Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick

A New Soothing Dream

Back at the motel, I had finished crying and my despair had been replaced with anger for the brothers not telling me. Castiel had explained why he didn’t tell me his information; he was just making sure he was right. But the Winchesters didn’t have any reasoning, and I was furious.

“How on earth can you not tell me something that important?” I yelled at the brothers. I was standing not too far from the door we had just walked through, Dean was sitting on the couch and Sam was standing in front of me.

“We didn’t know you had a role to play too! We were just trying to protect you!” Sam shouted back at me as I picked up the vase that was on the table next to me, soon slamming it into the wall on my right, pieces scattering themselves across the lino and table. My outburst earned a surprised look from Sam, but I didn’t care. Some of my anger had been released, and now I felt better.

“Trust me, if we knew, we would have told you as soon as we met you!” Dean imputed from the couch as he ran a hand over his fatigued face.

“You still could have mentioned it when I asked to join you two hunting! Maybe if you would have said something, I would have said no and then this wouldn’t have happened!” I retorted.

“The angels would have found a way to lead you to us anyway! They like messing with us,” Sam bellowed and I felt slightly disconnected from him. On our date, things were going so well, but now I really despised him.

“But you don’t keep things like that from the other hunters in your team!” I shouted. “Can you see what it’s done? I don’t trust you guys anymore because you didn’t tell me.”

“Well why are you still here then?” Dean outburst while rubbing his temples as if he had a headache. Sam and I both fell silent before I stormed over to our bed and grabbed my bag. Without another word, I headed outside and stalked off to the reception. I knew this was the only place in town that provided accommodation, so I had to get another room for tonight so I could sort out what I was doing. Obviously, there were a lot of things on my mind. I needed to escape.

After I booked a new room and paid for it, I went to it and chucked my belongings in the room before I got changed into my blue party dress. I then did my make-up to make me look a bit more flash and then set out to find the local nightclub. My jacket was taken at the door and I straight away sat down at the bar, taking a shot as soon as the bartender approached me. I was still fuming from my argument with the Winchesters, especially now that I had had time to rethink what was said. I wasn’t too sure if I was the one who was right anymore.

With all of the shock from what Gabriel had told me, I hadn’t been able to think too straight. Now that I was reliving the moment in my head, I knew I was wrong to have yelled and become angry. But I was far too stubborn to go back and apologise. I never liked to admit that I was wrong. So here I was, attempting to drink my problems away for a while before I hopefully found a man to spend the night with. It wasn’t much of a solution, but it would no doubt distract me from the conflict that had just happened. I had been told I was going to die soon. I no longer had anything to live for.

“Hey, cutie,” a deep voice growled from behind me. I spun around to see a handsome thin man who was a few years younger than me.

“Hey...” I replied as the bartender presented me with another shot that I had asked for before. I quickly downed that as the man took a seat next to me and started small talk with me, shouting so I could hear him over the loud thumping bass. Perhaps ten minutes passed before I had had a few more shots and was feeling intoxicated enough to give myself to this stranger tonight.

“You wanna get out of here?” the guy asked me with a huge grin.

“Oi! Beat it! She’s mine!” another male voice suddenly said and I looked up to see Dean glowering down at the man who was sitting next to me. What the hell was he doing here? “As in my girlfriend. Now leave.” The man glanced at me before standing and walking away. Dean sat down in the empty seat and ordered himself a drink.

“What are you doing?” I asked him grumpily as I watched the man chat up another girl.

“Saving you from that douche bag,” Dean replied simply as his drink was placed on the counter. I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

“I didn’t need saving, and he wasn’t a douche bag,” I slurred slightly as I leaned onto the counter to look at Dean better so I wasn’t talking to the side of his face. The alcohol had relaxed me so much, and the anger the argument had brought me was fading away.

“Three vodka shots!” Dean ordered the bartender who happily obliged when Dean presented him with money. Dean then proceeded to quickly drink all three in a row before looking at me again. “I’m sorry about what was said before. We were all upset.”

