven anymore. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to hell. Well, you’re not going to heaven either. I don’t know where you go.” It was as if he could read my mind, or my facial expressions really well.

“What do you mean?” I questioned, really confused. “There is a heaven, right?”

“Yeah, there is. But not for you. You’re special,” Gabriel answered and I frowned. In the world of hunting and supernatural creatures, that was never a good thing to hear. “You’re the missing piece of the puzzle, the one that no one knows about.”

“The puzzle of what?”

“The Apocalypse and the war between Lucy and Michael. You’re the one that only the angels know about. It’s not written in any lore whatsoever because it’s our little secret,” he continued to explain, only further confusing me.

“So what am I supposed to do? Be a vessel as well?” I asked, determined to get to the bottom of this.

“No. That’s not your destiny... You’re the sacrifice.”

“What? A sacrifice?” I exclaimed in complete shock and Gabriel nodded. “What does that include, exactly?”

“How about I tell you a little story? Back in the day when Lucifer was rebelling against God, he wanted to create the first demon. He did, as you probably know, he created Lilith, but before her there was another human he had found. It was this woman that he ended up falling in love with, becoming the first angel to ever feel human emotions. In the end, Lucifer couldn’t turn her into a demon simply because they loved each other,” Gabriel explained, his tone so intense that I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat, eager to know the story.

“What has that got to do with me?” I asked and Gabriel rolled his eyes.

“Let me finish. Michael figured out what Lucifer was up to and wanted to get the woman away from Lucifer to keep her safe, but my brothers ended up fighting each other and the woman was killed during the battle by accident. Lucifer was then sent to hell and Michael searched heaven for the woman, but she was never found. But, every few thousands of years, the woman is reborn, which starts the planning in both heaven and hell for the next Apocalypse,” Gabriel continued. He paused and stared me straight in the eyes. “Nichole, you are that woman.” My head started shaking as I refused to accept what he had just said.

“No... No I can’t be her,” I stuttered.

“You want proof that you are?” Gabriel asked me. I thought about it for a few seconds. Did I really want to know? I didn’t want to be her. He had said I was a sacrifice, which meant I obviously died. I wasn’t ready to die! I eventually nodded. “You constantly have a certain dream, don’t you?”

“Yes...” I scarcely whispered. How did he know about that?

“And let me guess, it’s a serene lake that instantly sets you at peace?”

“How did you know?” I demanded, forgetting for a second that he was an Archangel and probably knew everything. He chuckled at my outburst.

“It’s written in the prophecy. Just like it was that you would stumble across the Winchester brothers as the Apocalypse was getting in motion, and you’d trust them and like them enough to join up with them. That gives you the chance to fall in love with Sam, Lucifer’s vessel, and for Dean, Michael’s vessel, to try to steal you,” he said as I listened intently. He had a point. Sam had said as he asked me out that ever since he first saw me he had had an urge to be with me. Maybe that was destiny. “And then, the big showdown will happen. And, if all goes to plan, you’ll get caught up in the battle and die, since you’re the sacrifice, Sam and Lucifer will be sent to hell, and Michael and Dean will search for you. And another couple of hundred or thousand years later, you’ll be reborn again. It happens all the time. It’s destiny. You can’t change it.

“Who else knows about my role?”

“Any angel does. And I’m pretty sure the Horsemen have figured it out too,” Gabriel replied. So that meant Castiel knew about this. How could he have not told me?

“Alright! We give up!” I heard Dean’s voice shouting from the TV. “We’ll accept our roles!” Gabriel glanced over at the TV before looking back at me.

“I’ll be back,” he stated before disappearing. I saw on the screen Dean capture Gabriel in a ring of flaming holy oil and question him, information only being revealed that I already knew from the talk Gabriel and I had just had. Gabriel then returned me to the old warehouse setting and Castiel was soon returned also. I was so out of focus, thanks to Gabriel and what he had just informed me about, so I didn’t pay much attention to what was being said, although I knew Gabriel was enlightening the brothers of my destiny. Dean freed Gabriel after we had exited the warehouse with Castiel.

“Castiel,” I said quietly as the brothers walked ahead of us to their car. Cas looked over at me with sorrow in his eyes, although I could have been imagining that, since he can’t feel emotions. “I know you knew the whole time. When were you going to tell me?”

“Soon. I just had to check that you are who you really are,” he explained.

“So it’s true, then? Everything Gabriel said is true?” I asked, more like reassuring myself that I hadn’t been lied to.

“I’m afraid so,” Cas replied and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I didn’t want to play that role. I didn’t want that destiny! Since Castiel was the nearest person, I flung myself at him and hugged him tightly as I cried. At first, he stood there awkwardly, but then put his arms gently around me and occasionally patted my back in an attempt to comfort me. When most of my tears had been let out, I pulled away from him to stop making him feel uncomfortable. “Do you want to hear the significance of your dream?”

“Sure, why not,” I answered as I rubbed my face with my hands, knowing my make-up was going to be smudged horribly.

“The blood symbolises how well Lucifer is doing, as in how much blood has been shed in his preparation for the fight. You’re linked to him,” Castiel explained. “When the lake is nearly full of blood, your time has come. Your blood will completely fill the lake.” His words just made me break down and cry again. This time, Dean and Sam came to get me. Before they put me in the car, Castiel burned Enochian symbols onto my ribs to hide me from all angels, including Lucifer. He said it was for my own good, but boy did it hurt. As Dean drove us away from the warehouse, Sam stayed in the backseat with me to hold me as I cried my heart out. Not only was I going to die, but I was going to know a few days in advance when I was going to die. If there was only something I could do to change destiny...
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So, what do you think? At least 2 comments before the next update please! Surely this is jaw-dropping enough for you to leave a few words behind! :)