Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick


I woke up to the beautiful sight of Sam Winchester in my bed and couldn’t help but grin. Who cares if he was going to be the devil’s vessel? He was smokin’ hot... A phone that wasn’t mine started ringing and Dean soon groaned and answered it.

“Bobby? Yeah... Sure... We’ll get right on it...” Dean said before hanging up. He looked over at me and saw that I was awake. “Bobby’s got another case for us. It’s only a few towns over. You’d better get ready.” I didn’t question him. I got up out of bed without disturbing Sam and took a quick shower, getting changed quickly, making sure my clothes made me look professional enough for when I’d be interviewing people. When I exited the bathroom, Sam was awake and staring at his laptop, as he usually was.

“Hey, mornin’,” Sam said while smiling when he saw me walking over to him to look at the computer screen. “I think it’s demons, since the police report says lots of small piles of sulphur were found at the scene.” I had reached his side and was leaning over to quickly scan the summary of the report.

“Yay, can’t wait to kick some demon butt,” I said with a smirk, actually happy that we were finally working a case that involved demons. They were my speciality, after all. Sam took my hand and tugged on it so I leaned in to him, letting him tenderly kiss me once. He then went to take his own quick shower as I cleaned some of my guns with Dean, bonding more with him as we did so. As each day passed, I seem to become happier that I was hunting with the Winchesters. They really were great guys.

Dean drove the short distance in about ten minutes, and we went about interviewing police officers and trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. It took a bit of research and teamwork, but we eventually found the demons’ hideout. We planned an ambush and, armed with our two demon killing knives, guns loaded with rock salt and hip flasks with holy water, and then broke into the isolated rundown house. Dean and I took the front door, while Sam took the back door, all of us with strong flashlights. Dean walked in first, armed primarily with his shotgun, me with my demon killing knife, and we begun scoping out the lounge area. No demon was present, so we continued stealthily into the next room, hoping to find Sam soon. We came across a thin doorway and took a position on either side of it, our backs to the wall. I nodded at Dean as I clutched the handle of the knife and Dean then quickly moved in through the doorway. A split second after he had disappeared through the dark doorway, he was flung right back through it.

“Dean!” I exclaimed at the same time as another voice from through the doorway. I recognised it as Sam and my heart jolted with panic. Dean was lying on the floor, groaning as he held his back which had been thrown first into the wall. I decided to try going through the door myself, but did it a lot more cautiously and slowly than Dean had. As I shone my light around the room, I spotted Sam being pressed up against a post, probably held by demon powers as a figure tied him to the wood. Instinctively, I crept up to the figure, knife ready to stab and kill. I was just about to deliver the fatal blow when I was swept away by demon powers, slamming hard into the bench a few metres away from where Sam was, a cry erupting from my lungs as I lost my knife. A large male figure appeared in the darkness and I knew instantly it was the demon who had knocked me down. It was a damn powerful one too. I reached for my hip flask and quickly got the top off, spraying holy water over the man who started smoking. As the person screamed, Dean appeared in the doorway again and shot the demon, hindering it significantly. The one who had just finished tying up Sam turned and ran at Dean, only to receive its own salt-filled shells in its chest.

As I tried to stand up, I felt multiple sets of hands grab me and I started flinging my holy water all over the place, a sizzling noise soon being heard. The grips on me weakened monetarily, but soon strengthened again. I called out for help over the screams of the demons and shots ringing out from Dean’s position. Sam was calling out too and all I could think about was how wrong this ambush had gone. There were clearly more demons than we had expected. The chest of the demon standing right above me suddenly exploded and then the body crumpled on me.

“Keep down, Nichole!” I heard Dean shout, which was followed by more gunshots that took down the demons trying to drag me out of the room. I did my best to curl up on the ground and cover my head, even though that wouldn’t protect me from bullets. “God damn it!” I looked up to see Dean was out of bullets and Sam was screaming in pain, surrounded by demons. As I struggled with the last demon on me, I saw out of the corner of my eye Dean showering the demons with holy water in attempt to rescue our man down. I caught a glimpse of something reflecting light on the ground and lunged for it. Luckily, I was right in assuming that it was my demon knife, and I stabbed the demon right in the heart. I quickly pulled out my knife and stood up, leaping over to the brothers to help them out, stabbing every possessed body that came my way. Dean had somehow found Sam’s knife and joined me in taking out the last few demons. Boy, were we outnumbered... Finally I took out the last demon, which allowed me the time to look at Sam. He was beat up pretty bad, his blood soaking the ropes that kept him fixed against the roof support.

