I Remain Unknown.

Lose Yourself.

I got home and for once, my mom wasn’t there getting drunk with some new guy. I took this as a good thing and went downstairs to my basement bedroom. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my diary from under my pillow.

One mistake was all it took.
But he’s forgiven me.
He really has.
We’re both better now.
This will be one change,
that will hopefully only lead to good.

I smiled to myself, closed the diary and shoved it back under the pillow. I walked over to my stereo, popped in my favourite cd, that I hadn’t listened to in a long time, Abbey Road, by The Beatles. I lay down on my bed and let myself get lost in the music.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, Happy New Year! (:
anyway, chapter four! tell me what you think? (: