Status: Stuck and depressed about it. Comment or message? PLEASE! Suggestions welcomed...I sound like a crazy person. LoL!

Different Stars

Superstition Man

“You’re dancing with me, Aid.” Cadence told Aiden as she pulled him toward the dance floor. The two of them could seriously dance together. It was odd because there was no real attraction between them, but they danced like there was. Although, Cadence made any man look like they could dance, because her skills were that amazing. She just had to work a little of her magic and the girls would be queuing up for the man. It was odd indeed, but she had fun regardless. Dancing was another of her favorite things to do. Plus it was an amazing workout, which was not something she generally enjoyed.
They were in a bar, Sidney having been convinced to come along by his teammates. He was enjoying himself, very slowly nursing a beer. The guys were hanging out and were occasionally approached by the random girl. Some of the guys accepted the attention, while some just brushed them off because of girlfriends and wives. Sidney, meanwhile brushed them off because he had no real interest in a shallow relationship based on his fame.

“Shit. That's the singer for “Quiet Madness.” Jordan said to Sidney and Kris. “I’ve seen her in interviews. She’s like, the perfect woman.”

Sidney turned to look at the woman Jordan was talking about. She was gorgeous, he couldn't deny that. Her dark brown hair fell to her shoulders and had a slight wave. The guy she was dancing with was not bad to look at either.

“She looks familiar.” Sidney said. He’d heard some of their songs. They were a rock band that always got plenty of radio play. He liked what he’d heard. Suddenly she turned to look at their table and offered a surprised smile before continuing to dance with her partner.

“She is very beautiful.” Kris commented. “That guy is in the band too. That man she is dancing with.” He clarified in his French accent.

“They aren't dating. In an interview they said they don’t date each other.” Max Talbot commented as he put his arm around Sidney’s shoulders.

“That could get awkward.” Jordan said before taking a swig of beer.

“Imagine sleeping next to someone you had sex with and you are not allowed to again…so weird, and maybe sad.” Max added.

The other guys started talking about something else, but Sidney couldn't stop looking at the woman. She was captivatingly beautiful and the way her body moved so smoothly while she was dancing was making him have dirty thoughts.


“The Pittsburgh Penguins are sitting over there.” Cadence commented as she and Aiden were walking back to their table.

“Fuck me. They are.” Aiden looked over at where Cadence was pointing. “They lost today, yeah? Maybe we should go buy them a pint.”

“You’re a Rangers fan and we're in America, hence you buy them a round.” Cadee told him with a grin.

“I’m not native to hockey. I can buy whoever a “round” I want to. You're such a word Nazi, Cadee. A bloody scholar, she thinks.” Aiden said sarcastically then headed off in the Penguins direction. Cadee felt a slight panic, she grabbed his hand to try and stop him.

“Whoa there, Irish.” She said and tugged at him.

Aiden turned around to glare at her. “I feckin hate it when you call me that.”

“It’s a term of endearment, Aiden. You know that I love you.” She flashed him an exaggerated grin. “But why are you buying them drinks. Like I said, you don’t like them.”

It was Aiden’s turn to grin. He reached over and touched her nose with his finger. “Ah, Cadee, but you LOVE them. So, drinks it is.” Aiden turned and continued on his path, while Cadee closed her eyes and resigned to her fate.

As Aiden was walking towards the Pens with Cadence in tow, she looked towards them and found Sidney Crosby staring at her. However, he didn't exactly look happy. He looked a little…well annoyed, and Cadence felt the urge to turn around immediately. She stopped after a few steps causing Aiden to realize that she wasn't following him. He turned around to look at her.

“Cadence, I’m going with or without you, and you know I'll just bring them over to our table.”

“That’s how you roll.” Cadence said jokingly, then took a deep breathe. If she was totally honest with herself, she’d always had a bit of a crush on 87, but in the person, he looked even more amazing. Solidly built with dark hair and chocolate eyes. It wasn't really fair for him to be a hockey prodigy and have good looks. It was probably some kind of cosmic joke. She wasn't Canadian, but she could appreciate the nations love affair with the boy.

Cadence was so distracted by Sidney that she didn't realize another man had approached her and Aiden from their left side.

“Hello. You’re Cadence Hadley and Aiden Morrow.” Cadence turned left and found herself looking at Max Talbot. He was grinning at her and she couldn't stop the smile that formed. His smile was downright hot and the accent was pretty damn sexy too.

“Mmhm. And you are Maxime Talbot.” Cadence said automatically

“I know. But you can call me Max. It’s much more sexy.” He took Cadence’s hand and kissed it causing her to giggle like the girl that she was. She may be in a band and play guitar, but she was still just a girl. Simple and sadly, just a girl in the world.

“Let me introduce some of my friends.” He led her and Aiden over to the Pens. Introductions were not necessary because she knew them all by name and number, even the callups from the AHL; however, she let him introduce them anyway.

After a few minutes they were joined by Ben and Mike. People began to separate off and talk in groups. Mike of course gravitated to the boys with hot girls standing around them.

Cadence had been talking to Max for the last ten minutes, but looked to her left, to find that she was standing next to Sidney. Max had had a sudden urge to go to the bathroom, so she assumed this must be a manufactured coincidence. Sidney seemed to be standing there self-consciously, having realized the same thing.

