Status: Stuck and depressed about it. Comment or message? PLEASE! Suggestions welcomed...I sound like a crazy person. LoL!

Different Stars

Another Night, Another City

Another night, another city. That had been Cadence’s life for the past five years. She couldn’t complain and she wouldn’t, because she loved her job. Being in a band had been her childhood dream. She’d started playing guitar when she was 10 years old and hadn’t put it down since. The thoughts she wrote in her journal would eventually become lyrics to her band’s songs, their #1 singles. But sometimes on nights like this, when the sky was clear and the air was crisp, she couldn’t help feel the loneliness that occasionally surfaced. It seemed like it was impossible for her to find someone that she could trust and know that they were with her because of her, not because of who she was or what she’d accomplished, but love her for the woman underneath all that mess. Fame was not all it had promised to be, but she loved music and her band. If their songs touched even one person, made a difference in one person’s life, it was worth all the struggle.

“What’s with the serious?” Mike Capello, the lead guitarist for the band broke her out of her introspection.

“Nothing. Just the usual.” She smiled as he sat next to her. The were sitting at a picnic table, both on the same bench.

“Do you remember the night that we met?” Mike asked. He rubbed his hand along his chin, pretending to think deeply. “Ah, memories.”

“Yes, the night that you said the Penguins sucked ass and I punched you in the face. I have much fonder memories of that night than you do I think.” Cadence said with a grin. Mike had fallen flat on his ass from her punch and his friends had just laughed in stunned disbelief.

“I forget about that part. Water under the bridge and all.” Mike nudged her with his shoulder. “I just remember this gorgeous girl belting out “Don’t Stop Believin‘” and I knew that you needed to be the singer of my band.”

“If I remember correctly, Mate, it was our band, and I was there too.” Aiden Morrow corrected as he sat on the bench across from Mike and Cadence. Aiden played bass and was Irish. Two qualities that Cadence had immediately appreciated about him.

“Details, Aiden.” Mike said with a dismissive wave.

“Yeah, well, our band, and we haven’t looked back. So, stop looking so sadly at the stars, love. They don’t hold any answers.” Aiden moved his head to get his hair out of his eyes. Aiden’s hair was brown, and he kept it slightly long. It had a shaggy appearance to it. He was one of Cadence’s best friends, but she appreciated that he was downright sexy.

“True enough. You two need to stop worrying anyway. I was just admiring the sky. It’s pretty, like your hair.” Cadence said, looking at Aiden and both men laughed.

“His hair is pretty fantastic and all but, surrrrrre.” Mike said disbelieving. “I have some ketchup and potato chips stashed in my bunk and I guess I’m willing to share with you.”

“Nope. I need ranch dressing.” Cadence said and she stood up with the two guys.

“I think that I may have some of that. You know, the moment may come at anytime.” Aiden said in his charming Irish accent and Cadence dissolved into peals of laughter wondering what kind of life moment would call for ranch dressing. Clearly it was a moment that she did not want to miss.

Meanwhile, in another city, on another night…

“You’re in a tight point race with Stamkos. How do you feel? Do you think that you’ll be able to pull ahead anytime or will it be a close race all season?”

Sidney Crosby stopped to pretend to think about the question, before providing a polite, thoughtful answer. He hadn’t needed to think about that one because that question was just one of many that he was asked repeatedly by members of the press. You’d think that they’d exhaust the same question the fifteenth time it was asked, but they didn’t. They just kept asking him over and over again.

When they were done asking him questions, and the press was out of the locker room, his shoulders slumped and he rubbed a hand over his face.

“You’re coming to the bar tonight? That shitty game deserves some alcoholic misery.” Jordan Staal approached Sidney as he was getting ready to leave the locker room.

“I don’t think so.” Sidney was exhausted. He didn’t even want to think about dealing with being the sober one in a crowded bar, being hit on by the random women, and managing his friends sometimes questionable drunken behavior.

