Status: Comment and I swear to update, it helps motivate me to write. It's greatly appreciated!

Even Brighter Than the Moon

Just Own the Night

Aggie Rae had never really taken the time to watch her father play. Growing up she had looked at the band with envy that eventually turned into regret; the band got to spend the time with him she always wanted. Tonight, however, was different. Somewhere in the comfort of Charlie's arms she just...relaxed. Then the raven beauty noticed how fixated Brian stared at his guitar, and how Zacky just sauntered carelessly across the stage. She saw how when Matt sang his dimples were bursting out his cheeks and how Johnny bobbed his head to the beat.

Bur most of all, Aggie noticed Jimmy. Earlier, Johnny had told her to give her dad a break, that was a great guy once you got to know him; and from this performance she concluded she didn't. The man up there on that stage was the other side of Jimmy, the crazy artist who'd sing rock songs instead of nursery rhymes. To her it was like she were looking in a parallel universe, as he twirled the drum stick effortlessly in his right hand. She wanted to get to know this side of her father. Also for the first time she saw M. Shadows instead of Matt, Zacky Vengeance instead of Zack, Synyster Gates instead of Brian, Johnny Christ instead of just Johnny, and lastly The Rev instead of her dad.


The last on-chore was played, Matt was saying his goodbye's to the crowd, and Jimmy just quietly looked around. He found his younger daughter looking back at him, the same blue eyes of his own, just piercing. He couldn't figure out the expression Aggie wore, whether it was good or bad, or just blank. Things between them in a rough patch no doubt, but he still wishes to fix it.

"Hey, Jim come on." Brian said getting his attention. Jimmy noticed in all his thinking the arena was empty. Jimmy did as told, and followed quietly behind.

He didn't make it far.

In a matter of seconds he was being smothered in a hug only a daughter can give her father. He caught the raven beauty, stumbling back slightly out of surprise. "I love you dad."

And just like that things were ok, for now.


Since they were staying in town, they'd decided to stay at hotel. Aggie Rae lucked out and got a room to herself. She'd spent the morning locked away, stressing over the events that were to perspire this evening.Aggie wasn't terribly positive of what she were to wear on a date. The only other one she'd gone on a date with was Billy Ford in fifth grade; it was to the movies. But Billy didn't matter, this was a high school boy with expectations and past girls to compare her to. What do you even wear to a carnival? A summer dress or shorts? Most of all what she say once they got there?


Another avenged child had found themselves in a similar predicament. It was six, and Charlie would be meeting the Raven beauty at seven. "What do you mean you're busy, got a hot date I'm not aware of?" Danny asked, eye brow raised. He had asked his friend to go down to the pool with him, a wonderful chance to hang out with Melissa and Ember. Surprisingly the younger boy declined.

Just Aggie. Charlie laughed nervously, "Just some girl."

Danny's frown turned to a wicked grin. "Outta town tail? I like you style Sanders...Never took you for being into the hit-and-run, but hey, good for you."

Charlie loved and hated his best friend's shallowness sometimes, but in instances like these, it helped greatly. Now, if the rest of his evening will go this smoothly.


Her hair was surprisingly straight, only waving out on the ends, and a long magenta streak ran through the front. Aggie Rae also decided the summer dress would be best, it was a sheer white, covered in sequence of every color, and had a brown belt around the middle. She also decided on the sandals, but her gladiator style ones so they'd stay on her feet. At last she was ready.

Charlie on the other hand had been ready a half an hour early. He stood in the hotel lobby, where they chose to meet, ignoring the curious glances of his father and his father's fellow band mates who sat on the other side at the bar.

"What do you think he's up to?" Johnny said pointing his beer and Charlie before taking a drink.

Sure enough the young Sanders was dressed a little nice just to set around a hotel. "Maybe he has a date?" Zacky shrugged. "Little curious where he managed to find one between here and the bus though."

The elevator doors dinged open and the raven beauty stepped out, her hands clasped tightly together in front of her as she walked. Jimmy's brows furrowed in confusion. "Now where's Aggie going?" Matt shrugged and offered a knowing smile. The five men watched as she walked slowly up to Charlie, delicately placing both hands on the sides of his cheeks and softly placed a kiss on his lips.