“Oh my God... Sam...” I sighed with despair as I stepped over to him, using my demon knife to cut the ropes. Dean was searching the room to pick up the gear we had dropped during the battle as I propped Sam up on me, not caring my hunting clothes were getting blood soaked too. He was breathing very heavily and needed me for balance. Sam had really taken a beating. Dean and I quickly performed a group exorcism on the wounded demons, sending them all back to hell. Next, Dean and I quickly scoped out the rest of the house, double checking that we hadn’t missed anything. The coast was clear, so we helped Sam back into the Impala and as soon as we were back at the motel, we lugged Sam into the bathroom and started fixing him up, sterilising all of his wounds before bandaging them.

“Dean... We have to talk about what happened,” Sam said quietly as I finished packing away the first aid kit.

“How do you mean?” Dean asked gruffly while taking his blood stained clothes off, starting with his coat.

“How you rescued Nichole first,” Sam sighed, avoiding my eyes when I looked at him. I frowned, hurt that he was ignoring me. Why was he acting like that?

“Sam, she had way more demons on her,” Dean replied. I noticed his voice was getting a bit louder and it seemed to me like he was already getting really frustrated with his brother over the issue.

“I was tied up! I was helpless!” Sam argued back and I winced. Did they really have to argue about this? I hated family yelling matches... “Not to mention, I’m your brother! You’ve always had my back, Dean! No matter what!”

“You’re Lucifer’s vessel! If you die, you’ll be back before you know it! But if Nichole dies, that just means the sacrifice has been given, she’ll never come back and Hell gets risen! I think she’s a bit more important than you at the moment!” Dean yelled back, taking me by surprise. He thought I was more important than his own brother?

“That’s no excuse! I’m your brother! You should care for me first! End of story!” Sam growled as he stood up. He stormed off to the bedroom, and Dean and I followed him, both of us limping slightly from the demon attack. I watched as Sam roughly grabbed his stuff and left without another word, an emotionally empty feeling filling my stomach.

“He’ll be back,” Dean stated as he grabbed himself a beer from the fridge.

“I feel so bad... Your trust for each other has surely been ruined because of me,” I commented as I crashed on the couch. “I can’t believe he acted like that though. I didn’t know he could get so angry.” I rubbed my tired eyes with my palms.

“You can’t blame him for being so frustrated though. I’m his brother and I chose you over him and-”

“But your reasoning was far more logical, so don’t worry about it,” I interrupted him. I was so sick of this bickering, especially after we were almost all killed. We shouldn’t be arguing; we should be happy that we’re still alive. I sighed as I looked down to see my clothes smeared with wet blood that made them stick to me. “I’m gonna take a shower.” I went into the bathroom and took a long shower, trying to get rid of memories of Sam’s anger. It was definitely not something I liked to see in him, since that recklessness was proving him to be more like Lucifer. I didn’t like it one bit. I didn’t want to be in a romantic relationship with... the devil. It was so wrong...

Frustrated, I slammed off the shower and stepped out of it. I had soon grabbed a towel and dried myself off. After wrapping it snugly around me, I walked out of the bathroom to find my bag and new clothes. Instead of my eyes finding my bag, they found a nearly naked Dean Winchester sitting on the couch with a beer, watching some boring reality TV show. But his body... Damn!

“Uh, did you want the shower?” I called out and Dean spun around, slightly shocked.

“Oh... yeah... I’ll use it later. Surprisingly, I only got blood on my clothes, not skin,” he replied, trying to act casual even though I knew he was somewhat flustered from seeing me in only a towel. “Would you like a beer?”

“Yeah, sure,” I breathed in response and Dean stood up. I was at the bed I shared with Sam, attempting to open my bag with one hand as my other held my towel. Dean approached me, holding out the beer for me, but it wasn’t like I could take it. I opened my mouth to say something, but instead I froze because of the look of lust in his eyes.

“Uh...” Dean said quietly as he tried to pass me the beer while moving past me, but he just failed completely. He almost dropped the beer and he ended up crashing into me instead. The skin contact of his arm brushing against mine sent a shiver down my spine, and Dean noticed. He grinned mischievously as we both took in deep breaths.

“I- um...” I stuttered, feeling extremely awkward. Dean raised his eyebrows, and I knew instantly that he was implying we should have sex again. “We really shouldn’t.” Even I noticed the huge amount of doubt in my voice. Dean leaned down, taking his time to get closer to me in case I wanted to move, but I didn’t resist him. Instead, I let him kiss me softly. Dean then pulled away from me and stared down at me.

“Let me guess... You will anyway?” he whispered in a husky voice. It was so sexy I just couldn’t resist. Something inside of me just made me lunge at Dean and wrap my arms around his toned torso as I kissed him passionately. He moaned as his hands manoeuvred around on the towel, straight away slipping down to my hips. As his tongue entered my mouth, I moved my hands onto the waistband of his boxers, already eager to get the only piece of material on his sexy body off. The friction between us was causing my towel to start to slide down my body, but I didn’t pay much attention to that because one of Dean’s hands had found its way underneath the bottom of the towel and was now trailing up the inside of my thigh slowly. I gasped when he finally reached me and started stroking me gently. His touch felt so good... I couldn’t help but smile into our next rough kiss as I hastily pulled off his underwear. Dean stepped out of them before pushing me back onto the bed I was sharing with Sam, my towel getting lost as he did so. The next thing I knew, Dean was hard and pushing against my entrance as he kissed my neck and I moaned underneath him with ecstasy. What was I doing? I wasn’t under the influence of alcohol, and Sam and I were properly in a relationship now! I couldn’t just willingly sleep with his big brother! That was so wrong!

“Oh my God... Dean... We can’t...” I groaned as I ran my hands down his back.

“Why not?” he sighed as he pulled away from my neck to look me in my eyes. “We have before. Nothing’s changed.”

“They have so! I-”

“I thought we already had the discussion about Sam,” Dean interrupted me strongly. When I failed to speak again, Dean continued. “He won’t find out. This is just between you and me.” And Castiel, I thought.

“I- I don’t know...” I mumbled as Dean brushed against me, probably intentionally to be a tease.

“Come on, he was the one who stormed out for no reason. He’s missing out and it’s all his fault because he can’t control his anger,” Dean said and I suddenly felt frustrated with Sam again. Those evil characteristics he had shown me were worrying. I didn’t want to be with someone who resembled the devil... If anything, I wanted an angel. Not as in Cas, but as in Dean, or Michael if you started considering destiny. Why did this always come back to this destiny thing? Dean’s hand running through my hair to brush it out of my face brought me back into the moment. He raised his eyebrows, expecting me to make a choice now.

“Promise Sam will never know?” I whispered scarcely, not too sure if I was making the right choice. My head wasn’t too certain, but my heart seemed pretty content on saying yes to Dean right now. It was just a gut feeling.

“I promise,” Dean said in a low voice before kissing me gently again. He took his time to work me back up into the mood, which didn’t take too long. Dean’s hands were amazing at turning me on and it wasn’t long before his touch would get me shivering with pleasure. Dean had already put on protection, and now all he needed was my approval. “Ready for another good time, babe?” I breathed a ‘yes’ before Dean pushed himself gently inside of me. A large breath escaped me as I felt the relief of him finally being inside. Now only pleasure would come to both of us and the remnants of today would be erased, just like last time. I grabbed onto his hips and started him moving, eager to feel that sensation again. It soon returned, and so did my moaning. Dean’s face was always filled with pleasure, and he even managed to smile at me a few times in between his concentration and groaning.

“Let me on top,” I said and Dean gladly rolled over onto his back to let me dominate for a while. I must have been good, because it didn’t take too long before Dean was gasping for air and his muscles were tensing a lot. The next set of groans told me he was close to his release, which was soon followed by a loud shout as he came. I gently got off him and laid down next to him as he caught his breath, that grin still huge. In the moment of silence (apart from heavy breathing from both of us) I began to reconsider what I had just done. Images of Sam floated around in my head and guilt started to swim inside me. I really shouldn’t have had sex with Dean... again. Dean begun to trail kisses down my stomach and I snapped out of my thoughts of his brother.

“You’re turn,” I heard Dean whisper before he placed his lips upon my pleasure button. I cried out as he worked his tongue in circles, the pleasure mindboggling and almost unbearable. Moaning was not an option, and I gripped tightly onto the sheets as I arched my back, pushing myself further into him as I wanted more. He was so good... As soon as Dean added fingers to rub furiously against my spot, the pleasure took over my body and I came. Dean placed one last kiss on me before moving up on the bed to lie with me as I rode out my orgasm. After I had finished, I opened my eyes and stared up at Dean.

“You should probably go take that shower now,” I commented with a smirk.

“And you should have that beer I got you,” he replied cheekily. I chuckled at his remark as I rolled over in the bed, clutching the sheets to my body as I got comfortable. The bed moved, signifying Dean getting out of bed and probably heading off to the shower. As Dean mucked around quietly in the room, I slipped into a peaceful sleep, once again completely free from the lake nightmare, and happy.
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As always, I thank you for your support and ask that you continue to show it by commenting :)