“Grandpa, you’re coming.” Tyler Kennedy walked up and stood next to Jordan. “You’re the only one that can talk any sense into Talbot when he’s too drunk to stand and speaking only French.”

“I don’t even speak French.” Sidney said with a laugh.

“But he listens to you. It’s like you two have some sort of weird psychic connection.” Tyler said.

“That’s Flower, not me.” Sidney said with a half smile.

“Dude, you need to get out. You’ve been working insane hours and it’s dumb. You need a little relaxation.” Jordan continued.

Sidney fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Fine. I’ll go.” He said.

“Don’t act like it’s such a hardship. You’ll have fun, you always do.” Tyler told him with a nudge and a smile.

Cadence exhaled loudly. This interview was annoying her. There was nothing to say except that. The “interviewer” was a woman that was asking questions related to their new album release. Would it be as successful as their last album? Which noone in the band could answer because none of them were psychic.

“What do you hope this album will accomplish?” The blond asked them and Cadence seized the opportunity to answer.

“Hopefully, the fans will like it. We’re always true to ourselves as a band and we don’t change our style to match what’s hot. We’re who we are, there isn’t much else to say other than that.” Cadence said with a tight smile.

“There was that incident last year while you were on tour. Can you tell me how much of that was truth and how much was rumor?”

Cadence stiffened and felt Aiden do the same next to her; however, Ben Fox, their drummer, was the one to answer. His voice was tight and clipped. “We’ve beaten this horse over and over. I don’t understand why this is even a question.”

The reporter focused on Ben with a fake smile. “Because you refuse to give the public what they want - an answer.”

Ben laughed cynically. “Truth is clearly too boring to be an answer then because it‘s been given.” Ben looked at and nodded to their publicist who was standing behind the reporter.

“That’s enough. This interview is over.” Their publicist said and the reporter was escorted out.

Later that day...

“Cadeeeeeeeee…” Aiden moaned at her. “You are ridiculous with this.”

“I agree with Irish.” Ben said with a nod and Aiden rolled his eyes. Ben knew that Aiden found it annoying when he called him Irish. So of course, he did it all the time. “Out on the town will be good for you.”

“Maybe you’ll meet Study McStuderson and finally get some action. I’m pretty sure that you could have almost any guy in the world and yet, you sleep alone night after night.” Mike said and gave a overly exaggerated yawn.

Cadence smiled, “Not all of us are whores, Mikey. Besides, I don‘t really consider sleeping on a tour bus with you three, 'alone.'”

“I just like variety.” Mike said defensively.

“Trust me, Mike, we know what you like.” Ben said as he rolled his eyes. “You have very special radar that finds the screamers. Why do you think we instituted the no sex on the bus rule?”

“You told me that was because it wasn’t hygienic.” Mike said as his head whipped around to glare at Ben. Then to Cadence and Aiden.

“Uhm…regardless of why we made that rule, I still don’t really want to go anywhere.” Cadence turned to look out the hotel room window. “Besides, we are in Pittsburgh. What kind of excitement do you think we’ll find here?”

“There’s always excitement when you’re with your best friends.” Aiden said with extreme cheesiness and a goofy grin. However, sadly, it was true. The four of them could entertain themselves for hours just being their stupid, ridiculous selves. And they’d had to do just that many times in their careers. Usually Cadence had more fun just sitting around on the bus than going out because she didn’t have to worry about people recognizing them and snapping random pictures that would later be taken way out of context and create all kinds of rumors.

“Cadee, you can’t keep yourself alone. Fuck the media and the fans that believe ridiculous rumors. We’ve sat around for way too long and it doesn’t matter. Let’s go party and have a good time.” Ben squeezed her leg encouragingly.
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K. I really would love to know what you think. Also, if you want to know how I picture these characters, let me know and I will post some pics or links. AND anytime you see "Cadee" it's pronounced like "Katie" only with "D" instead of "T". Just so you know...not that I'm particular or anything. LoL. Enjoy and comment!!!!!