I Remain Unknown.

A Friend?

I wake up, it’s another day. The events from the previous night are now just a faded memory waiting to happen again tonight. I get dressed, skip breakfast, and start walking to school. I get there, arrive late for my first class. Everything’s the same, nothing out of the ordinary. I sit at my table, alone, like I usually do. This time, someone decides to join me.

“Hey, I’m Matt” he says, holding out his hand. I take it and lightly shake his hand.
“I’m Rae” I respond.
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” he asks me, pointing to the empty seat. He’s kind of cute. Brown hair, brown eyes, not too short.
“No, I don’t. Go for it” I say, confused as to why anyone would want to sit with me.
“So, are you new here?” I ask him, attempting to make small talk.
“Actually, no, I just thought you looked like you needed a friend” he smiled.
“Oh, well, thanks” I smile back, shocked.
“So, what kind of music do you like?” he asks me.
“I like all kinds of music. My favourite genre is more Punk/Rock you?” I say.
“I like lot’s of different kinds of music. Actually, me and couple of my buddies are in a band. I’d like it if you came and saw us one day” he smiled.
“That would be nice” I say, thinking of the possibility of getting out of the house, away from my mom and her stupid new boyfriend.
“We have a practice tonight, you can come, if you want” he said shyly.
“Yeah, I’d love to” I replied, then the bell rang.
“Okay, well, I have to go. Meet me after school, by the main entrance and we’ll go” he told me and left for his next class.

I smiled to myself. Someone actually invited me to hang out. I just made a friend. My first friend since that night. That one night that I screwed everything up.
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second chapter's up, tell me what you think? (: