Status: Active - Boring few intro chapters before the real stuff starts - Give it a shot!

Some Kind of Magick


The next day just before lunch, Sam came around and apologised for his behaviour. Of course, we dismissed his actions and things were soon back to the way they usually were with all of us in cheerful moods. After lunch, though, I was feeling down because for some reason, Gabriel’s words about my destiny were haunting me and I couldn’t shake the feeling. I was always a strong person, and I never gave in to doing things I didn’t want to do. My role in the Apocalypse was going to be no exception.

“Hey guys... I’m gonna go for a walk,” I said glumly after we’d finished eating at yet another diner in yet another small town whose name escapes me, as always.

“Are you okay?” Sam questioned, his concern quite obvious. I nodded and then stood up at our table. “Want me to come with you?” I shook my head as I grabbed my leather jacket and then left. I could feel the brothers’ eyes boring holes in my back as I walked away from them, but I didn’t care right now. I just had to find a way to stop myself from dying in the fight between Michael and Lucifer that would happen one day soon. A few minutes down the road, I found the town’s park and sat down on one of the benches that overlooked the playground. The scene reminded me of the one that Castiel had once transported me to, except this time it was a lot more lively because there were children and parents here having fun. I sighed and leaned back onto the seat as I pulled out my cell phone. A minute later, Castiel had finally picked up and after I described to him where I was, he appeared sitting next to me, the phone still pressed to his ear.

“Hi, Cas,” I said as we both hung up our phones, Cas only doing so after I had.


“I wanted to ask a favour of you,” I said, getting to the point straight away. Castiel was very direct and I didn’t see the point in stalling and wasting his time.

“As do I,” was his reply. He was gazing out at all of the happy families at the park.

“You want me to do something?” I questioned, puzzled. What on earth could an angel possibly want from me?

“Yes. I want you to explain this ‘crush’ thing to me,” he answered, making little quotation marks in the air with both hands as he said ‘crush’. I took in a deep breath as I looked away from him, remembering how he said he had begun to feel for me.

“Did you figure out why it was happening?”

“No, not yet, but I’m still curious about what it is,” the angel replied, turning his head to look at me. I sensed he was bothered by it, probably scared of the unfamiliar feelings he was having. For some reason, I felt a need to put him at ease.

“It’s nothing to be worried about,” I told him, trying to find the best way to describe it to him. “It’s just.... You like that person a lot and want to be in a romantic relationship with them. Sometimes those feelings are returned, and sometimes they aren’t.”

“By ‘that person’, you mean you, don’t you?” Castiel suddenly asked. “Do you return those feelings for me?” Wow he was really blunt.

“Uh...” I stumbled over whatever word I was meant to say. “I- I don’t know, Cas...” I didn’t want to let him down, since I still needed the favour from him, and I’m sure having an angel on my side during the Apocalypse would be a good thing. Castiel looked down to the ground for a few moments before looking back at me, his face emotionless again.

“You wanted something from me?” He spoke as if nothing had just happened.

“Oh, yes. I wanted to know how to summon an angel,” I replied. “Can you do that for me?” Castiel nodded his head.

“Of course. Who?”

“Gabriel. I need to talk to him,” I told Cas who nodded again. He said we had to wait until sunrise for it to happen, so I went back to the Winchesters for the rest of the day to travel to the next town where there was another case waiting for us to solve. I went to bed early after texting Castiel my location, and I was woken early by Castiel placing his fingers on my forehead to transport me to an old abandoned building. Only wearing my boy shorts and a cami, I felt uncomfortable and cold, but I really needed to talk to the Archangel so I sent those annoying feelings to the back of my mind. Cas already had all of the props he needed for the ritual. I prepped the area where Cas had said Gabriel would appear, making sure the ring of holy oil was large enough. Once we were both ready, I stood outside of the ring with my Zippo in hand and Cas held a special cup in his hand, inscribed with Enochian symbols.

“Rah-ah-gah-ee-oh-ess-lah ee ven-noo no-nee-koo...” Castiel begun and I zoned out, not understanding a word he was saying. What brought me back into reality was the lightning that started cracking all around us. From the fright, my heart was thumping loudly in my ears as my eyes darted around the room at all of the sparks that were flying everywhere from God knows what. I glanced over at Castiel who was gazing at the centre of the room where he had predicted Gabriel’s appearance, and as I looked over there, a stunning bright white light started emitting from there. It was so strong I had to close my eyes, and when I reopened them I saw Gabriel standing in the middle of the room, a smirk plastered on his face.

“Well, isn’t this a lovely surprise as to who’s summoning me,” Gabriel commented cockily.

“Hello, Gabriel. Nice to see you again,” I said, not too sure if I actually meant it or not, as I lit my Zippo and then threw it on the ground, making the holy oil ignite.

“Oh come on, that’s not very nice... I thought we had a connection!” Gabriel said as he stared at the fire, his voice sarcastic as always.

“You wish.”

“So, what do you want?” the Archangel asked.

“Well, since you know so much about my destiny, I figured you’d know how to change it,” I stated and Gabriel raised an eyebrow, obviously quite interested now.

“And what if I don’t?”

“Why wouldn’t you?” I retorted. He seemed to know everything. This was my only and my last resort. There were no books, lore, etc about my role. Only the angels knew about it, and without going to Michael, Lucifer, or God, there was no other method of getting information. Gabriel was an Archangel whom I had encountered previously, so I felt like he’d have a sweet spot for me and would help me out. I guess I was wrong...

“Because of all those clothes you’re wearing,” he replied with a chuckle.

“Goodbye, Gabriel,” I called out as I turned my back on him and took a few steps in the direction of the door.

“Oh, come on! I was kidding! Lighten up!” Gabriel said, but I continued to walk away from him. “I know how to change your destiny.” I froze, then slowly turned around to face him. Castiel hadn’t moved the whole time.


