Status: Stuck and depressed about it. Comment or message? PLEASE! Suggestions welcomed...I sound like a crazy person. LoL!

Different Stars

You're Precious

Cadence walked into the house and was greeted by the shrill sound of the fire alarm. She jogged to the kitchen and heard Sidney swearing. He was wearing an apron. Somehow that looked incredibly sexy to her, and Cadence couldn’t suppress the smile that formed on her face. Sidney looked at her, his brow furrowed in frustration.

Sidney coughed and waved an oven mitt in the air. “I think we are going to have to buy her a cake.”

Cadence grinned widely. “Agreed. She’ll like it no matter what. It’s very sweet though, you trying to make her cake. And when I tell her that you tried to make her a cake - oh baby, she is going to love you.”

“Even though I failed?” He asked and Cadence could tell that he was actually irritated and embarrassed.

“You didn’t fail. You need to get over this being perfect thing that you have.” She walked over to the very brown/ almost blackish cake and stabbed it with a fork. “Just to show you that this isn’t a failure, I’ll take a bite.” She said and slowly lifted the fork to her lips, waiting for him to stop her. When he didn’t stop her, she narrowed her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips. “You were actually going to let me eat that? What kind of boyfriend are you?”

“I thought it wasn’t a failure.” He said with a small grin. He was fighting hard not to laugh.

“Ok, so the cake was a failure, but you are the only boyfriend that has tried to make her a cake. I hate to tell you this, but my mom is easy. She would have been happy with HoHo cupcake.”

“You shouldn’t talk about your mom that way. Hoho? One of the ones with the white frosting on them?”

“Yes, those.”

“Are all the ladies in your family so easy to please?”

“I just meant that my mom is easy to please, ya perv! Why, am I easy?” Cadence said with a flirtatious smile.

“Did I say that?” Sidney asked, moving close to her.

“Mmm…you did.” Cadence said as she looped her arms around his neck.

“I might have misspoken.” He lifted her up to set her on the counter causing Cadence to let out a squeak.

“You just sat me in the frosting.” She wiggled against him.

“That sounds dirty.” He said.

“It is dirty. I have frosting on my butt.” She said, and she felt his hand move down to her butt.

“You do. I guess that means you’ll have to take off these jeans.” He half grinned as he reached to unbuckle them.


After their impromptu sex session on the kitchen counter, they’d had to hurry up to make it to the grocery store before the bakery would be closed. She’d picked up the closest t-shirt that had been available and thrown it on. Only once they were in the car did she realize that it was one of Sid’s Penguins shirts. It was one that only people on the team or with team connections could get. She was surprised when he didn’t say anything about it. He’d noticed, she was sure, but he’d only smiled. Now, they were in the store looking at the cakes. And for once Cadence felt like a normal couple, picking out a cake not worried about what the world would think.

“I like the plain white frosting with the gold writing.” Sidney said. He’d been seriously studying the cakes for at least two minutes. Cadence meanwhile was studying him study the cakes. His hair was getting long and it curled gently on his neck. She liked his hair that way, unfortunately he’d cut it soon for some reason or another. She would miss running her hands through it.

“Seriously? That does not surprise me.” Cadence said. There were all kinds of cakes. Go figure that he would choose that particular one and he didn’t even realize he had chosen the cake that was decorated in Penguin colors.

“It’s nice.” He said a little offended, thinking she’d didn’t like his choice.

“It is nice. I’m not arguing. But, Babe, you do realize that those are the colors on your uniform, right? Penguin colors.” Cadence said with a grin, and she saw Sidney blush a little before answering.

“I like it.” He said, and Cadence grinned even wider, but was soon distracted by a girl in the corner of the bakery section. She had what looked like a camera and was taking a picture of her and Sidney. “Is she taking a picture of us?” Cadence asked, causing Sidney’s head to whip around to look at the girl. She smiled sheepishly then walked over slowly.

“Can I take a picture with you? My name’s Marie. I’m the goalie on my team.” She asked Sidney quietly.

“Sure.” He said. He gave a half grin and leaned toward the girl. Cadence took the picture and smiled at Sidney. He seemed so natural with this girl, and with his fans in general, and yet he was terrified to let them know that he had a girlfriend? She didn’t understand. That thought bounced around in her head while he talked with the girl for a while. Occasionally he would look at her and smile. The girl eventually looked at her and Cadence saw realization strike.

“I…are you Cadence Hadley?” Marie asked.

“I am.” Cadence said with a nod.

“I love your music. Your songs…they just…they’ve helped get me through some tough stuff. I’m sure everyone says that, but I love you. I can’t believe I’m meeting both of you the same day!” Marie turned to Sid, “Will you take a picture of us now?”

“Sure. Just get in next to her.” He looked at Cadee and smiled at her over the camera. “Smile, Cadee.”

