Welcome to the Family


Whitney prepared her house as best as she could. She had no idea how many people were actually coming tonight, but she wanted to be ready for how ever many did. She had scrolled through the comments and saw a few more saying that they wish they could be there and that they would light a candle for Jimmy no matter where they were.

She also noticed that she had gotten a message from a girl named Amber Baker, who looked oddly enough like Maria Baker’s daughter. Though these days, you can’t trust anyone who seems like they have relations to anyone famous. Amber asked if Whitney knew any of the people who were planning on coming and if they were legit fans, or just paparazzi.

Whitney said she didn’t know.

The day had finally arrived and as happy as Whitney should have been, she couldn’t shake the feeling she had in her gut, like something bad was going to happen. Though she just brushed it off as nothing and carried on with her day, heading to the salon to start her shift.

“Oh there you are dear!” Maria exclaimed as Whitney walked in the door. “Can I have a word with you please?”

“Uh, sure,” She answered, following her in to her office as Maria shut the door behind them.

“My daughter Amber found something on the internet last night,” She began and immediately Whitney became worried. She didn’t want to lose her job over something like this.

“I just wanted you to know that I think what you’re doing is great.” Whitney relaxed a little upon hearing this. “Amber is trying to get Zack to go,” She explained. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh no! Not at all.”

“I’ll tell him you said that. And Whitney dear, you only have to work half your shift today. I’m sure you have things to get ready and such.”

She shook her head. “Not really. Everything’s pretty much done.”

“I really appreciate what you’re doing,” Maria said again, placing a hand on Whitney’s shoulder. “Jimmy meant a lot to people and by you doing this, you’re showing just how much he meant to you.”

“Thanks Mrs. Baker.”

“If you need anything, let me know.”


“Brian won’t go either,” Harley explained. “All he wants to do is sit up in his room and drink tonight.”

“Zack’s got the same idea,” Amber sighed. “And Val said that Matt locked himself in the den.”

“Well, at least we know Johnny’s alright.”

Amber shook her head. “Lacey called saying that Johnny left this morning and has yet to return.”

“Fuck,” Harley groaned. “These stupid boys.”

“I know,” Amber sighed. She looked out the window at the clouds in the sky that were the shapes of random animals. “Help us out here Jimmy, please?”

“Are you begging the dead soul to help us?”

“It’s Jimmy Har, he’ll help us.”

“Alright, well, I’ll call you back later. Even if these bafoons don’t go, you and I still are.”

“That tis thee plan.”

Harley chuckled, “See ya later.”