“You think I’m going to tell you? Ha! No way... Not when I’m helpless like this,” he replied while motioning with his arms to the fire around him. “Free me and we’ll have a talk.”

“How do I know you won’t just take off?” I questioned cautiously.

“Because... I’m not on anyone’s side, in regards to the Apocalypse. I just want this to be over. But, maybe it should go down differently to how it’s written. Let’s shake things up a bit,” he continued very convincingly. I grabbed the bucket of water Castiel had prepared earlier and put out a section of the holy oil. Gabriel grinned his thanks to me before stepping out of his imprisonment. “Let’s talk a bit more privately...” With a click of his fingers, I was swept away to a gorgeous tropical beach, and Cas was nowhere to be seen. I knew because of the markings he had carved into my ribs that he wouldn’t be able to find me either. Great, there goes my backup...

“Where are we?” I asked as I looked around the empty beach.

“Doesn’t matter. I can’t tell you with Castiel there; it’ll ruin the plan,” Gabriel replied. I noticed he was wearing one of those typical bright coloured flower shirts you always see men wearing on holiday and was holding a coconut drink in one hand. “Take a walk with me, Nichole. I’m assuming everything’s going as planned? You’re falling for Sam while keeping Dean in your sights?” We began walking across the soft golden sand as he talked, heading nowhere in particular.

“Of course. I don’t want it to happen but I can’t control it. I hate it,” I told him, looking down at the sand and noticing I was wearing a cute black bikini. What was up with Gabriel and dressing me in very little?

“And the dream? How is Lucy doing?”

“The lake’s being filled with blood. Nearly a quarter, if I remember correctly,” I answered sadly. As far as I was concerned, that was a lot of people dying because of the devil.

“So, you want to know how to stop the Apocalypse without you dying? You want to know how to change the inevitable battle, am I right?” Gabriel asked and I nodded.

“It’s possible, right?”

“Of course... I don’t suppose you know of another rebel angel who is beginning to feel human emotions, do you?” he said and I paused. What was he getting at? Not him, I hope! I raised my eyebrows, not too sure what he was trying to say. “Oh no, not me! Someone similar to Lucifer, but not an Archangel...”

“Why? Is that the answer?” I demanded. I just wanted to stop it without dying.

“Well... If you were to secretly fall for someone else... And say this someone else was a rebel angel that you’ve already met... It just might be enough to throw the whole chain of events out the window when the final battle comes...” Gabriel continued. “It’s something minor. You’re still following the big plan, with Sam and Dean, or Michael and Lucifer, but you might end up succeeding in ruining their plan and living.”

“Who’s the angel?” I questioned eagerly. I was willing to do anything to change destiny.

“Think about it...” I looked away from the Archangel as I pondered which angel was rebellious and was experiencing human emotions that I knew... Castiel? He was the only one who came to mind. I looked up at Gabriel, my jaw ajar, and I saw Gabriel smirk as if he knew what I was thinking.


“Actually, yes. Together, you two could derail the whole Apocalypse, as long as Castiel doesn’t know about the plan,” Gabriel said. “It might not be the answer you were looking for, but it’s all I’ve got. Sorry.”

“Don’t think I’m disappointed. I had nothing before, and now I have a plan. Thank you,” I said sincerely, earning a smile from the Archangel.

“Not a problem. I like you, Nichole. You don’t deserve to die. You deserve to be saved,” Gabriel said kindly. We had a little moment of silence, just staring at each other as I appreciated what he had done for me already. He was the one who had informed me about my role, and now he was giving me an opportunity to change things. I owed him. “Anyway, that’s enough from me. I’ll return you now. See ya soon.” With a mischievous grin and another click of his fingers, I was pulled off the beach and thrown back into the abandoned building where Castiel was still standing, waiting for me.

“Castiel,” I said to get his attention. He turned his head and rested his blue orbs upon me, somehow soothing me and making me speechless for a moment. How he made everything internal alright, I don’t know...

“He gave you information?” he inquired and I nodded.

“Yeah... He did...” I mumbled, remembering that I was meant to have a romantic relationship with Castiel too now. I live most of my life with no man, and now I have three at once... This was crazy! I took a few steps so I was in front of the angel, not once taking my eyes off his. As I stared at him, my face inches away from his, I noticed the way the new sunlight beautifully shone through the small gaps in the building and onto his face, giving him an angelic glow, ironically. His brown hair was roughed up, as always, and he still wore the same clothes. The angel’s chin was clean shaven and looked super smooth, but those eyes continued to captivate me. They seemed to be able to see right through me, into my soul, and they probably could. Most importantly, they gave me a calming sensation, as if everything was going to be alright. I had never stood this close to him before, and that was probably why the feeling was so strong now. My eyes fell away from his own and stopped on his moderately plump lips. I felt myself leaning in to him and shortly after, my lips were gently gracing his in a small, uncertain kiss. After a few seconds, I pulled away, not knowing what the rebel angel was feeling.

“I... I think I liked that...” Castiel whispered in his cute innocent voice as he moved his head in closer to mine. I smiled into the kiss he gave me. He gave me another after that before moving away from me and slowly bringing a hand up to his lips to gently touch them. “I- I think I should go now.” I felt his two fingers on my forehead and my eyes closed from the blinding light, only to open a second later to see the motel room again. I cursed myself silently for still not having taught him how to say goodbye as I crawled back into Sam’s bed. Well, at least today’s mission was accomplished; I now had a plan to stay alive and stop the Apocalypse.
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Oooohhh what do you guys think of this? Just even more drama, huh? Comments are super appreciated, and the quicker they come and the more meaningful they are, the quicker the update :) Thanks so much to everyone who's shown support for this story so far.