Status: Comment and I swear to update, it helps motivate me to write. It's greatly appreciated!

Even Brighter Than the Moon

Do You Ever Feel, Feel So Paper Thin, Like A House of Cards, One Blow From Caving In?

Jimmy wasn't quite sure how long he'd been pleading with his daughter to unlock her bedroom door, but each time he'd gotten the same response which was he new found word: no. She even grew bored with a simple no and began answering him in other languages.

"Aggs, please let me in." He asked.

"Nine." She replied coldly in German, hoping he'd just give it a rest.

With that he did. He came down stairs with a weary expression. "I give up, she's not coming out." Jimmy said taking his seat beside his friends and wife.

"Don't worry man, she'll come around." Zacky smiled reassuringly.

"This is just so unlike her." Gena said worriedly. She never really understood the younger of Jimmy's twins, but she still liked the girl.

Charlie looked at the adults in front of him and sighed. They were wrong, this wouldn't just blow over. "I'll be right back." he mumbled to Danny, who grunted a response because he was intently watching Vanessa. Charlie slipped in the house, past his mother and Sarah unnoticed and up the stairs. Aggs's door was last of the long hall on the right.

Aggie Rae heard foot steps in hall outside her door and prepared to ward off her father once more, but in Russian this time. But instead the knock on her door was much softer, much like it's owners voice. "Aggie Rae? It's Charlie, open up."

Aggie Rae stared at the door intently. Charlie wasn't her friend, nor an enemy. He just occasionally talked with her, a way no one else did, and she listened. Hesitantly, she unlocked the door and let Charlie in. She didn't even bother to look at him as she resumed her place atop her bed. Charlie settled with a place on a bean-bag. He licked his lips before asking, "So do you plan on hiding away alone in here forever?"

The raven beauty crossed her arms and a small pout crossed her pink lips. "Of course not. That's unethical, Jules and Creed will need to bring me food."

"Well than speak to Jimmy at least." Charlie reasoned. This is when she offered the Russian equivalent to no. He stood, realizing he was getting no where with her. "Then come with me." Aggie Rae watched confused as he opened her bedroom window and began to climb out it. "Are you coming?" he asked looking back at her expectantly.

"We're on the second floor!" She exclaimed, questioning his sanity.

He laughed, and the sound made her smile as well. "Come on, just trust me." She leaned out the window, watching as he used the gutter and her mother's fence the roses grew on as footing. He landed and held his arms up. "Climb down, and if you slip I'll catch you."
Instead the first thing out the window was a blue bag. He caught it. "Books?"

"If I'm leaving, I'm might as well go the library and the beach." She said stepping out the window and slowly beginning to back down as he did. He smiled up at her, which she saw when she looked down at him. Aggie Rae desperately wanted to smile back at his dimpled grin, but her fear of heights was just not going to let her. And then she slipped.

Aggie Rae closed her eyes and prepared to hit the ground but instead she didn't. She peaked open an eye to see he indeed did catch her. "Told you I'd catch you. Now lets go before the library closes."


They weren't at the library long. Charlie just walked behind, paying close attention to the books she picked out; watching what fancied her interest. He just watched as she bit her lip, attempting to decide which book to check out and only to shrug and check out both.

By the time they reached the beach, the sun was beginning to set along the coast. "It's beautiful out here." Aggie Rae said from her place in the sand.

"Yeah, it's not the only thing." Charlie added. Aggie Rae looked looked over at him to see he was indeed not staring at the ocean but at her. She blushed and looked away. "Come on." Charlie said standing up and taking off his shirt before holding his hand out to her.

"Where are you trying to get me to go now?" Aggs questioned softly.

"Just to the water." Charlie said flashing her another one of his award winning smiles.

"Oh no no." She said quickly and shaking her head. "I don't usually go in the water. Swimming and I don't mix."

"Who comes to the beach and doesn't get in the ocean. Just take my hand, and I'll promise not to let go." He reasoned. Aggie Rae has never been careless. She knew that with reckless ideas, proved consequences. But today, it seems she's thrown the that principle out the window. The blue eyed girl took the hazel eyed boys hand and she let her fingers intertwind with his as he led her to the ocean.

And he did as promised and never let go. She'd never had that much fun at the beach. Eventually the day had to end. The walked back to the Sullivan house, their hands still holding the others, Charlie swinging them gently. He'd tell corny jokes and make her laugh, a sound he was beginning to love. She walked through the door to see hers and Charlie's parents in the living room. Her mother saw her first. "Where have you been?" Sarah yelled.

And that's when Charlie saw it. Aggie Rae's beautiful, bright blue eyes dimmed a little; they lost that twinkle she gets from when she's happy. He probably wouldn't of noticed at all if he hadn't been studying them all day. Aggie Rae was immediately taken back by her mother's hostile tone. ""

"We went to the library and to the beach." Charlie interrupted. He couldn't believe how her mother spoke to her sometimes. Jimmy never saw, most didn't, but Charlie always noticed. "I'm sorry if that upset you."

Matt looked up from the couch and raised and eye brow at his son. He and Val weren't as worried about them being gone because he taught Charlie well, and he was a good kid. Sarah lost it a bit. It looked as if Charlie won the conversation and tamed the raven beauty's mother. Sarah crossed her arms and turned slightly to the side; he face blank of any emotion. "Well, it would've been appreciated if I'd know my daughter's where abouts." And with that she stalked down the hall way.

Aggie glanced nervously at her father and Val and Matt before back up at Charlie's face. "You didn't have to do that, she would've calmed down eventually."

"Of course I did." Charlie smiled. "I wouldn't of thrown you into the lions den. Besides, today was fun, not something you should be in trouble for."

"Today was, wasn't it?" She smiled, her nose crinkling up slightly, causing Charlie to suppress the urge to kiss her. "Thank you, for both." He nodded looking down, seeing the light in her eyes come back again, and the crimson blush paint her cheeks. "Good night Charlie." she whispered before doing the unthinkable and kissing his cheek and turning to walk up the stairs.

Charlie wasn't sure what just happened, but he to fight off another middle school urge to never wash his cheek again.


The Sanders family went how with saying a word to each other. Val just kept glancing at her son than exchanging a knowing look with her husband. "I'm going to go wash up and start dinner." She said softly as they entered the house and she disappeared into the kitchen.

Charlie sat beside his father on the opposite side of the living room couch. Matt kept his eyes on the TV but said aloud. "So you spent the day with Aggie Rae today?"

Charlie rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Just went to the beach, nothing big."

"You like her or something?" Matt continued.

Charlie stood up annoyed and looked at his father. "God dad, can't a guy hang out with a girl with out the third degree?" He said beginning up the stairs to his room.

"You kiss her yet?" Matt yelled, just to irritate his son.

♠ ♠ ♠
I am so tired, like I may sleep for till Christmas after I post this. BUT I WON'T, if my new found lovely readers comment again. I officaly love you all. I ask for one comment and I got like four. You make me proud, and I updated quickly in thanks. SO, I ask again. Just one comment, and a good one. Tell me what you do or even don't like. Pretty Please?