The slowly parted before Charlie winked, enclosed his hand with her's and they walked out of the building.

"What the fuck?" Brian was the first to speak.


"Blue cotton candy is way better!" Charlie laughed, challenging her commitment to the original pink. "It's like all blueberry."

Aggie rolled her eyes but smiled none the less. They had played multiple games, and cheekily enough, Charlie won her a medium sized panda bear. It was nearing nine thirty and they really only had to rides left: the Ferris wheel, and the tunnel of love; neither of which they both jumped to ride.

Taking the lesser of the two evils, Aggie began to walk toward the Ferris wheel, Charlie following blindly behind. But then Charlie stopped altogether. That Ferris wheel was high up. Charlie Sanders does not do heights. There wasn't a line, so they'd be next to get on. Aggie handed the man her ticket, expecting Charlie to be right behind her, but instead she cocked her head to the side, "Do you not want to ride this one?" she asked, breaking him from his trance.

Charlie didn't do heights for anyone since he was little, not even a girl. He'd make up some lame excuse and they'd go alone. "I'll ride with her!" Some guy that seemed to appear from no where and was about to step on beside her but Charlie stopped him.

"It's alright, I got it." Charlie said politely, but clearly drawing territorial lines. He'd go so he wouldn't look weak in front of Aggie and she wouldn't ride with that...guy. Charlie leaned back, closing his eyes shut and began to count the passing seconds in his head to keep from having a panic attack.

At first it worked, but then they got to the top and it stopped. "Awe, man!" Aggie sighed. "Looks like were going to be stuck up here for a few minutes. "We could make the best of it." She purred into Charlie's ear.

Charlie though, didn't hear a single thing she said after 'stuck up here'. The Hazel eyed boy squeezed his lids shut tighter, and attempted not to move so they're cart wouldn't rock. He then began to hear a wheezing noise, like a choking animal. It wasn't till Aggie started shaking him, that he realized it was him.

"Shit, Charlie baby what's wrong?" Aggie asked beginning to panic. "You're white as a sheet."

Charlie regrettably opened his eyes, only to see Aggie's blue ones. For a second he was calming down, then the wheel made a funny noise and he looked around to see how high up they were. "Holy mother of fuck, that's a long way down." He said quickly leaning back and resuming shutting his eyes.

"Down?" Aggie said quietly before saying in a normal tone, "Baby, are you afraid of heights?"

He tried to answer no but failed when his voice quivered like a small child being reprimanded by his mother. "N-no."

"Oh my god!" She said she hands flying over her mouth. "Why didn't you say something, we didn't have to come up here!"

"Yeah we did." He answered, his voice still hoarse but stronger. "I know you like to look at the sky at night to see the stars. This is a pretty close view."

"Charles you idiot." She said shaking her head. "I can look at the stars from the ground, not up here where you are uncomfortable. She scooted toward him, curling into his side. To anyone passing it looked like he was soothing her not the other way around, and him clinging to her like a flotation device. "If I kissed you could that maybe help?"

He peeked one eye open. "Maybe." And that is how the hazel eyed boy spent the evening kissing the raven beauty under the stars.


Danny awoke the next morning and went down to the hotel restaurant to meet the others for breakfast. "Has anyone seen Charlie? He didn't come back to the room last night."

Matt looked up at the information on the where abouts of his son. Jimmy's eyes narrowed as he said. "Come to think of it, Aggie hasn't come down here yet either." He immediately jumped up and sprang into action, ignoring the calls of Matt. He went to the desk telling a white lie that Aggie misplaced the room key to her room and saying they needed another.

He quickly made it to the fourth floor and room 2678. Without even hesitation or a knock Jimmy opened the door to find Charlie in Aggie's room alright.

Aggie was fast asleep under the covers of the bed and Charlie laid asleep atop the covers of the other half still fully clothed, he even had his shoes still on. Jimmy worried for nothing, he left the room with a smile, not at all seeing the hickeys on Aggie's neck and her breast.
♠ ♠ ♠
giggles. Charlie the widdle baby-kins.