Once Cadence and Marie were posed together, Cadence looked at the girl and said, “I’m glad you like the songs. You’re why we make the music. Music got me through a lot of tough times in my life too.”

Marie blushed and looked flustered, and Sidney chose that moment to take the picture. Marie didn’t care and she said, “This is one of the best days of my life. Imagine meeting you two in a grocery store. I was taking pictures of the sunset and realized I was starving. I’m so glad I had a craving for donuts!” Marie was obviously extremely excited.

“I’m glad too then.” Cadence said giving the girl’s shoulder a squeeze.

“Will you sign something and then I promise I to leave you two alone.” Marie looked from Sidney to Cadence, looking like she actually thought they might say no.

“What should we sign?” He asked, Cadence paused at that for a moment. He’d said, “we”, not “I”.

“Gosh. Here sign this.” Marie reached over and pulled a box of donuts off a display. Sidney laughed.

“You haven’t bought those. I don’t feel right signing them.” He said and Cadence rolled her eyes.

“Sid, she’s going to buy them.” Cadence said causing Sidney to look at her pointedly. Obviously he didn’t think it was acceptable to tamper with food until you bought it.

“That’s ok.” Marie dug around in her camera bag, successfully finding a piece of paper. It looked like a receipt.

She handed it to Sidney and he signed it before handing it to Cadence.

“Thanks, guys. I know you’re busy.” Marie said, clutching the paper in her hand
like a piece of treasure. “You’re gorgeous together. I know that I don’t know you or anything, but you’re two of my favorite famous people on the planet, so I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks.” Sidney said, clearly uncomfortable with Marie’s speech. Cadence smiled at Marie, and was forced to turn to follow Sidney when he took off toward the register.

“It was nice to meet you, Marie.” Cadence threw over her shoulder.


Today was when Sidney was going to meet her parents, and she was nervous. To keep her mind off that situation, Cadence decided to get together with the band and work on possible new material. Cadence couldn’t help it, she felt like she would explode if she didn’t talk to someone and her bandmates were her best friends. They were always honest with her even when it was painful for her to hear. At the moment however, they were sitting around, Ben randomly playing drum beats to entertain himself.

"Cut the drums, Dude. I'm trying to have a serious conversation with Cadee here." Mike yelled in Ben's direction. Then he turned to look at Cadence. “He says that he’s not ashamed of you, but he won’t tell anyone that your dating?” Mike asked Cadence with an incredulous look.

She nodded slowly. “That would be a yes.”

“I don’t get it. I thought you two were in love. Shouldn’t he be, like, telling anyone that will listen?”

“He’s not like that. He’s private and I guess he’s got it in his head that he can’t tell anyone outside the team that we’re dating or it will be a disaster.”

“I don’t usually agree with Mike on…well, on anything, but he’s right. Sid should be happy about this. He doesn’t have to tell them you’re dating, but he shouldn’t be denying it either.” Aiden said with a disgusted look on his face.

“He hasn’t really denied it per say. He just doesn’t talk about it.”

“And that’s splitting hairs isn’t it? Telling half truths? Lies by omission are still lies.” Ben added his opinion.

“I know. But I feel like I can’t ask him to change just because it makes me mad. I’m not one of those people. He’s always been this way. Even his friends have been telling me that they’ve never seen him act the way he does with me. I just don’t know what to do.”

Aiden paused before answering. He and Cadence had the closest relationship of the four. They were like brother and sister, sharing an oddly emotional bond. “Cadee love, I don’t think it’s outrageous for you to ask him to acknowledge you in public. I think it’s safe to understand they he won’t volunteer the information without being asked. But if the interviewer asks if you two are dating, he should at least answer their questions honestly.”

Cadence shook her head and felt her eyes getting a little teary. “I know. I’m just being stupid anyway. I’m sure he wouldn’t flat out deny it.”

“You mean lie? Mr. Golden boy? I would hope not. Cadee anyone should be proud to date you. If Sid doesn’t realize that, it’s his problem and not yours.” Mike said. He stuck his guitar pick in his mouth and began to chew on it.

“That’s so bad for your enamel. And it is my problem because he’s my boyfriend, that’s the problem.” Cadee said.

“You’re worried about my enamel? Mom, I’m so glad you could come to P-town with me.” Mike said sarcastically, and Cadence stuck her tongue out at him. “Besides, your logic is giving me a brain cramp.”

“I didn’t know you had a brain, Mikey. I guess you do learn something new everyday.” Ben said with mock surprise.

“I’m telling Jane you said that.” Mike said, and was pleased when he saw Ben pale a little. Jane was usually very understanding and very evenly emotionally keeled, but lately her hormones had gotten a little outta control. It didn’t help that Mike always had the best snack food stashed away somewhere, so she had developed a bond with him. Pregnancy cravings and all. And Mike was using it to his advantage whenever he could.

“You wouldn’t.” Ben said.

“I would.” Mike said and threw his chewed up pick at Ben’s head.