“I know. I’m sorry too,” I said as a blonde young female walked passed Dean, giving him a seductive look and licking her lips. Dean quickly looked away from her and back at me. “How’d you find me?”

“Well, I searched the whole town... This was the last place I looked,” he replied with a shrug. “Sam’s too angry still to bother helping, but I just had to know you’re okay.”

“Thanks,” I said back, feeling upset that Sam wasn’t happy with me.

“How about we go back to the motel?” he asked me and I nodded. I was just so glad that he wasn’t too angry at me. Dean drove me the short way back and then walked me to my new room, not mentioning the fact that I wasn’t sharing with them anymore.

“Thanks, for everything,” I told him as I stepped into my room. Dean nodded with a smile, standing in the doorway as he gazed down at me, a slightly dreamy look on his face. I rolled up a smidge onto my toes as I leaned in to kiss Dean’s cheek, but he moved before I could. Instead, my lips ended up upon his and I quickly pulled out once I realised how wrong that was. I might not have a label with Sam, and I did just have a fight with him, but that didn’t mean that I should suddenly have a fling with his brother. Dean took a step inside the room, pressing his body up against mine roughly as he grabbed me and our lips crashed together in a sloppy kiss. Screw Sam. I hit the door so it slammed shut as I tangled my arms around Dean’s body and deepened the kiss. Dean took off my leather jacket and then shook his own coat off before he pushed me over to the bed, never leaving my lips. His hands never stopped roaming my body over my dress, and my own were underneath his shirt, feeling that toned torso I had been longing to touch ever since I first saw it.

“Are you okay with this?” Dean asked between deep breaths. I could feel his hand on the zipper of my dress; he wanted more.

“Why do you ask?”

“Don’t you have something with Sam?” he continued as I tugged gently at the bottom of his shirt, wanting it off.

“Yeah... No label... I’m not restricted by him,” I managed to say, my head feeling dizzy from the alcohol I had been drinking. I lifted the shirt off Dean and then started kissing his neck, occasionally grazing my teeth or tongue over his skin. Dean moaned and then finally undid the zip on my dress and let it fall down off me, leaving me in only lingerie and heels, just like I had once been with Gabriel. I shuddered at the memory and as Dean’s hands ran over my body, I grabbed onto his belt and undid it, soon pushing his jeans off onto the floor. Dean picked me up and held me so I was straddling his hips as he stood. Our tongues were passionately dancing, one of my hands tangled in his hair as the other explored every curve of his muscles. Dean then lowered me onto the middle of the bed, staying in between my legs but leaving my lips to kiss my neck and move down onto my chest. I was moaning and gasping for air the whole time.

“You are so sexy, Nichole,” Dean growled as his tongue danced circles on the exposed parts of my breasts. I leaned upwards and his hands snaked behind me, soon undoing and discarding my bra. He then set his tongue and lips to work on my nipples, occasionally grazing his teeth over them as I laid there and moaned. Before I knew it, Dean had moved on from my chest and was leaving a trail of kisses down my stomach and to my hips. I gasped as he kissed me over the only item of material I was still wearing and I sat up on the bed. I then reached down to my feet and took off my heels and kicked them off quickly so I could get back to Dean. Simply, I didn’t care anymore. I didn’t care about what Gabriel had said about my destiny, that I was meant to be a sacrifice that died soon. None of that mattered to me anymore. Dean was making all of it go away. He was now that soothing dream I always had, except this wasn’t a dream. This was real.

“Have you got protection?” I managed to ask in between kissing Dean’s amazing chest, working my way lower onto his body.

“Of course,” he growled in reply before moving away from me to find his pants. I watched as he pulled out his wallet and soon chucked a condom on the bed next to me. Dean then crawled back onto the bed and sat in front of me. “Now... Where were we?” Then we started making out again and we fell backwards onto the bed together. Dean’s hands soon moved down my body to my panties, which he slowly removed. “So that’s where your tattoo is...” I knew he had seen it. The tiny demon possession prevention tattoo was just below my panty line so it was always hidden. I felt his fingers trail gently up the inside of my thigh, but before they could get too far, I broke away from Dean’s lips and moved so I could take his boxers off, revealing his slightly larger than average and already completely hard member. Before I could do anything else, I was shoved back onto the bed, Dean lying down next to me soon after. Our tongues danced as his right hand moved down my body until it reached in between my legs. He entered me with two fingers and I moaned in ecstasy. I focused on the pleasure, today’s events slipping away from me.

