Status: Stuck and depressed about it. Comment or message? PLEASE! Suggestions welcomed...I sound like a crazy person. LoL!

Different Stars

Those Are Stripper Names

Cadence’s phone rang and she smiled when she saw who it was. “Hey, kid wonder from Cole Harbour.” Cadence answered and was greeted by silence. “Uhm, I was kidding, Mr. Crosby. If you don’t stop the heavy breathing, I’ll think you’re a stalker. Or maybe Max stole your phone again, in which case the heavy breathing is expected.” Cadence said.

A laugh broke across the line. “Cadee, you’re kind of insane, you know that?”

“It’s been said a few times before and I really won’t argue. I live on a bus with three boys for most of the year. What do you really expect?” Cadence said with a smile.

“True. So how’s the tour going anyway?” Sidney asked even though he knew how it was going because of media reports. He still wanted to hear it from her.

“Oh, you mean since we talked like two days ago? It’s going. You probably know, or maybe you don’t because you’re a busy super star hockey man, but a few days ago in St. Louis we were doing a show and I accidentally kicked one of my high heels into the audience.” Cadence told him.

“I may have seen that on tv.” Sidney said and she could tell he was trying not to laugh. Clearly he knew exactly what she was talking about.

“She is totally fine.” Cadence told him, he could hear the exasperation in her voice. Obviously this was something the press wasn’t letting go. He knew the feeling.

“You know how I am, Sidney. Slightly challenged when it comes to things like gravity and corners.” Cadee said defensively.

“And stairs. Don’t forget those.” Sidney said with a grin remembering how she’d somehow managed to literally fall down one step and cut her knee badly enough so that she needed stitches.

“Of course you mention that.” She huffed. He could picture her expression through the phone.

“Did you at least get your shoe back?” He asked, knowing she would care about that.

“Yeah I did.” Cadence said proudly. “I made them bring her backstage. She’s really cool and she likes hockey. Although she’s a Blues fan, but at least they aren’t an Eastern conference team. So we can be friends.”

“Did she get a prize? A black eye from when your heel hit her face maybe.” Sidney suggested.

“I think I’m going to hang up on you.” Cadence said, but was grinning. “No black eye. She wanted to know if she could keep the shoe and have the other one to go with it.”

Sidney laughed at that. “You couldn’t say no to that. Or did you?” He asked.

“What do you think?” She countered.

“You’re a softy. You gave ‘em up.” Sid said.

“I did.” She confessed. “They were one of my favorite pairs too, but not very practical. My best pair of fuck me heels. What would I do with them other than parade around on stage and knock people out?”

“Good point. Maybe you should duct tape them to your feet.”

“That’s definitely not fashionable.”

“And your signature look of always wearing shorts onstage is?” It was true. Cadence always wore either shorts or a skirt when performing. It had started out as a phase, but now everyone associated it with her so strongly that she couldn’t stop doing it, lest a mass riot erupt.

“This coming from a guy who has worn the same jock strap for so long that it’s black from god knows what fungus and mildew? I don’t think you have room to comment.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Sidney blatantly lied and Cadence laughed a little.

“Whatev, Liar. So any hot dates lately?”

“If you count Montreal or New Jersey, then yes.” Sidney always answered her this way when she asked about girls.

“You’re dating strippers?” Cadence asked.

“What?” He obviously didn’t get her joke.

“Those are clearly stripper names. Montreal, New Jersey, Candy - Stripper names.”

“Candy? Been to lots of strip joints, have you?” Sid said with a smile.

“Are you kidding? I grew up in one.” Again silence greeted her statement. “You do realize I’m kidding? My momma raised me a good Christian girl. None of that nudie nonsense for me.”

“I knew that.” Sidney said defensively.

“Have you ever been to a strip club? Be honest!” Cadence commanded.

“It’s a rite of passage for a guy.” Sidney said and Cadence could picture him squirming in his seat because he was a little uncomfortable with the topic. She knew he was on the team bus, so she could picture the guys around him trying not to listen to his conversation. That made her even more amused.

“Did you put dollar bills in any g-strings?” Cadence said, knowing he would be irritated.

“Cadee! Seriously?” He paused, then surprised Cadee when he added, “That was all Max.” Causing Cadence to burst out laughing. Aiden looked at her.

“Talking to the golden boy, then?” Aiden asked knowingly. Cadee threw her pillow at him, hitting him square in the face.

When she finally managed to stop laughing, Cadee said, “What would you think about hanging out with me when you play in Dallas? Our show is the day after your game, so we’ll be in town.” Cadee held her breathe nervously, afraid he’d say no. They’d been talking to each other for the past few weeks, and she’d begun to think of him as a good friend. Actually seeing him in person again would be awesome. She felt a strangely strong connection with him.

“We definitely should.” Sidney couldn’t hide the excitement in his voice. “I’ll let you know when I have a copy of our schedule so that we can figure it out.”

“Wow. Now, I’m really excited!” Cadence told him, bouncing in her seat a little.

“Me too. Listen, I should probably go. The bus is almost to the hotel.” Sidney told her.

“Ok.” Cadee tried to hide the disappointment in her voice. “I’ll be watching the game. Kick Tampa’s ass for me.”

“Trust me, we’ll try to.” He told her, then said goodbye.


“That was your rock star?” Flower asked Sidney as soon as he hung up the phone.

“She’s not my rockstar.” Sidney said with a small smile, emphasizing the word my.

“Ok. Sure. And these are not my socks I’m wearing.” Flower paused to pull up the hem of his pants to show Sid his socks.

Sidney grinned at him, appreciating his offbeat sense of humor. “We’re friends.”

“I think you should ask her on a date.” Flower declared. He knew that Sidney liked her. He called her more than he called anyone else, and she always seemed to make him laugh.

“No.” Sidney turned away a little.

“Why? Afraid she’ll reject you? Wimp.” Flower made a noise of disgust.

“I don’t have time for that.”

“That? You mean love, amore?” Flower said dramatically. “There is always time for love. Or you will end up a sad man alone at home. Wrinkly and crying at night into your pillow.”

Jordan Staal piped up from behind Sid and Fleury. “I agree. Man up and ask her out.”

“Not that I was listening, but it sounded like you were making a date already. Matching schedules, it’s very cute.” Max added from across the aisle. “I was holding my breath expecting the kissy noises, alas they never came.”

“Shut up, Max.” Sidney said and glared at him. “It wasn’t a date. We’re going to hang out. She’s going to be in Dallas when we are.”

“If you kiss her, it’s a date.” Max told him.

“He’s not going to kiss her. Not on the first date.” Jordan reached over and patted Sid’s shoulder. “He’s not that kind of guy.”

“Guys, we really are just hanging out.” Sidney rolled his eyes and stared out the window, but found himself seriously thinking about what his friends had said.
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Sorry it's taken a while. Life's sucked a bit for me lately. :( Anywho, I was soooo excited when I got comments last time! Not even kidding. So Please comment. These two meet in person next chapter so that's exciting! And if you want to know how I picture these characters, here you go - Different Stars