Status: Comment and I swear to update, it helps motivate me to write. It's greatly appreciated!

Even Brighter Than the Moon

Do You Ever Feel Already Buried Deep, Six Feet Under Screams But No One Seems to Hear A Thing?

The tour bus that was in front of the Sullivan home towered mockingly over Aggie Rae. It had been exactly one week since she had spoken to her father. One week since the tour was brought up. One week since her day with Charlie. One week since Charlie had even glanced her way. It was almost like he was avoiding her; maybe she had looked to far into it and he just thought he was just 'doing a good deed'. She didn't care that much, she didn't need his pity.

Her suitcases were packed and loaded on the bus almost an hour ago. Usually the wives go to do merch and things but this year it'd be the kids. The guys also decided to give a few roadies a much need break, figuring their sons could take their place. So the bus held ten bunks in total, five for the band, and the others for Charlie, Danny, Melissa, Ember, and Aggie Rae. The others had already claimed their bunks, leaving Aggie under Charlie, much to her dismay.

"Got everything, kid?" Brian said wrapping his arm around Aggie Rae's shoulder. Brian was Aggs's favorite out of her father's friends.

She looked up at him with a scowl, not even attempting to play nice. "Unfortunately."

"Look at it this way," Brian said, trying to lift the girls spirits. "you'll be escaping your mother."
And it worked. Aggie Rae did desperately want to leave Sarah, and Brian knew about her distaste for her mother.

"Aggie!" Someone, possibly Zacky, yelled. "Creed and Jules are here!" Aggie Rae quickly ran outside, and flung her arms around the boys' necks. She had never left them for longer than a week before, and she'd be touring with them for at least two months.

"It's ok, doll face." Jules said rubbing her back. Jules always more for the pet names. "We'll see you soon, and talk everyday. Don't cry beautiful." He wiped the tears on her face with his thumb.

"Now, you call us," Creed began, sounding much more like her parent than her friend, "If anything, and I mean ANYTHING goes wrong. We'll drive all night and bring you home."

Jimmy watched the exchange between his daughter and her friends. "You guys think I'm doing right by her? Making her come with us and all."

Zack shrugged, but smiled reassuringly at his friend. "Don't sweat it, man. She'll come around and it may take a bit getting used to, but she'll be fine."

Brian nodded as well, knowing that no way in hell that this will go as smoothly as they plan; and they hadn't even left the drive way yet.


Aggie Rae sat curled up on the corner of the couch, they bus hit bumps in the road occasionally causing her to bounce in her seat. Jimmy watched her, wondering why she wasn't staring at the television, watching as Brian got beat by Danny at guitar hero on the solo of Beast and the Harlot. Wondering why she wasn't laughing with everyone else.

"Aggs?" He said softly, attempting to get her to speak to him. "I know your mad at me. Just please talk to me."

Aggie Rae stood and muttered. "No hablo ingles."

Charlie watched out of the corner of his eye as the raven beauty stood and walked back toward the bunks. He wasn't exactly positive why he'd been ignoring her, just that he needed to do it. "God she's so fucking weird." Ember growled in a hushed tone once Aggie Rae was out of ear shot.

Danny snorted. "Yeah, I swear this morning I saw her mumbling to her self. Crazy bitch."

She was singing to herself Charlie quickly thought. He didn't know why his mind was so quick to defend her from the awful things the others said. The hazel eyed boy sat confused, just looking at his hands if some how they had all the answers scribbled across them, like when you cheat for a test.

He just didn't know.


They next few days a tense air had set in the on the Avenged bus. Their first show will be tonight, but Aggie Rae just wasn't up to it. Jimmy was in foul mood because Aggs had yet to let him get two words in before walking away. She knew she was being childish, but he had broken her pinky promise; a promise is a promise, no matter how childishly you made it. Ember had also taken it upon her self to make a snotty remark every time Aggie Rae passed. "Freak." Ember hissed as Aggie Rae walked over to the table with her breakfast. And of course for Aggs's luck, Melissa's foot was 'conveniently' placed in the middle of Aggie's way.

The tall, slender girl didn't even get a chance to react before the cereal bowel had left her hand and she landed on her back. The cereal, milk, and all landed on her right after. The loud laughter from Melissa and Ember rang through the bus immediately got everyone's attention. Jimmy poked his head from his bunk to see Aggie Rae laying on the ground, looking if she were to cry, while his other daughter pointed and laughed. He walked toward them, Brian and Matt close behind. "What the hell just happened?"

No one said anything, Aggie Rae just set attempted to stand and Charlie went to help, but she furiously brushed his hands away. "I don't want your help." she mumbled.

Everyone watched as she shrugged past the adults, not even looking them in the eye. As she shut the door, she heard Brian say, "Melissa Haner, you want to explain?"


Aggie Rae looked in the mirror. Her skin was too pale, her lips a touch too plump. The blue eyes of her father's looked too wide and strange on her face. She was just wrong. It didn't take her long to pick out the cheerio bits from her curls, but it left them frazzled and starting to frizz. One tear slipped, and then another, and another till she couldn't stop them. Her knees gave, and she soon became a crumpled mess on the floor.

"Aggie?" Charlie said softly through the door. No ones ever called her just Aggie before, and what did he want now? She knew she could easily reach up and lock the door, but it was as if something willed her not too.

Charlie pressed his forehead to the door, praying she wasn't crying. He didn't know how to handle a crying girl, nor did he like seeing Aggie Rae cry. Especially not her. He took a deep breathe and slowly opened the door. The raven beauty was curled up, her knees pulled to her chest, silently letting tears fall down her cheeks. How could the others be so mean to this beautiful creature, enough to make her cry?

Charlie was at a loss. So he did what he thought would be a good idea; he sank to the floor as well, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, hoping it'd be enough for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
No, you silly people. This didn't take me so long to get out because I've been drawing the A7x gods all day. That's a preposterous idea, a definitely true lie. And if ur curious, no hablo ingles means I can't speak English, or something along those lines. And again, I ask one meaningful comment, much like the ones I've been getting (Props to you all), and I'll update quickly.

And no, I don't really like this chapter. It got what I was trying to say. Kind of.