“I can’t take it anymore,” I breathlessly gasped, my back arched up off the bed. Dean stopped his actions and then took care of the protection. He soon landed on top of me urgently. I had a huge desire for Dean right now; I wanted him, and only him. He gave me another few sloppy kisses before guiding himself inside me, the pressure more than I had expected. I hissed for him to stop and Dean paused his motions for a few moments, letting me adjust before he continued to move inside me. Oh he felt so good... The noises that both of us made were clearly full of passion and not faked, and they just kept on getting louder and more frequent. Dean had been moving fast the whole time, so it didn’t take long before he was getting close to his release. His movements became erratic, but that only made him hit certain spots better. I dug my nails into his shoulders and pulled my chest up into him as Dean began to grunt heavily. He thrust one last time and almost screamed out before moving a little as he rode his orgasm out. More kisses were carelessly put on my neck before he pulled out and laid down next to me, panting like crazy.

“Oh you are so good...” Dean breathed before he removed the protection and disposed of it.

“You’re not too bad yourself,” I commented as I tried to catch my breath. ‘Not too bad’ was definitely not the phrase to use to describe sex with Dean Winchester. I rolled over onto my side so I was facing him and saw the grin spread across his face. “No telling Sammy...”

“Okay,” he whispered, his eyes half shut. I suddenly felt drowsy and closed my eyes for a moment to relax, but that only made me feel even sleepier. A few minutes later, I was almost completely asleep when I heard Dean mucking about in the room. I soon felt his presence over me. “I’ll leave your gun under your pillow.”

“Thanks,” I groaned, my head really starting to hurt from the alcohol I had been drinking earlier.

“I’ll see ya tomorrow,” Dean said before kissing my cheek and leaving. Not too long after I heard the door shut behind him, I slipped into a dreamless sleep, thank God. There was no typical lake dream to remind me of what I had learned. I had forgotten it all because of Dean...

“Nichole! Are you okay?” Sam’s voice was calling me. There was also a loud banging noise on the door. As I rolled out of the bed, I grabbed the sheet that was stuck on me and wrapped it lazily around me before I stumbled over to the door. I knew it was important in this job to let other hunters know that you were okay.

“I think we should kick the door down,” I could hear Dean mumbling from the other side of the door right before I opened it.

“What?” I asked grumpily as I squinted from the sunlight. It was later in the morning than I thought.

“Ready to hit the road?” Dean asked happily, even though the answer was obviously no.

“Give me five,” I told them before shutting the door behind me. The first thing I did was swallow some pain killers for my headache. Obviously, I didn’t bother with a shower or putting on make-up. I just got changed into my ripped jeans, chucked on my white t-shirt and leather jacket over the top, shoved on my boots and then picked up my gear and walked outside. I spotted the guys in the Impala, so I headed over to them and sat in the backseat, as I always did. Because of my headache, I groaned and my head lolled back so it hit the back of the seat. When I realised the car wasn’t moving, let alone started up, I opened my eyes and saw that the brothers had both turned around to look at me.

“So we’re all good?” Sam asked cautiously. I could see the hurt in his eyes and I suddenly felt guilty about what had happened last night. But Dean had promised that Sam wouldn’t find out, so I had nothing to worry about. I trusted Dean.

“Yeah,” I agreed which made Dean start up the Impala and get out onto the road. After a few minutes of silence, I finally spoke again. “We’ll find a way to stop this, right? We’ll fight our destinies.”

“We’re sure as hell gonna try.” Dean’s soothing but yet determined voice put me at ease, and I managed to fall asleep again, into yet another dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
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