Stars From Atlantis


Alexandria had horrible luck. It was a fact. She hadn't seen her friends in weeks and desperetley wanted to get some sleep. But she was stuck with her cousin Manny in a hotel. Running from her parents, the cops, and her past. It was a five star hotel at least, but she still couldn't sleep in it. She didn't want to eat. She didn't want to look away from the window, she just watched as cars and oblivious pedestrians came and went. Manny should be back soon, she thought to herself. She wondered who he stole from this time. Northern Italy was full of enough pockets to pick from. He's good at it, she thought. That's all that matters. As if on que Manny walked in the room. His spiky black hair stuck to his forehead.
"Hey. Got some food. You actually gonna eat this time?" he asked, his voice hoarse.
"Yeah I guess..."
Manny could sense her discomfort.
"Listen Alex, it's gonna be ok. We'll have enough to get to Cairo real soon. Alright?"
"We better."
They smiled at each other sheepishly and began to eat. They had to get to Cairo. It was their only chance of survival. They heard of someone who could help them. Her name though was still unknown. But they had seen her before. When Alexandria and Manny were in stuck in the middle of Milan and Manny had gotten sick. She said she would help them, but only if they wanted the help. She would be in Cairo, Egypt. Waiting for them. Since then Manny put his pickpocketing skills to work almost everyday. But Alexandria had to turn to something she now had grown numb to. She needed to help with getting the money. Her job came at night, while men's fantasies were still waiting to be fullfilled. She had no choice. She was so sick of being left with nothing.
" Manny?"
"Umm nothing..."
"What? Did something happen?"
"Could anything else happen right now?". She asked sarcastically.
"Guess not. So what is it then?"
"Do you think she'll still be waiting for us? How long has it been since she found us"
"Not long. Look, all we have to do is get there. She'll do the rest, just like she said. Alright?"
"I don't want to go out tonight."
" I know you don't. I don't want you to either but it's only for a few more days. You whore for a little bit longer can't you?"
"You're such an asshole dude!" she said throwing a hot dog bun at him.
" I'm sorry I'm sorry," he said laughing. " But it's just for a few more days. Then I'll make sure no one ever touches you. Good?"
Alexandria looked down at her food. She knew she would make it. Somehow. Knowing that they were getting closer to salvation made her feel less like a prisoner. She raised her ocean blue eyes to her fatigue stricken cousin.
"Okay." She wouldn't be a victim. Not anymore.