“Just buy her some twinkies and dill pickles youself, Mate, and your problems will be solved. Mike would no longer be her supplier.” Aiden said as he rolled his eyes.

That night, they had dinner with her parents at the house. It was going well. Sidney was the perfectly charming boyfriend. Cadence could tell that her parents were taken with him. It was really impossible not be. He was a sweetheart. Now, it was time for the finale: cake and ice cream. Sidney was already planning on breaking his diet for the occasion.

Sidney came around the corner with the cake they’d picked out, candles ablaze. Cadence’s mom, Linda, began giggling. It was Cadence’s favorite laugh too. Her mom had many different types of laughter, but this was her surprised laugh and it was filled with happiness. Sidney couldn’t help but start laughing too, and Cadence’s smile was one of pure joy. This was a perfect moment. Until Linda went to hug Sidney and knocked the cake on the floor.

“I’m so sorry!” Linda cried.

Sidney was laughing lightly. “It’s fine. We still have the ice cream.”

“He’s used to me being a klutz, Mom. Besides Sid keeps the floors so clean that we can still eat the cake.” Cadence added, earning an eye roll from Sidney.

“I like a man who keeps house. That’s the only reason I am still with this one here.” Linda nudged Cadence’s step dad softly.

“I’ll remember that next time you want me to make you breakfast in bed.” He said with equal joking. Cadence sputtered, because she knew that was their code for having sex. ‘Breakfast in bed’ did not refer to pancakes and eggs in her household.

“Cadee never makes me breakfast in bed.” Sidney said, causing the other three to erupt into laughter.

“What?” Sidney said looking self conscious, realizing there was an inside joke and he had just stepped in the middle of it.

“Uhm…I’ll tell you later. But I do make you breakfast plenty. In fact, I’ll do it later tonight.” She said quietly as she hugged him. This left her unable to see the look on her mother’s face. It was one of utter adoration. She’d never expected to find such a good man for Cadence. She’d actually pretty much given up, but was pleasantly surprised to find that Cadence had the real article. It was obvious from their interaction that he cared for her a lot.

“You’re precious, Sidney.” Linda told him.

“I’ve been called a lot of things. Precious is not usually one of them, so thank you.” He said, feeling suddenly shy. He quickly began dishing out some vanilla ice cream for something to do.

“Babe, we forgot that we still have the other cake in the kitchen.” Cadence said. She hadn’t told her mom about Sidney’s attempt to make her a birthday cake, but she knew now was a good a time as any.

“What cake?” Her mom piped up. Sidney just looked at her with a panicked expression.

“Sidney made you a cake.” Cadence said and ran off to get it. Before Sidney could fully process what she was doing, Cadence came back and put the burned cake in front of her mom. Linda stared at it for a moment before turning to Sidney with a joyful expression.

Linda got up and walked over to Sidney, engulfing him in a hug. “You are precious.” She repeated, but this time she sounded like she meant it more than before. Her emotions were showing on her face and in her tone.

Sidney wasn’t sure how to respond, but he hugged her back, “Thanks. I’m sorry it’s burned. I’m not very good at making cakes. Cadence is much better.”

“And yet you made me one.” Her mother said in a tone that conveyed that she was grateful that he’d even tried. He hadn’t left it up to Cadence just because she could do it, he’d done it because he’d wanted to show that he cared about her family.

“Happy Birthday.” He said simply , then looked at Cadence over her mother’s head. Cadence’s expression was watery. She knew what her mother was remembering. All the birthdays that her ex-husband, Cadence’s father, had forgotten - all the cakes he never bothered to buy and the cards he’d neglected to give. After two years in a row of getting nothing from him, Linda had finally worked up the nerve to mention it to him. He’d said, “I gave you those, didn’t I?” and pointed at Cadence and her older sister. After that, her mother hadn’t mentioned her birthday to him again. So, Sidney making a cake for a woman he didn’t even know, touched Cadence’s mother deeply.

“I’m sorry it’s a little late.” Sidney said when the silence dragged a little. It was Cadence’s step father who finally stepped in.

“Better late that never.” He walked over and clapped Sidney on the back and gave him a wink. “Cadence won’t take to you getting Sidney all salt watery, Sugar.” He rubbed Linda’s back gently and she pulled away, wiping a tear away gently.

“Just an old lady getting all emotional.” She said, then continued. “After all, I’m allowed to, it’s my birthday celebration!”

“True enough.” Cadence said and then reached to give her mom a big hug. After her mother released her, Cadence walked over to Sidney and wrapped her arms around him, and stood on her tip toes to kiss him gently on the lips.

“I love you.” She said simply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, sorry it's taken forever. I actually had this chapter written and didn't like it. So this is the rewrite. At least I write long chapters though, right?

I was reading the comments and they actually made me feel conflicted! Should I prolong the agony or make them be happy now? The next chapter will probably not be the happiest.

Thoughts, opinions? Let me know what you think.