Cadence decided to be honest with him. She said, “So this is really awkward and it just doesn't need to be. I’m Cadence, and you’re Sidney. Can’t we be friends?” Cadence looked at Sid and offered him a goofy smile looking cute and trying to alleviate the awkwardness.

He studied her for a moment with a serious expression before he smiled at her a little. “Sure. You can’t have too many friends.”

“My mom used to say that. All the time actually and I kind of disagree with that. You can for sure have too many friends.” Cadence said.

“For sure?” Sidney smiled then turned to look at her fully. “Sometimes you sound a little bit Canadian.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “Mike and Ben are Canadian, and I live with them for about ten out of twelve months a year, so they rub off on me.”

“Aiden is not Canadian.” Sidney said as he looked over at Aiden who was talking animatedly with Deryk Engelland, who was making gestures with his fists. From what she could see the two were exchanging punching tips.

“Irish. He’s from the “old country“, as he likes to remind me often. I’m the lone American in our little family.” Cadence explained, perfectly mimicking Aiden’s accent.

Sidney looked at her with a slightly puzzled expression. “I understand that you’re with them all the time, but they’re all guys. Don’t you miss girls?”

Cadence could tell that Sidney couldn't believe he’d asked her such a direct question. “Well, I didn't have any brothers growing up and my dad wasn't really in my life. So I think that I overcompensate now by filling my life with adopted brothers.”

He paused, in his Sidney way before responding, “I grew up with hockey. That was my life.”

“And now?” Cadence prodded.

“Still hockey, only hockey.” He gave a self depreciating smile.

Cadence shrugged. “I have music and those three boys over there, but that’s it. So I guess we aren't that different after all. Except of course that you have a whole hockey team of men filling your life.” She said and gave him a dirty grin.

Sidney laughed at that and she laughed too. You couldn't hear Sidney’s laugh and not join in - it was impossible.

“Filling my life?” Sidney said.

“Yes. You may think you’re Captain Sexy, but you don’t always call the shots. Max seems a bit like a bulldozer. I’m pretty sure that he made sure we would talk to each other.” Cadence said. “Not that I mind. I actually think we might have more in common than we think.”

Sidney looked at her then, ignoring her “Captain Sexy” comment, to seriously study her eyes and expression. He saw a woman that was alone even though she had friends. Someone that was happy, but not complete. There was something so familiar about her life situation that he immediately felt a connection with her.

“I agree.” Sidney said seriously.

“Good. So, can I make a confession?” Cadence asked, her blue eyes twinkling with humor.

“Sure.” Sidney said, having no idea what would come out of her mouth.

“I’m secretly glad that you didn't get a point in your game.” She paused and actually looked guilty. “No more mustache. It looked horrible. It made me think I should call the police on you for skipping school or something.”

“You realize that insulting my facial hair is an affront to my manhood?” Sidney asked her.

“As if you need any reassurance of your manhood. You can probably bench press like three of me.” Cadence scoffed at his suggestion.

“You are a little on the skinny side. More like five.” Sidney said just to see her reaction. He got one. Cadence threw her arms up and looked toward Aiden and Ben, who were now both talking with a small group. She'd had the flu recently and lost some weight because she couldn't eat. She was gaining it back, but was annoyed by people commenting on it.

“Really? Those two just told me I was too skinny.” She said exasperatedly. Sidney couldn’t help but think that she looked adorable like this.

“Yes.” He reached over and poked her in the side. “I shouldn't feel your ribs when I poke you.” He was still totally kidding; however, Cadence looked up at him with a furrowed brow.

“Did you really just poke me?” She asked, then she reached out and poked him right back. “Holy Guacamole. That’s got to be at least two inches of solid muscle.” She went from being annoyed to totally fascinated within seconds. She poked him again, but this time on his shoulder. “That is insane! Even more muscle.”

Sidney laughed again and put out a hand to stop her from poking him again, but she had something else in mind anyway. She reached up and tried to encircle his bicep in her hands.

“I can’t even fit my hands around your arm. You’re like a super hero.” Cadence couldn't suppress the slight note of awe that crept into her voice.

“Yeah, Superstition Man.” A voice broke into their conversation. It was Jordan Staal.

Sidney shot him a look, but Cadence missed it because she was too busy looking up at his ridiculous height to notice.

“Aren't all athletes superstitious?” She asked both the men. Sidney looked away a little and Jordan laughed loudly.

“He’s in a universe all his own.” Jordan told her.

“I’ve heard that, but I really thought that all athletes were superstitious. As long as it doesn't lead to the return of the ‘stache, I’m all for superstition.” Cadence said and looked pointedly at Sidney.

“It’ll be back come playoffs.” Sidney told her.

“That has a little beard with it. It looks totally different. That’s ok.” She said. Jordan looked at her a little oddly then back over to Sidney, before turning to leave.

Sidney’s phone rang causing him to notice the time. “It’s getting late. I think I need to gather the team and leave.”

Cadence felt a little sad at that thought, because she felt an odd connection with Sidney. “If this doesn't sound too crazy, can I give you my phone number? Or get yours?” Cadence paused, then looked at him uncertainly. “Sometimes on the road, it’s nice to have someone to talk to that’s outside of my little tour bus world.”

Sidney didn't hesitate because he could completely relate to that feeling. “Sure.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, can you please comment?! There is one comment. One! "Captain Sexy" was provided by the person that left the comment. The nickname will return later, I think. I kinda like it.